Chapter 4: Omelette Flavored

A girl..... enveloped by so much sadness, pain....yearning for life, and clinging to a never-ending cycle of suffering. A repetition of vast emotions, more like.... a void. My hand will reach her... almost there.


Huh? A dream? Why am I crying?


"Yeah mom?"

"What score did you get on that test the other day?"


She slaps me out of frustration

"How the hell did you get a score that low? Be more like your brother, Anthony. He's a top student in the country."

"....yes mom"

This is my mother, Marie Dane. She is a former teacher at my school. She has been comparing me to my brother ever since we were little. It's always been like this, ever since I was born, my brother was already in the spotlight.

I was only a cheap imitation of my overly competent brother. Whatever I could do, he could do 10 times better. I guess having a genius older sibling can also be a curse.

Our mother started to force me to be like my brother, she would even threaten me to study before. Back then, I was ranked pretty high, I'd rank top 10 or higher, but it was at the cost of the harsh tutoring my mother put me through.

We would study all night until I could barely keep my eyes open. I wouldn't call it studying, it was more like memorization. I had to memorize literal book pages, word per word, with every punctuation, or else my mother wouldn't let me sleep.

Other people would recognize me as a good honor student, but my mother thought of me as nothing more than a defective son. I guess she sees me as a disappointment.

Around middle school, I decided to just stop taking my academics seriously. I really didn't want to study cause of the suffering I got from it. My parents got really mad, because my rank came from within rank 10, down to rank 20s.

"Anthony is coming home tonight, make sure to fix his room."

"Yes mom"

So big brother is finally showing up. Oh crap, I'm gonna be late for school.


I arrived just in time.

"I... CAN'T..... BREATHE" I said while breathing heavily.

Winter passes by me,

I wave at her

She didn't wave back and didn't even notice me. It suddenly felt cold. I just brushed it off and went to class.

"Glenn, we need to talk."

This is the class rep, he is also our top 1, and a student council member. He skipped a grade in elementary and now, he's our classmate. His name is Evan Carter, despite being overly intelligent and his amazing reputation, he's surprisingly childish. You can't really blame him, cause he might just want to reclaim his 1 year of childhood.

"What is it Evan?"

"I heard you were dating Winter from class D"

"Yeah so?"

"There are rumors that she's spoiled and ignores everyone around her and they also say she's been sleeping with many guys. She could be just with you to sleep with you."

"Haha... Sorry, I can't help but laugh, the ignores part is understandable and spoiled… maybe, but she isn't really a player. I really don't see her becoming good with guys, but thanks for your concern Evan"

"My apologies for overstepping, it shan't happen again my Lord."

"It's no problem at all, sir Evan. "

"Haha, how are you Evan? Haven't seen you since middle school."

"I've been too busy with student council work."

"If you need help, you could always come to me."

"Yeah thanks, goodluck on your relationship by the way. Bye now, I still have more work to do in the student council."


It was lunch time, I was on my way to the roof to see if Winter was there. I was walking up the stairs and I saw a girl falling, I tried to catch her and we both fell. Much to my surprise, it was Winter. I get a closer look at her eyes.

"Your eyes, they changed a bit."

"Oh it's you Glenn, you noticed? My contacts are colorless so it shouldn't change much. I forgot my contacts at home, so I had to go to school without them."

"Want to walk to the roof together. I can hold your hand, so you won't fall anymore."

"Can you please move, we're in a really awkward position now. Even in school, you really have no shame." She said with a straight and calm face like always.

I got a closer look of her and I almost forgot how hot this girl is.

"Sorry!!!... By the way, have you considered wearing glasses?"

"Why? Do you have a glasses fetish?"


"Disgusting pervert"

"Oh, whatever."

I just grabbed her by her hand and helped her walk up to the roof. Out of nowhere, she suddenly hands me money,


"What's that for?"

"For the yakisoba bread last month."

"You're paying pretty late and that was on me, you don't have to pay for it."

"No, you absolutely must take this." she said with a pretty intimidating voice.

I hesitate, but after a while, "Okay, fine. If you're that worked up about it, guess I'll take it."

"You have a lunchbox? You didn't have one before. Did you make it?".

The reason I didn't have one before is cause I went way too early to school and my mom wasn't able to give me the lunchbox, but I really can't say that.

"M-my mom's the one who cooks, but she wasn't able to cook for me that day so she just handed me money. I could share some to you if you want."

"Alright, I'll give you the food I bought in the cafeteria."

"You really don't have to."

"I strongly insist."

She really doesn't like owing anybody anything, huh?


She opens her mouth "Aaa"

"What're you doing Winter?"

"C'mon feed me." She said while pointing to her mouth


"Go on, feed me."

"O-uh s-sure, here wait..."

This is really bad, I'm not good at feeding people. What if it falls or something happens. You can do this Glenn, mind over matter. Don't overthink. I managed to feed her, but steam was coming out of my head cause it was too much.

"MmMmm tum, your mom's a pretty good cook"


"By the way, what happened to your face, did you get into a fight?"

"No, it came from my mother."

She started to hold my cheek. We looked at each other for a while.

She slowly moves her face forward. In this very moment, I knew exactly what was going to happen, from every angle, from every perspective. The moment I was already thinking of, from the day I met her, everything was going exactly like my brain thought of. I knew how this was gonna happen. Yet, it was all overwhelming. Our lips slowly meet as she kissed me.

Her lips were soft and her hands were gentle. I looked at her, with my face all red and she wouldn't look at me, but I caught a glimpse of her red face and eyes that looked vulnerable as she was slightly shivering. My only complaint would be that it's omelette flavored.

"W-why'd you do it!?"

"I-I don't know, it just happened."

I touched my lips and stared at hers.

"Stop looking and fantasizing you perv"

We get silent for a while

"A-anyway, how'd you do on the test Winter?


"You said that so calmly, what was your score?"


"...WHAT?! Really? "


"If you're having trouble with studies, I could help you. Want me to tutor you or something? I'm not that good of a teacher, but I'm passable"

"I'll allow you to be my tutor on one condition."


"I'll pay you, it's not for free, ok?"

"I can't do that, this is a volunteer job, but if you're gonna be like that then let's just say that it's a group study. You won't have to pay me if it's a group study right?"

"That's right, but we're not a group, so pair study? "

"I'd rather call it couple study since we are one"

She hides her face, but immediately looked back at me and gave me a glare.

"Come to my house next Saturday" she said.

"Your house, are you sure?" I said with a lively look.

"We'll just be studying, nothing else." She said with a smile

-Glenns' Home-

"I'm home"

"Welcome back" my brother said

"Oh yeah, I forgot you were gonna be here. So, how are you?"

"Nothing much, the research's a pain in the ass and I still have to pass 4 of them."

"Well, you'll probably just nail it like you always do. I'm going to my room, just call me when dinner's ready"

I'm going to her house next Saturday, should I buy protection? Just in case? No, I shouldn't be thinking about these things AGHHHHH. If she knew what I was thinking she'd probably be disgusted.

*knock* *knock* "Dinner's ready"

"Be down in a minute"

"I really shouldn't be overthinking this."


Crap, it's already tomorrow. What am I gonna wear? I guess I should by her a gift or maybe something to eat for tomorrow.

I went out for a bit. I bought snacks to bring tomorrow. I decided to go home and pass by a nearby school. I saw Winter and some other girls from that school,

"Hi b*tch, were you out sleeping with another guy?"

I overhear their conversation as she harassed her

"Oh, there you are Winter. We have to go to the restaurant, everybody's already waiting."

"You must be her current plaything. I bet I could steal this boy from you right now Winter"

"Sorry to be a bit rude, but I have neither the time nor the enthusiasm to talk to a bunch of sadistic freaks. As I said, we're in a hurry."

I took Winter by the hand and we walked away from them.

"Are you okay? They didn't hurt you or anything?"

"Why didn't you go with her, she's obviously more girly, beautiful, and bett-"

I kissed her "This is payback for what you did before" and again "This is cause I think you're better than all of those girls combined" and again.....

"So, what was the third one for?"

"Sorry, I got carried away with the third one."

She keeps silent

"So, where are your bodyguards?"

"I escaped from them"

"Call them, I'll wait til they arrive so you can go home safely"

"You really don't have to."

"I'm staying."

The car arrived and she waved at me

"See you tomorrow" she said.