---Eves POV---
"I can't be a counselor. I mean I'd love to help people with their feelings but I don't have a degree in psychology. I have a degree in-"
"Relax, I'm sure she meant well. Besides, if you did want to go that route, you could just be a substitute teacher again while you get your masters or whatever to be a counselor. What do you want to do?" Lilly was scrolling on her phone as I complained.
"What do I want to do?.. I don't know. for years I've just wanted to get away from Empurity and do something on my own. Now that it's up to me, I'm not sure." I plopped on the bed on my stomach and groaned.
"You've been defiant for the last twenty or so years, yeah yeah. Got it already. What do you want to be in this moment?" I couldn't see it but I could hear her eye roll.
"I want... I want to be happy and free." I moaned rolling my head to look at her better.