"-Or else bad things will happen," I whispered.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, well we walked down the hall towards the ground, where all the players were present. He quietly followed me, though I did felt a sharp gaze on me, I ignored it, I have more things to worry about.
After showing around the campus we went back to the locker, all through the tour neither of us looked in the eye, but to me, it felt like he wanted to ask something but couldn't gather words for it.
When we reached there he inhaled a sharp breath, I turned, "What is it?" I asked finally fed up with his uptight nature.
"Cut it, tell me what you wanna ask," I asked.
"The math teacher, was that your father?"
I hesitated, "Yeah, step-father."
I said, he was about to say something when we both heard something.
I shushed him, as soon as I heard a familiar voice.
He shushed me, I was confused for a second I thought, he did that to avoid my inquisitive nature but suddenly he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a janitor's closet.
"What is wrong with you!?" I whisper yelled.
"Listen!" he said back.
I paid attention to the voices around me.
'---but I AM sure,' a hard Stearn irritated voice said.
'I don't want you to be sure, I want you to be accurate, one slight mistake and everything could go in a hell hole, his father is a big deal to the school!' the other familiar kind of voice said.
I looked up to notice that Persues' expression which was horrified.
'You wanted information, I gave you now give my money.'
We both looked at each other, but I really didn't know why he was so invested in it. I placed my hand on his chest only to realize it was beating as an electric train, what was going on?
"Percy?" I said as the voices out died down. His eyes where flickering around then they finally landed on mine. "Ye-yeah? he whispered. "What's wrong?" I asked slowly, his horrified expression now become subtle. "Nothing, It's just."
"It's just what?"
"It's just happening again."