Chapter 5: Perfect Day?

The sun has risen, but its rays are not too piercing. The wind blows a bit heavily, yet the breeze feels nostalgic and somewhat warm. 

A decent amount of sleep, semi-formal attire, and one whole week of preparation, all for the sake of this day. Today is a perfect day and this is a day I cannot afford to fail. Right now, I am in front of the famous Sin Estate, where Winter and her family live. I have to say it is... huge. It's 10x bigger than my house. This looks like it's bigger than a village. 

I am about to go to the battlefield known as the "girlfriend's house" . I wish luck upon myself. 

I rang the doorbell, and it makes a buzzing sound, suddenly a voice- " 

"May I ask who this is? Do you have an appointment?" the anonymous voice said. 

"Uh, I'm Glenn... er Uhm W-Winter invited me over to study" 

"Come right in sir," said the anonymous voice. 

The exceedingly large and extravagant gate opens to a vibrant garden, filled with different flowers and other greenery. A glorious pathway leads to the overly massive modern mansion. I was left in awe of the scenery you could get from within someone's home. 

From here, I can see gardeners working in the flower fields as sweat falls off their tired but rewarding faces. A feeling of optimism gained so easily. 

To enter the mansion, I had to go through another royal-like gate. I enter, and a row of maids show up to welcome me. The maids were standing side to side beneath a center staircase, from which I can hear light footsteps slowly coming down the stairs. 

A girl that resembles Winter came down from the stairs. She had a sophisticated composure and dazzling beauty, our eyes met for a second, her gaze already seems to speak ill of me, and her expression of disappointment already so bare. 

Winter also comes down from the second floor using the stairs moments later, and welcomes me herself in her pajamas and glasses, asking me to follow her to her room. The mysterious look-alike of Winter suddenly hugs and cuddles her, 

"Oh, my sweet oh-so-adorable little sister, is this the guy you were talking about?" 

Winters' expression clearly shows that she has not approved of the excessive cuddling. 

"Yes," she replied. 

Her sister once again looks at me with a hateful look in her eyes, I could feel her angry aura as if she's telling me to die. Right then and there, I was already sure that this girl had a siscon. 

I was still staring at Winter in her pajamas at this point. 

"Oh, guess I should introduce you two, Glenn, Merry. Merry, Glenn. " 

Oh, that introduction was so helpful. 

Winter then takes me to her room and as we were walking, 

"Your sister, she's uhm... eccentric?" 

"Yes, she's a total weirdo" 

You're one to talk.

We finally reach her room after walking through long hallways, this is the first time I've been in the so-called girls' room. I was amazed, it was so... unpleasantly unclean. Yes, she had an extremely messy room for someone who had so many maids. 

"If you don't mind me asking, W-what the hell happened to your room?" 

"What do you mean?" She says with a straight face and a serious voice. 

This girl... she is way too oblivious to housekeeping, I mean, I knew she wasn't the household girl type, but this is a bit too much. 

"Don't you think, it maybe needs just a tiny little bit of cleaning?" 

"It's fine, my maids just cleaned it 15 minutes ago." 

"F-fifteen minutes? Did you cause all of this in 15 minutes? This place looks like it went to hell and back." 

"A-anyway, I brought some cake, could you ask your maids to get us some tea?" I said. 

"No need, I'll make it myself." She replied instantly. 

"Oh, okay." 

That's way better, now I have a chance to tidy this room even a little bit. The minute she leaves the door, I started cleaning like crazy, I picked up all the clothes lying on the floor, fixed the messy bed, and cleaned her study table. 

She returned and saw me breathing heavily. I couldn't feel my body, it was so sore from cleaning that hard. 

"What happened to you?" She asked. 

"Oh, nothing at all, breathing exercises. Yes, I was just doing some breathing exercises." I said while trying to catch my breath. 

She looks at me suspiciously, I look away and start to whistle, but she lets it go immediately. 

"I brought the tea" 

She poured me a cup of tea and I hesitantly took a sip. 

"This is... surprisingly good. Wow!" 

"What do you mean surprisingly?" She pouts at me. 

"I mean, I thought you were helpless in things like this. " 

"That's rude, even I could make tea." She said while looking away from me in disappointment. 

"Sorry, sorry" 

"Anyway, let's begin studying now," she said. 

I took out a book from my bag and a piece of plastic comes flying out of it. It landed on the table and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was... A F*CKING CONDOM. 

I had a blank look on my face, I already knew that something bad was about to happen, I try to look at Winter and we both become silent. It felt as if an ominous aura filled the room. 

Why the hell was that in there??? 

"Let's pretend we didn't see anything, okay?" I said with an extremely nervous face. 

"Die. Commit seppuku." she said with a murderous glare. 

Oh my God, she wants me to die. 

"Didn't I tell you time and time again that we were only going to study?" 

"I'm so sorry," I said while as prostrated myself. 

She continues to look down on me in utter disgust while we try to study. Out of fear, I try to speak, 

"I swear-" 

"Are you not going to ask me about the girls yesterday?" she interrupted me. 

Girls? Oh, the bullies from yesterday. 

"If you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you to." 

"What's with that answer? It's so cliché and cool, it's so not you." 

I blush for a second 

"Oh, leave me alone!" 

"But... thank you, for yesterday, for helping me back there. You're a lifesaver." she says with a relieved face. 

What's with that adorable face, don't use it on me. "N-no problem, it wasn't that big of a deal, I'm happy to help" 

"I'm going to tell you after all… my story." 

I was shocked as she was about to open up to me. 

"As a kid, I didn't have many friends, I didn't talk to many girls at my age so they thought I was being smug and all that. In my middle school days, the brown-haired girl you saw yesterday started spreading rumors about me being a bitch and a whore. She was the daughter of the headmaster of the school, so I wasn't really in the greatest position. 

My so-called friend was too afraid to fight for me and I didn't care less at that point. I was able to clear my name, but after that, I ignored my only friend, I thought that being friends with her was just too painful for me. I knew it was unfair because anyone would be scared to stand up against their schools' owners, but even so, I just felt so betrayed, she didn't even try to comfort me. When I needed her, she ran, after that, I decided to interact with people even less." 

I noticed her holding back her tears as she was trying to hide her face from me. I put my hand on top of her head. 

"You don't need to hold back on me, you can cry as long and as much as you want. You don't have to be so hard on yourself, your friend was the one at fault when she abandoned you at the time you needed her. From where I stand, she should be feeling much worse than you. But, at least you have three friends now right?" 

She starts to tear up a little, but she wouldn't make a sound. 

"Yeah, and they're all great. We all trust each other this time, I won't be betrayed." 

I put my hand on her shoulder, 

"Then, you've already made a step forward" 

She wipes her tears away as I was holding her shoulder. 

"Let go of me, I don't like people touching me." She said. 

"Oh, sorry." 

We continue to study, 

"How the hell did this happen?" Winter asks. 

"Oh, you subtract the two velocities, then divide it by the time." 

"Oh thanks." 

*knock knock* 

"Miss Winter, dinner's ready." 

"Oh, it's that late already. I have to go home now." 

"Stay." she said softly 


"Eat with us." 

"Thanks for the offer but, I have things to do at home. Sorry. " 


I got out of their house and today marks a successful day.