Chapter 32 - Green Orchid 2

Chapter 32 – Green Orchid 2

[Congratulations. Your understanding of the Green Orchid in the game is enough to earn you the Green Orchid Mastery skill. However, due to your lack of knowledge of the same kind of flowers in real life, the skill of the Green Orchid Mastery is locked.

To unlock the skill, Player Adrian must learn at least the basic knowledge about the plant, Green Orchid] the system notification said.

"What?" Adrian was surprised. "I already have Plants Mastery. Do I even need Green Orchid Mastery?"

[If you don't want it, you don't need to study it. Still, I will tell you that there are millions of mastery skills focusing on whatever is possible. As I tell you before, the mastery skill is opening to a more detailed skill. If you feel that it is important, you can learn it. If not, it is up to you. This is your character. Your way of playing the game] Future responded.

[Also, some mastery skills can only be learned in the game because they did not exist in the real world. For example, Diamond Rose Mastery. This plant exists in this game but not in real life. So, if someone attains mastery over the plant, they will get the skill immediately] Adrian nodded

"Hmm… I don't see the need to learn this skill and leaving that aside, is Green Orchid the only plant with what I see?" Adrian looked at the grass and nearby trees. He wondered if what he found from the Green Orchid was the same as the other plants.

Adrian wanted to study the other plants around him but he decided to continue on the Green Orchid. He found out that his Plant Mastery skill's mastery had increased by a lot after he started studying the Green Orchid.

The mastery of the skill was at 5% before but after Adrian studied the Green Orchid in detail, the skill's mastery rose by 15% to a total of 20%. If Adrian could increase the mastery to 100%, he would be able to level up the skill.

Adrian's study of the Green Orchid plant made him understand the plant or possibly all the plants around him. In the beginning, he only understood that most components of the Green Orchid plant were similar to normal plants.

However, he found out that the Green Orchid Plant had veins that were channeling energy to every part of the plant. Upon studying more about these veins, he found out that it was exclusively made in the game for the Green Orchid's Energy.

When he followed the veins, he was shocked that he found a super small core inside the Green Orchid. Upon further inspection, the core contained the energy and this energy was the same energy he observed passing through the veins.

Moreover, the core was connected to many veins for transferring energy to every part of the plant.

What shocked Adrian was the presence of the core which supposedly only existed in monsters and beasts. Even without studying the monsters and beasts, Adrian knew they had a core because this was a common thing in fantasy games.

It was also proven from the slime which had an invisible core inside its body.

Be that as it may, no matter which fantasy game it was, there was never a core inside a plant unless that plant was a monster or beast.

"This is obviously a plant," Adrian mumbled as he was sure it was a plant because his Plant Mastery's mastery increased when he studied the Green Orchid Plant. He even got the specific skill for that same plant.

Usually, a plant monster or beast in the game could move like normal monsters and beasts. Some of them could not move much but they would move to attack their prey. So, Adrian was sure that the Green Orchid Plant was definitely a plant and not a monster or beast.

"Wait! An animal is grade E, Beast is Grade D and Monster is Grade C and above… all of them fall under the same title, Creature. Then, are plants in Progress creatures too?" Adrian came to a realization but then, he smirked.

"I should find the secret of plants in real life, not in the game," Adrian shook his head as he was too serious in this. He made his conclusion, "So, the plants in Progress are creatures too… possibly. I will need to study a few more plants to make my conclusion."

"Now, everything makes sense. After I collect a lot of Green Orchid Plants, I can view their health, energy, and other stats. That is because they are creatures too. Having an energy stat means that they have a core. So, Whitey possibly have a core too," Adrian looked at Whitey who was focusing on learning the two basic skills.

"I will study Whitey or maybe I will tame another rabbit later," Adrian decided and then, he looked back at the Green Orchid.

"This plant has a lot of potential if we can improve it. It is impossible to stack the effect and if I can improve the plant, this settlement will benefit a lot from it. Natural Healing effect… how good is that and we have a lot of them lying around here," Adrian looked at the Green Orchid Plants he had planted earlier.

"Considering the name of this settlement, if we can improve the plant, it can become this settlement's specialty or special product," Adrian saw a lot of potential from the seemingly normal flowers.

"Maybe the residents of this settlement are aware of this but don't know how to improve it?" Adrian wondered. "I should ask Sir Valiant later."

Adrian continued studying the Green Orchid Plant and he did not want to give up and wanted to find the method to improve them. So, he continued to study the plant.

The more Adrian studied about the plant, the more things he found about it. For example, the Green Orchid's flowers were responsible for spreading the agents that were then responsible for increasing the natural healing of someone near it.

However, there were some defects on the flowers that made the range of the effect small.

Other than that, Adrian also found out that the Green Orchid's Energy was different from his Energy. It was not apparent without further knowledge of it but after he started studying it, they were different and the Green Orchid's Energy contained a hint of healing properties which was what made it have the effect it had.

The more Adrian studied about the plant, the more he was eager to improve it. It was hard to do the same in real life but this was a game and there must be some methods left by Future to be able to do it and he needed to search for it.

If Adrian found the method, there would be a lot of possibilities to be done with the Green Orchid. He also understood the reason the area was named after the plant's name and it was because the plant oozed with potential.

"I wonder what other settlement's specialty will be? There is the Orchid Settlement and I wonder if their area's specialty and orchid? Or many orchids?" Adrian mumbled. He continued studying the plant and he stopped once he was almost running out of Energy.

He did not want to get the penalty because there would be a battle that night and it was almost dusk time in the game. Adrian looked around and the sky had started to turn dark as the sun had started to set on the horizon which could not be viewed because they were in the middle of a forest.

"I am tired…" Adrian sighed and he checked his Plant Mastery skill and was surprised to see that it was at 50%. "…That fast? No! I miss my chance! If I learn the Green Orchid Mastery, I will also get a lot of experience for it!"

Adrian regretted that he did not stop playing and learned the skill in real life. If not, the time he used to study about the Green Orchid would also contribute to the experience of the skill.

"Sigh~ Anyway, I think I need to learn the Green Orchid Mastery if I want to improve this plant. I don't know if it will work but I need to try it," Adrian smiled. "I cannot wait to find the improvement method and make this place a better place to live!" He was excited.


Suddenly, Adrian got a notification. However, he realized that Keith, Ceylon, Whitey, and many others in the settlement he could see, stop whatever they were doing, and looked at the space in front of them.

"Did they get the notification too?" Adrian wondered. He first thought that it was a notification about the game's update but since the NPC got the notification too, he wondered what it was about. He wanted to open the notification when Keith shouted.

"What?! There is no way we can complete this!" Keith got up from the ground. The NPC's around frowned too when they read the notification.

"Calm down. Since we get the mission, that means there is a method to complete it," Ceylon spoke.

Adrian decided to check the notification. He wondered what the fuss was all about.

[Mission: Green Orchid Area

Duration: None

Description: The Green Orchid Settlement has been in a difficult situation since it is founded. Without any area under their rule, the life of the resident is hard.

However, the condition to conquer the Green Orchid Area has finally been found by one of the residents. To conquer this area completes the following missions.

Grade: S

Requirement: None

Participant: All Green Orchid Settlement's Residents

Contribution Points: 1000 points [Only those that contribute to the mission will get the points]

Rewards: All activities related to the mission will give all participants experience points]