Chapter 31 - Green Orchid

Chapter 31 – Green Orchid

Adrian checked his status and he had accumulated 2 silver and 60 bronze coins. He got most of them from defeating the slimes with Valiant. When he thought of that battle, he wanted to learn that skill from Valiant.

Thanks to fighting the slimes too, Adrian managed to accumulate enough experience points to level up. Without any hesitation, he leveled up.

[Level up to 2. Get 4 Limit Points] Adrian got a notification from the system.

[Limit Points is used to increase the stats' limit. The number of points you get is based on the level you reach. Since you become level 2, you will get 2 points. However, since your Authority Level is Grade C, you get twice of this point too]

[When you become level 3, you will get 3 points but 6 points because of the Authority Level and so on for the next levels,] Future explained.

Adrian understood. Even so, he found it a bit weird.

"If I get this much for the limit points, will I not be too strong? No, won't all players with high Authority Level be insanely strong in the game? Won't the game lose its balance?" Adrian asked.

[There is no balance in this game. It is all about talent, hard work and contributions. The better you are at this, you will leave everyone far at the back. This game is not like a normal game. I and the others did not apply any balancing to the game] Future replied.

[It will be unfair to many players but they get what they deserve]

"..." Adrian was silent. He knew that this was the lesson that the World Government is trying to teach many people. Adrian focused back on his level.

He did not know where he should put the four points at. He looked at his stats and saw that his intelligent point had maxed. Since he was at college and would need to study a lot, his intelligent stat would keep increasing and thus, he decided to increase the limit.

Although the intelligent stat was raised by studying, in Progress, it did not pertain to the intelligence held by the person. In the game, the intelligent stat was used to strengthen the energy-based skill.

Adrian checked his new status.

Name: Adrian Addison

Age: 21 [the Year 2455]

Level: 2

Experience: 130/300

Resident: Green Orchid

Authority Level: Grade C

Basic Stats

Health: 120 [Max: 180]

Energy: 110 [Max:180]

Strength: 9 [Max: 16]

Endurance: 13 [Max: 18] + 2E

Dexterity: 8 [Max: 14] + 1E

Intellect: 14 [Max: 18]

Special Stats – 5 slots

1.Farming Tool: 0 [Max 10]

2.Plants: 10 [Max 10]

3.Animals: 5 [Max 10]

4.Genes: 0 [Max 10]

5.Minerals: 0 [Max 10]

There was nothing much changed from his status other than the level and a small increase in the intelligent stat. As for the 1E and 2E besides the endurance and dexterity stats, they were the stat of the equipment Adrian wore.

"If I focus on energy-based skills, my intelligent stat will be super useful," Adrian thought. He closed the menu and did not know what to do next. He wanted to train his skill or went hunting but he did not have any useful tool or weapon he could use.

Adrian glanced around to see if he could find anything useful and he saw a green orchid plant nearby. The plant was similar to a normal orchid plant but the flower it had was green and thus, it was named the Green Orchid.

"This area is named Green Orchid and there are a lot of these plants around. Hmm~ is there something special about this orchid that the area is named after?" Adrian had never appraised the Green Orchid and he decided to do it.

Adrian dug the plant from the ground and appraised it.

Name – Green Orchid Plant

Level – 1

Effect 1 – Increase natural health healing by 0.1%

Effect 2 – Range: 10 cm radius

"Oh!" Adrian was surprised. The green orchid was not an ordinary plant at all. It could increase natural healing by 0.1%. It might look insignificant but if Adrian could find a way to use the plant, it would be helpful to everyone in the settlement.

"Will the effect stack if there is more than one plant?" Adrian thought and since he had nothing to do at the moment, he decided to search for more Green Orchid plants and tested his hypothesis. If by chance it worked, Adrian would plant a lot of them around the settlement and that would help everyone restore their health faster when injured.

Adrian put the plant in his storage and he got out of the settlement to collect more of the Green Orchid. An hour later, he got back and had collected a lot of the plant. They were not rare and abundant of them could be found just outside the settlement.

The reason Adrian took an hour to collect many of them was because he did not have a suitable tool to dig the plant. He had to use tree branches to dig them. Using his hand was not useful and his health and energy decreased a lot using his hand.

Adrian took out the green orchid plants and grouped them in one place. Then, he appraised them but the same data was shown. Grouping them like that would not stack the effect.

"Do I need to plant them in the same location?" Adrian thought and he did just that. He took some of the plants and planted them near each other. Then, he appraised them and unfortunately, the effect did not stack. They remained at 0.1% and 10 cm radius.

"Then, the Green Orchid is a useless plant?" Adrian frowned. Even after his encyclopedia was updated, the data remained the same. Adrian could see the plant's health, energy, and so on but it was useless.

Since there was nothing he could do, he gave up. No need to waste his time on it and then, he had nothing to do again.

"This game is pretty boring when there is nothing to do. If my sickle is still intact, I can at least go outside and hunt some animals," Adrian mumbled. "Hmm… I have Plants Mastery, so can I create a skill using this? Future said as long as I have the mastery skill, I can create the usual fantasy skill."

Adrian thought of a way to create a plant skill. He had no idea how to do it and needed to test everything to find out about it and he once again saw the group of Green Orchid plants he planted on earlier.

Since Adrian used a lot of appraisal on the Green Orchid and he tested to stack the effect of the plant, his Plant Mastery skill had increased to 5% mastery.

"Since doing that increases the mastery, is it possible to create a skill using the Green Orchid Plant?" Adrian took out a Green Orchid plant from his storage. He held the plant in his hand and thought of something.

"Energy Control and Manipulation is essential in creating skills…" Adrian channeled his energy towards the Green Orchid Plant. As the energy enveloped the plant, Adrian gained more knowledge about the plant.

The Green Orchid in the game was different from real life. It was a game and to suit the fantasy genre of the game, the Green Orchid had a different body layout.

Adrian could feel the cell of the plant and he also found the fantasy-like feature of the Progress' Green Orchid. It was the vein of the plant and it contained traces of blue energy. That blue energy was the same energy Adrian had used. That energy was Adrian's energy.

However, Adrian found out that the Green Orchid had another type of energy. It was blue too but the feeling of that blue energy was different than Adrian's. Moreover, the Green Orchid's blue energy was so weak and hard to feel.

Adrian found this fascinating and he continued with his research. Soon, he found out something shocking about the Green Orchid.

"What the?" Adrian was shocked and he continued channeling his energy and more secrets about the Green Orchid were found. Suddenly, Adrian heard a prompt from the system.