Abandoned City


"Wait." Daron replied.

Under the shocked gazes of everyone, Daron's figure transformed. His hair grey down till his shoulders, his height grey by a few centimetres, and his muscles became larger and much more defined than even the burly Bob. Most noticeable was his tattoo that went along from his eye till his left finger tips, and spread equally along his chest and back.

"This should be the form that was drawn on the wanted poster?"

Bob knew exactly what this meant. He had already been by Zack's side when he had met with that Draconian and they exchanged a few words and ended up becoming friends. He knew how sacred Draconians considered their bloodlines, and he also knew that the larger the tattoo, the purer and stronger the bloodline connected with the true dragons.

And this Daron's tattoo was at least a billion times larger than the tiny mark that draconian had had on his left bicep.

"Alright." Without letting Zoey and the other understand too much of the current satiation, Daron turned back and spoke, "They will not recognise me like this. I can enter."

Bob was in utter shock for a moment and just nodded, but then came back to his sense and asked.

"That will work. But your identification card will not work. They will see your name and other information and capture you."

Hearing this, Daron who was acting non-cholant, stopped walking completely for a few moments.

'Is it possible to alter it?'

[There is a possibility to alter it if we can contact the being who gave this to you.]

'A church is what is needed then.'

"I need to get to a branch of the Holy church as soon as possible." Daron turned and stated to Bob.

Seeing the resolute expression on Daron's face, Bob knew what needed to be done. He combed through his memories in his bald head as he tried to recall any Holy church that was accessible without going into the city.

Suddenly, Bob remembered something as his eyes gleamed.

"You can use the abandoned church. It is a little south of here and was abandoned due to some unknown reasons by all residents of the city. The city is completely empty besides the church, which is somehow still able to maintain its existence in the abandoned town even after 200 years of being unoccupied."

'Why was it abandoned. And how could the Holy church maintain operation even after 200 years. Something is fishy. We should stay away from there. Do not go there Daron. Do no.' was what his mind was telling Daron. This was the classic situation where the main character would willingly disregard important clues in someone's conversation and dive into danger without knowing it, and barely survive, but somehow become stronger in that process.

However, he knew their current situation. They would not be able to escape too far on food, and the group needed a carriage, or at least a horse to take the burden off the ladies present, since both Daron and Bob were official knights, they would not get tired of walking. However, these ladies would definitely get tired, especially since they have been walking for nearly 3 days none-stop in the harsh cold before spring.

"Sigh. It will be dangerous. You tell me where it is. I will go and come back soon. Protect Zoey and the rest. If I return, I will have come back with my name changed or died. Contacting Gods is really scary." Daron mumbled his last sentence so that not even Someone who had their ear to Daron's mouth would hear it as he recalled the terrifying situation where the automated response of the God responded to him what he was first getting his identification card.

Bob naturally did not catch that last sentence, and instead pulled out a map and explained their current location as compared to the location of the abandoned city.

"Alright. I should be able to reach there in half a day and return within that much time. Depending on how much time I spend there, I will be back latest by 2 days, If I do not, then continue the journey without me."

Resolutely, Daron looked in the direction pointed out by Sirious after she had fully taken in the full map of the entire region. He was currently in the Northern region of the Pierre kingdom, which was a rural and isolated part of the kingdom which was built atop the ruins of an unnamed kingdom, called the Xenith Region.

They were currently at the closest city to Bard City which was the northern most city in the Xenith region that belonged to the kingdom of Pierre. Their current city was Ged City, named after the current ruler. This ruler had only been given a title nobility without being able to pass it onto his children.

The abandoned city was across on the other cite of the stream which had not become a 10-meter-wide river since the group were moving downstream throughout their journey until they came across the Ged City which was a city based on the side of the river. He had to travel across relatively flat land for about half a day in the west direction where he would arrive at the abandoned town, which would naturally not have any wanted posters for him since he there was no ruler of the city to manage such a thing.

With the map that Sirious had now basically completely scanned down to the detail, she created a fake GPS system which Daron followed.

After he was a while away from Bob and the rest, Daron decided to put away his bag which contained some food and clothes, as well as his other important items, into the 'Personal Space'.

Although he had revealed to Bob and the others about him being a draconian, it was not that much of a secret since if anyone actually read the wanted posters and saw the image, they would instantly understand the situation that Daron was a draconian. Therefore, revealing something like this that was bound to be revealed was not too much of an issue for Daron. However, he naturally had to maintain some hidden card to protect his life.

It was always best to allow enemies to underestimate you, and bring only a Rank 7 or 8 knight to kill you rather than fully understanding your abilities and bringing a Rank 10 or 11 knight to kill you. This way, your successful escape would be possible.

Therefore, he decided to keep his Personal space hidden for the time being.

At least, he might be able to bring out a weapon to stab the enemies after they completely disarm him of all weapons and come closer to laugh at his face or search for something else.

Such a thing was naturally useful, and Daron kept his dagger and knife inside to be pulled out anytime, while the sword was kept on his back following the way all knights in training, as well as the official knights in Bard city.