A Little Relaxation

Woah, okay, I did not expect that to happen. I mean, I expected Adam to confess, but not both of them confessing to each other at the exact same time! Doesn't that only happen in works of fiction?

Both Mildred and Adam were staring wide eyed at each other. To be honest, if I got put into a situation like this, I would probably react the same way. I mean, it feels almost impossible, yet here they are.

"Uhm, could you say that again?"

Mildred spoke up, her face more red than an apple, but her eyes looking deep into Adams. She held her breath as she waited for him to repeat himself.

"I uh, I really like you!"

Adam spoke louder and faster than before, gazing intensely into Mildred's eyes. Her face became even more red than before, Which I thought was impossible, but oh well. His face also became more red after he spoke. A few moments of silence passed as they looked into each other's eyes, then they both suddenly turned away from each other. They must be embarrassed.

"So, do you, like, want to date?"

Adam spoke slowly as he moved his hand right next to Mildred's. Slowly, she moved her hand into his, and then into it.

"Yes, I would like that very much."

She spoke quietly, but both Adam and I heard her clearly. He smiled a small but warm smile, as did she.

Well, it looks like my work is done. Besides, this feels kind of private, so I should go.

Satisfied with myself, I returned back to the inn. As I walked in, Lucy turned to greet me.

"Welcome back sweetie, how did it go?"

I smugly smiled. I can't wait to see her reaction.

"I completed your request."

"WHAT!?!? How did you do it so fast? I could barely get them to talk to each other!"

Ahh, even better than I imagined.

"That's a secret."

Honestly, I just convinced him to confess to her, and it went well. No big secrets.

"Well, once I confirm that they did in fact get together, the room will be yours for two months."

"Two? I thought you only said one?"

"Just consider it a thank you. After all, you managed to get them together, and in one day too. In my opinion, you earned it."

"Well, I greatly appreciate it."

Lucy opened one of the drawers in her desk, pulling something out. Once she did, she closed it and held her hand out with the item she had grabbed.

"Here you go. This is your room key. Be sure not to lose it, as it is expensive to make a new one."

"I thought you said we would wait until you confirmed what I said was true?"

"I did, but I trust you, so here."

I grabbed the key from Lucy, a small smile on my face.

"Thank you. I will head to my room now."

With that, I went up the staircase and onto the second floor. From there, I walked up to my room, unlocked it, and went inside. Finally, my own room, and for free too!

Everything was exactly as I remembered it from my brief visit when Lucy gave me a deal. It was just the right size to be nice and cozy.

There was a nice bed with a small little nightstand right next to it. Near the bed was one chair next to one small table. That was it. This room wasn't ment to be for permanent residence. After all, it is just an inn. Just the bare necessities to sleep comfortably. parallel to the bed were windows that shined right onto it. Of course, there were curtains in case I wanted to block the sunlight.

This room may be kind of small, but I like it. I might stay here for a bit and enjoy myself. It should be quiet too, which sounds nice. My past life was always so busy and noisy what with the violent people I got involved with and the things they made me do, so a quiet life sounds perfect.

I threw myself down onto the bed, which is surprisingly comfortable by the way, and relax myself. While I don't feel physically tired, mentally, it's a different story. I mean, I died, met my creator, got reincarnated, and setup a couple all in one day. I will just take it easy for the next few days and try to enjoy myself.

Mmm, this bed really is comfortable. I might just try and take a nap for now.


My face flushed red before I could even think, which is crazy fast.

I guess I might need to eat something first, huh.

Getting out of the comfy bed, I walked out of my room and went downstairs. I was just about to walk outside when my stomach gurgled again, loudly.

"Oh my, it appears someone is hungry. Would you like to eat?"

"Yes please! Assuming you don't mind, of course."

"Oh sweetie, of course I don't mind! I'll go whip something up, so you just wait here."

Lucy then walked into the room behind her desk. After only a few minutes, an incredible smell started coming from back there, and soon after that, Lucy came out with a plate in hand.

"Okay then, here is your food sweetie. I made breakfast for dinner! Hope you like it."

"If it's even half as good as it smells, I know I will love it!"

Grabbing the plate of food from Lucy, I quickly went to work. Freshly baked bread, scrambled eggs, bacon, and some vegetables. A truly masterful dinner, or should I say breakfast? Whatever I should call it, it was delicious.