Chapter 13: Foundation Festival 8, Evening As We Fall Apart awith Starry Smiles

-Assembly hall-

Evan walks to the stage calmly and gracefully to give his speech. He was the representative of the student council for today's assembly. He takes the mic and speaks, 

"Good morning fellow students, faculty, and our esteemed guests. Today is a lovely day, a day of celebration, a day of happiness, and a day of romance. Today is the last day of our Foundation Festival.

May we all go home as winners in the school events we participated, and In tonight's bonfire, may all your love confessions be answered favorably by the ones you hold dear. That is all, let us enjoy!"

After Evan delivered his speech, I went straight to class. I wasn't really in the mood to enjoy the festival. It seemed more like a time for peace and quiet.

As I was walking in the nearly empty hallways, I looked through the windows. The school grounds were well-lit since the green leaves started to turn yellowish orange as fall was approaching. The semi-autumn leaves fell from the trees in great contrast with the azure skies and further complimented by the blazing sun which made for a beautiful picture. 

I enter my soundless classroom and find myself once again looking upon the festivities. I sat on my desk as I enjoy watching from above. Although, I did see Arby flirting with 5 girls from different schools, that bastard! 


"Ow, my stomach's growling, I forgot my lunch at home. I'm so hungry, I need to eat."

*Door slides*

As I look almost half dead from hunger, I look towards the door, "Huh?" 

It was winter and she was wearing the glasses she wore in her house when we studied together. Her hands were placed

at her back as she was hiding something. 

She approached me and gave the thing she was hiding, it was a... lunchbox. Her gentle hands were covered in bandages. I took the lunchbox and took her hands as I placed and felt them on my cheeks. 

"You look really good in those glasses, and also thanks for the food." I said as I teared up a bit. 

"I-it's no big deal." She said. 

I opened it up and it looked pretty good. I look at her and she smiles a little being proud of what she made. 

She had second thoughts, "It's not really good, so..." 

I took a bite into it... she put in way too much salt, feels like I'm eating actual salt. Also, why is it odorless? Still, I couldn't stop eating it. 

"It's so good!" I said while eating

"Is it really that good?" she said then suddenly took a piece of her cooking. 

Her smile turned into a frown, "you're lying, it has too much salt, way too much salt."

"It's fine." I replied 

"Don't lie to me! This is pathetic, why did I even do this? These glasses, these banged up hands, just to compete with some girl." She shouted as she took her glasses off. 

"Wait!" I shouted

She ran away with a pained look in her eyes. I ran to catch her but she just went to the girl's bathroom so I couldn't enter. Then and there, I received a message from Astrio asking me to go to the bonfire at 6:30. 

Night finally befell the skies. I went near the bonfire to have a look when suddenly confessions started occurring left and right. I could see that some were successful and some were not. 

Those who were successful ended up dancing together around the bright bonfire. Meanwhile, Astrio called to me and pushed me toward Yarah, she was all red and struggling to look me in the eye as I stood nervously. 

"Before, you rejected me without even giving me the chance to confess. So I'd like to formally say it even if it won't amount to anything, I love you." She said while looking confidently into my eyes. 

"I'm sorry, I have someone else I like." I said in reply

"What's this? I already knew your answer, but it still hurts" she said 

I could sense the faint hints of sadness in her eyes as she tried to smile. She's trying to not make me feel guilt. Even right now, she still thinks of me. She truly is kind. 

I walked away as I still felt bad. If she came first instead of Winter, maybe just maybe, she'd be the one I choose. 

As I walked, I looked upon the dazzling stars and ended up seeing Winter on the rooftop, all by herself. I ran without a second thought. 

While this was happening Astrio hides behind a tree and listening,

"Why? Why am I satisfied? Why does it feel so good that she was rejected?" Astrio thought as he cried out of hate for himself. 


Glenn finally manages to reach the rooftop, and he finds Winter. 

That look she has, it's almost exactly like the one she had the first time we were here. But, she looks so far away. Aah, she really is beautiful even when she's sad. 

"I saw you, you were with her again. You probably think I'm pathetic, don't you? I always try to conceal my emotions yet I am driven by them. I can't convey my feelings for you to understand yet I expect you to." She said with one hand on her face. 

She started removing the bandages off her hands and was about to throw away her glasses. 

I walked toward her slowly as she did this. This melodramatic scene, her anguished composure, and this vulnerability. Why does it all look so entrancing beneath this moonless night as the stars shine so bright?

I took the glasses from her hand and put them on her again. I held her hands as I hugged her tight. Her fragrant smell rubbed off my nose. Her shredded sorrowful tears fell lightly on my clothes. 

"I almost forgot, here I bought you something. It's not much and you probably have better ones."

Winter opens it up, 

"A necklace? Are you trying to make me forgive you with this?" 

*Glen quivers*

"Just kidding. Thank you, I like it... alot." she said as a smile took over her messy face

I caught her smile but she didn't admit it. She asked me to put the necklace on her as she raised her hair. 

She finally calmed down and said, "I may not show it, but I'm well aware of how incomplete and boring I am as a woman, you probably thought so too at first. She's obviously the better choice, I can't compete."

"I'm sorry, I'm not good with handling emotions, I really do suck at this. But I am afraid, I'm afraid that you'd one day disappear without a trace. 

I get this odd feeling that one day you'll fade. I have dreams of chasing you but never being able to reach." I said in return

We stargazed for a while when she finally cleaned off her tears and said, "Look at us, getting all emotional and stuff, this is a festival. Shouldn't we be happier?" 

I nodded in agreement, "May I have this dance?" I asked

The clouds take flight and the full moon shines light as it reflects on Winter's Glasses. As if lighting up our unhappy faces with merry dances. It felt like it was only the two of us as we danced the night away. 

"The lunch you made... it was great."

-To be continued