I watched as all color and life fade from her face. Feeling her arms drop off of me and I felt my body become mine once again. I felt free, in more ways then I could explain. I watched Kylies body drop to the ground, first on her knees then her face met the ground as a last single tear dropped from her eyes and for the first time in a long time, I felt pity for her.
"I'm sorry Nolla. I wish it never came to this." Rae whispered as she leaned over closing her eyes and wiping the ash from her face.
"Rae.." I whispered again watching her hands freeze in place. I couldn't bring my eyes to meet hers as they burned.
"Are they doing okay?" I heard her voice shake as she stood up. The burning in my eyes were relieved in an instance as the tears flowed and soaked my cheek.
"The twins.." I started but choked on the air not being able to let out any more sounds.
"I miss you..so much.." I felt the shock hit me, still I couldn't lift my eyes, scared that once I did she'd vanish.
"I-I... I miss you t-too.." My voice only letting out a whisper as I stared at her clothes as they flowed elegantly in the wind.
"I'm so sorry Adam." I could hear the pain and shakiness of her voice as she came closer to me leaving my space between us. I kept my glaze low on her neck still frightened to look higher.
"I-" I couldn't get anything else out. I wanted to puke. I wanted to grab her and hold her and kiss her but all I could do was stand there choking on my words.
"I know. I love you. I'll always love you. Maybe it's time for you to move on." Hearing her voice I looked up at her eyes and I recognized the lie she was telling me.
"You want me to.. move on?" The words stung as they came out but the shock kept piling up.
"Truthfully no, but I can't keep watching you suffer like this.. nothing hurts more then seeing you so broken.." She lifted her hand and cupped my face. The fear I had was stronger then ever. I kept as still as I could despite the tears flowing down my emotionless face. The moment seemed to only last longer and I only wanted it to continue.
"Did you send us that message?" Her face grew pale as I spoke not knowing what else to say. Was I not allowed to be broken after she was taken from me? Of course I am but she can't take that away from me, no one could.
"I did.. Sadly though it was only to get you to come here. One to get her out of hiding and two so I could talk to you once more.." Her eyes dropped to my neck in shame.
I kept my gaze on her, I felt like I should be angry but I was only grateful. I needed to talk to her but I couldn't get anything out. I stared at her face, remembering every detail I could before I missed the chance still staying as still as possible.
"I didn't mean to play with your emotions. I know it was selfish of me to do this to you but I just needed to talk to you, face to face. Just one last time. Please forgive me." Her eyes raised to meet mine making me break my stillness engulfing her in my arms.
"Dont ever be sorry for talking to me." I sobbed as I held onto her as tightly as I could.
As I held onto her everything outside of me holding onto her froze. I heard nothing and felt nothing but the pure ecstasy from smelling her scent. She cried into my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist. If only I could take her home. Knowing reality I couldn't help but sob more into her neck. The moment filled with broken tears and emotion overflowing around us I felt the air become heavy as I heard thunder strike breaking the silence.
"He's angry I'm still here." She whispered looking up into the sky.
"Who is..?" I could barely ask as I tightened my grip onto her more.
"Zeus is. He said Erebos won't be happy if he finds out that I'm speaking with you.." she tried to pull away but I couldn't let her go even if I wanted to.
"Please don't leave me.. not again.. please.." I begged as I kept my grasp on her tighter.
"Adam.." She whispered and another thunderstruck followed.
"NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE HER FROM ME AGAIN!" I screamed into the sky still holding onto her tightly. "SHE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME! WHAT DOES SHE MEAN TO YOU?!" I had no control of what was coming from my mouth. Before I could see anything else we were at the top of the mountain where I last saw her.
"You need to let her go." The same man from before stood there annoyed.
"Apollo?" She said concerned.
"Elea. Tell this man to forget you and to move on." He sounded annoyed.
"NO! Rae! You tell him how he took you away from our marriage and our children! Away from an entire family that loves you so much! TELL THIS JERK THAT YOU BELONG AT HOME!" I screamed as I dropped to her feet.
"Apollo.." She whispered. "I can't leave him again." I looked up at her eyes filled with tears.
"Did you at least send her to limbo?" He rolled his eyes.
"I did." She said a little louder.
"..." I tried to speak and say anything but my voice felt shattered. From pleading and screaming I didn't know how to speak anymore.
"Very well. After you finish one last task, you can return to this man and your supposed home. First you must explain to Erebos and Nyx why you will not be returning as their child." He sighed heavily rubbing his temples.
"No.. you know they won't allow me to leave! They'll kill everyone here if I tell them I want to stay with them!" She began to slowly back away from him.
"Then it is up to you to protect them. Now say your goodbyes until you finish your task." He looked at me with pity then looked up and slowly ascended.
"Adam.. I don't have a choice.." she looked down to me. I quickly jumped to my feet.
"You can come back?!" I said quickly.
"I can.. but I'm afraid you won't be here for my return.." She began to cry as she grabbed my hands.
"I will be here for you. I will do whatever I need to do to be here for you." I held onto her small hands feeling the heat coming from her.
"I promise I will return to you.. and tell everyone else I'll see them soon. Meet me here on my Birthday.. I shouldn't need any longer then that." She let go of my hands and snaked her hands up and around my neck.
"I'll do anything for you.." I whispered as I lowered myself enough till our lips met. Just as before, I felt nothing but love and passion and fire building in the kiss. The air spun around us as I felt her continue to play with the hair at the base of my neck. I wrapped my hands around her waist pulling her as close as she could be and I held onto her tightly feeling the last of my tears fall.
"RENAE?!" I heard Eros voice. I looked into his direction breaking the kiss and I felt her body disappear.
"Until next time.." I heard her voice but everywhere I searched, she was gone.
"What..? Not now! Not yet! NOT YET!" I yelled frantically looking around and searching every place I could.
"Please not yet.." I pleaded as I dropped to the ground feeling the darkness engulf me once more. My body wanted to sob more and break some more but I had no more tears left to offer. The brokenness I had felt was pushed past its limits, the only console that I had was being able to see her.. on her birthday.
---Eros POV---
That night Adam didn't speak to any of us. He stayed silent until he spoke to his children. Not even speaking to Jarrod or Rosia. Tyler said he was pushed past his breaking point but I feel like he's hiding something that he was scared he wasn't allowed to have.
"Adam. Enough is enough. Tell me what happened that day." I closed the door to the nursery after we put them to bed. It's been three weeks and he refuses to talk to anybody.
"..." He looked at me for a two seconds and turned around walking to his room.
"Adam!" I whisper yelled following right behind him. He continued to walk until he got to the bathroom in his room.
"I can get her back." He whispered as he stepped into the bathroom and froze infront of the mirror.
"You what?" I asked silently as I proceeded to follow him.
"I don't know.. it feels like a dream.." he stayed exactly where he was. He didn't want to admit something.
"What happened? What happened to Kylie? She was dead when we got to the house and then Tyler tracked you guys to that mountain. You need to talk to me." I lifted my hand to his shoulder. Finally just like a thin branch he seemed to break.
"YOU WANT ME TO TALK?! FINE! I'M TALKING! I'M TALKING ABOUT HOW I'M TOO FUCKING SCARED TO SAY ANYTHING BECAUSE I'M FUCKING TERRIFIED IT WAS ALL A LIE! A DREAM! o-or some disgusting trick to play with me!" He clenched his fists fighting the urge to break everything around him. He jerked out of my grasp and stood against the wall staring at me with pure anger and hatred in his eyes.
"That doesn't answer what-"
"What happened?! She told me she made up that message just so she could talk to me and tell me to move on. Apparently though, I can get her back. I can go back to that mountain on her birthday and I can get her back but I'm too fucking scared to believe it because once I actually had her in my arms again she vanished!" His voice was shaky and breaking but he continued to scream making the mirror shake.
"Adam, please.. the kids are sleeping.." I tried to calm him but this only seemed to upset him some more.
"SO?! I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO SLEEP SINCE SHE LEFT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Who's it going to hurt if none of us get sleep?! While you all get to sleep peacefully I lay here in this fucking bed still surrounded in her scent in complete fucking anguish! Why do you all get to dream pleasant dreams and I'm stuck here scared of the nightmare that is fucking happening in our lives but no one seems to care enough to fight back the way they're supposed to?!"
"NOW THAT'S ENOUGH!" I screamed. "I miss her too dammit! You don't think I don't sleep at night?! I'm sorry to say this but I love her too! She was my first love and finally having her in my life was enough for me but even that got taken away from me! You don't think I miss seeing her smile?! You think I don't miss her mocking my terrible cooking? Do you possibly think I don't miss her embrace while I feel so fucking broken? Do you think the twins are so happy without their mother?! Because I can tell you right now they miss her more then anyone here and that INCLUDES YOU!" I felt my anger slowly fade as I verbally attacked him. I know he was fragile and hurting but he needed a dose of reality.