I'm a draconian

The group moved along with river moving downstream slowly. Along the way, Daron had finally gotten the chance to ask Bob about the outside world.

"The outside world? Oh. Right. You have been born and brought up in this town, never actually stepping out. Alright then, listen carefully."

"We live on the of Maradona, surrounded by endless seas in every direction. The size of the continent is so vast that a normal human would never be able to cross from one end to the other in their entire lifetime while on a horse."

"The continent is divided int two major kingdoms, the kingdoms of Pierre, José, and Martin, along with several other smaller dutchies and counties littered at the borders of the continent."

"Long ago, there existed many races; dragons and high elves were the strongest of them all, while humans were one of the weakest, almost as weak as goblins. These powerful races created their own variants of their own races on the continent, since their own population was not enough to rule over the entire continent. Dragons used humans as their base to create draconians, High elves also used humans as their base to create elves, Titans used some unknown methods to create giants as well as the dwarves, while the orcs and beastkin remained the same. These powerful races used humans to create variants, had the most adaptable 'core structure' or something."

"However, after a long time of being lab rats and slaves, as soon as the high elves and dragons vanished, humans gained an unimaginable power known as mages. These mages, were so powerful that they were able to push back even the united front of the elves, dwarves, giants, orcs and beastkin and push them off of Maradona, and sent them into the endless sea in different directions to search for new land to call home."

"The Draconians were not greedy for any land, and instead were satisfied with the little bits of barren lands on mountains they got. This way, a strange truce for formed between humans and Draconians, where humans would not instigate them, and they would not do the same for humans"

"Master Zack also had a Draconian friend."

Hearing Draconian so many times, Daron could not help but ask.

"Where are the closest Draconians?"

"Absolutely no idea." Bob just shrugged. "This information is something that even the three kingdoms keep hidden from all members of even the royal families other than the current king. It is said that a king of the kingdom of José, along with his son, had been executed publicly for revealing this information to his son before he was crowned the official king."

"Anyway. Master Zack has planned out our journey for us. It is not possible to travel on foot all the way to the capital, and we will be using a long-distance teleportation array, just like the one we used to escape, but it will be thousands of times larger in terms of distance travelled and energy consumed for the travel. This array will be found after we pass through 3 cities and arrive at the city of Marcell."

"Ok" Daron simply nodded as he began to understand a lot of things he had not understood thus far.

"But we should stay out of the cities." Daron added at this point.

"Hmm. The enemies might be searching for a group of people who had escaped in nearby cities. Alright. I will enter the first city and get all the supplies we need. You stay with Madam Roselle, Ma'am Angela, and Zoey and protect them till I return outside the city."

Daron simply nodded, and onward the group went.

The next afternoon, the group finally arrived at the desired location. They were about 1 km away from a city. Daron did not learn much about the city, and instead, he just sat together with Zoey and the rest of the group, tending to his blade which he had not gotten the time to clean and sharpen since the previous battle.

It was a well-known fact that with every use, weapons would become slightly blunt, and when blood comes into contact with them and not immediate cleaned off, it can have negative effects on the blade. The most obvious is a reduction in sharpness.

Therefore, all knights in training, despite not being given a real sword unless necessary, had been trained on how to maintain their weapons including swords, shields, daggers, armour, helmets as well as knives.

Just as Zoey was going to strike up a conversation with Daron, A shadow flashed by and Bob suddenly appeared with a pale face and sweat covering his body.

"Damn it. Daron. They have already put out wanted posters for Master Zack, Grey, you but although it did have your name, the image was very different, me, Miss Zoey, Ma'am Angela and Madam Roselle. I was somehow able to escape the sight of the knight in charge of scanning all those entering and somehow escaped as soon as I saw those posters.."

Knight Bob grunted unsatisfactorily. If his mission was not to protect Master Zack's family, he would have gone ahead and slaughtered those knights in training and that arrogant Rank 6 knight.

At this moment, Daron understood something. Those people had made a picture based on his fully draconian form, when he fully unleashed Bloodline inheritance. That meant that… they would not recognize his current self.

"Haha, Knight Bob. Did you know?"

"Know what?" Bob grunted in dissatisfaction once more.

"I'm a draconian!"