Episode 35 - I Want to See You

Warning: NSFW, sexual content


Amari hurried up the stairs and out to the street. As he came closer to the large metal door, he could barely make out a figure under the security light, leaning against the wall. The corners of his mouth naturally lifted, his cheeks happily raised under squinting eyes.

"Sorry," he said as he approached the man, who took him into his arms, pulling him close to his chest.

"At least you know to apologize." Yangyang's voice was deeper and softer than usual. "Ah... You drive me crazy, you know? It worries me."

"Yeah," he said, then pushed back, grabbing the man's arm. "Let's go in. It's cold out here.

Yangyang followed him obediently up the stairs and into the apartment, and he threw their coats over the back of the couch.

"Your room?"

He pointed to the end of the hall and in an instant, large arms lifted him. His legs instinctively wrapped around the man's waist as he was carried toward the bedroom.

"What're you doing?" he asked in surprise, half-heartedly trying to push himself free from the strong grip. "Put me down."


Yangyang shut the door with a light kick, tossing the boy onto the bed, then was over him, arms and legs boxing him in. As he leaned down, Amari felt him hesitate and could sense the tension, guessing he was remembering the last time they were alone. Reaching out, he pulled the man to him, pressing their lips together.

"Slowly, okay?"

There was a small sound in agreement and he smiled. Shifting below him, his fingers and mouth caressed the man's face and neck, his hand weaving through strands of loose ponytail. Taking a long breath, he inhaled the familiar smell, then pushed Yangyang back a little, placing a palm on his broad chest.

"I wanna see you," he said shyly, and Yangyang sat up onto his knees, bringing Amari to his lap.

He lifted the man's sweater, then the shirt underneath, dropping them to floor. The sweet scent permeated the air around him, filling his head and making him dizzy.

With Yangyang's hold tight on his waist, Amari's touch moved along the man's neckline, growing wide where it connected with his shoulder. He skimmed up his long collarbone, then down his strong arm. Every part of him was well-defined, more than expected, but not bulky, and he traced the lines formed by each muscle, trying to picture them in his mind. The skin beneath his fingertips was soft, and his light stroke easily rose and fell, winding unbroken from shoulder to wrist.

Using both hands, he took his time moving down Yangyang's neck to his chest. It was firm and smooth, hardly any hair to be found. Yangyang let out a quick breath as he glided over each nipple and the grip on his waist tightened, the man leaning down to bite at his shoulder.

"Just a little more," Amari said quietly, pushing him upright again.

Continuing down his stomach, going muscle to muscle, he could feel every small dip and every tiny flinch at the gentle contact. The image he formed of this body by itself was sexy, but like everything else, it made him feel safe, confirming in his mind that this man could protect him from his messed up life. It was okay to take down those walls and let him in, and that thought alone was more arousing that any physical appearance. His face flushed as the tips of his fingers found their way past his belt, and the man let out another breath, collapsing forward and pressing him into the bed.

"No more," Yangyang whispered, his voice shaking slightly, and he pushed his hips into the boy's, letting out a laugh. "See? It isn't just me."

Wrapping his legs around the man's waist, Amari pulled him in close. "Stop talking."

He bit at a lip to make his point, and Yangyang groaned loudly, driving his tongue into Amari's mouth until he could hardly breathe. The large body felt heavy on top of him and forced his legs wider. This was the man he had met only briefly, once with his back pressed against a brick wall and the other seated on a piano bench, but now he was set free, no longer restrained by time or place.

Amari tore himself away, sucking in air while Yangyang lifted him, removing his shirt and tossing it to the ground. The man shifted lower, tongue, lips, and teeth making their way down his body. Carefully undoing his belt, then the button, then the zipper, he slipped two long fingers under his waistline, tugging at his jeans. It seemed to happen in an instant, and Amari reached out to stop him.

Yangyang took his hand and kissed it instead, suddenly tender. "I won't go far. I just want to take care of you."

He drew a finger across the man's cheek, and Yangyang took it between his teeth before throwing the pants away. Lowering his head further, he released Amari from his fabric prison, then took hold of a thigh as he outlined the boy's shape with his tongue. Among the heavy breaths filling the room was the faint sound of a second sliding zipper. For the briefest moment, Amari wondered what expression Yangyang had on his face. What did those brown eyes say when he looked at him? With a warm hand wrapped around himself - what kind of image was that?

Guiding him between his lips, Yangyang let a small huff out through his nose, and Amari realized that those thoughts were obvious. Some anger mixed with the pleasure. The man had multiple advantages here and even now, he was teasing him.

Yangyang lingered awhile, holding him in his mouth, warm and wet, then opened wider to take him in completely. As easily as they had appeared, Amari's frustrations were gone. Trembling at the sensation, he instinctively lifted his hips to push himself deeper into Yangyang's throat, quickly pulling back after hearing him choke.

In the past, he had given and received, but never eagerly participated. He was always too wary of the situation and his surroundings. Now, he had let all of that go. Every worry and fear disappeared, along with every bad experience, and he gave up his need for control.

Only a moment later, his hips were raised again, this time forced up from underneath. His entire body burned as Yangyang slid up and down, always matching the rhythmic sound of his own hand. Layered over that were thick, staggered breaths and low moans, and the almost unnoticeable squeak of the mattress under them. Somewhere, in a corner of his hazy mind, it seemed this too was a kind of music, with Yangyang skillfully playing him like any other instrument.

To think such a ridiculous thing - he had gone crazy. The actions weren't new, but now he wanted it, desired it, craved it. Now it was intense and pleasureful. His thoughts were scattered and he could feel an urgency, both familiar and strange, welling up inside.

"I'm not gonna...," was all he could manage to say, his throat tight. He reached down, grabbing at the man's messy hair, hanging loose and brushing against his skin.

"Just a little more," Yangyang groaned, taking a breath before putting his head back down, but Amari couldn't hold back. His entire body shuddered, empty as it fell limp onto the bed. Everything was lighter, his mind finally blank, and he let out a short laugh, surprised at how genuinely satisfied he felt.

Yangyang finished only moments later and collapsed on top of him. Only now processing what had happened, Amari's hands went out, desperate to find the man's face.

"Wait, did you-" Yangyang only chuckled quietly and kissed him, the answer obvious. "There's no way you've never done that before."

With another chuckle in reply, Yangyang rested his head on the boy's chest, inhaling deeply to steady his breathing. Amari ran his fingers through the soft hair that spread across him and took a few deep breaths of his own. Then he felt Yangyang shift, arms moving up around his neck.

"Yang ge, you can't stay there." He shook the man, but he didn't budge. "It's sticky, and you're too heavy."

A low grunt was all he heard in return and he sighed, placing a hand on Yangyang's broad back, now barely dotted with sweat. Their individual scents mingled in the air and in his nose, creating something new. Feeling the man's chest rising and falling against his, listening to his breaths become quiet and even, Amari looked up into the darkness and could only smile.