
"Why yes, I am. Why do you ask?"

The boy looked down. Along with his peach hair, he also had pinkish eyes and sounded strangely like a girl. If it weren't for my strong gut feeling, I would have mistake him for a girl the moment I saw him.

"Well, if you don't have a place to sleep for the night, I could take you somewhere relatively cheap. Besides, you don't appear like you would be able to afford anywhere expensive."

He looked me up and down as he said that.

What is that supposed to mean?

It only took a quick glance at myself to see what he meant. My clothes were dirty and stained, my skin covered in dirt from all the running I've done. If I had to describe myself, the word homeless would be accurate.

"Well, that is true. In fact, I couldn't pay at all. I can work though."

"You would work? That expands your options a bit depending on how hard your willing to work."

"I'll work as hard as it takes to earn my stay."

"You know, that should work. By the way, my name is Riley, what's yours?"

"My name is Estelle. Thank you for helping me."

"Okay then Estelle, follow me please. I can introduce you to someone who might be able to help you."

"I greatly appreciate it, but if you don't mind me asking, why are you doing this for me?"

"Why? Well, because I used to be in a situation similar to yours."

Oh, he used to be broke and homeless too. I guess that makes sense.

After answering my question, Riley began to lead the way for me. We walked down many roads and alleys before we both arrived at a small shop. Even though it was just before midnight, there was a light on inside.

"Kelly's Cafe?"

"Yes, this is it. The owner helped me when I needed it most, and she also owes me a favor."

With that, Riley opened the door and let the both of us inside. As the door opened, a small little ring rang out from a bell place just above the door. Inside the cafe, there were a few small tables able to seat at most two people each. In the back, there was a room with no door that probably led to the kitchen.

"One moment."

The voice of a lady came from the back room. She sounded like she was in her early thirties. As she came out, I got a good look at her. She had black hair in a strangely rebellious hairstyle. Her facial features were sharp and pronounced, pulling everything together. Her eyes were as black as her hair, almost appearing to be an empty void. She's pretty.

"Why thank you."

"Wah! Did I say that out loud?"

"Oh don't worry, I'm flattered, really. Now then, what are you doing here girly boy?"

What a weird nickname, but I totally understand.

"I brought this young lady here because she didn't have a place to sleep for the night. She told me she was willing to earn her stay."


The lady, who I assume is probably named Kelly, looked me up and down, probably trying to determine if I really would work hard to earn my stay.

"Well, she seems capable, but I can't judge on appearances alone. Say, if you can help me out with something, I'll let you work here. What do you think?"

"That sounds fair. What is it you need?"

"Well you see, these neighborhood punks have taken something important from me. If you can get it back for me, I'll let you stay here."

As Kelly spoke, she had her head tilted up and her eyes peering down, almost as if she was looking down on me. Maybe she thinks I would be to much of a coward to do it, not that it matters.

"Okay. Do you know where I can find them?"

It was small, but Kelly's eyes twitched ever so slightly when I answered her so quickly.

"In fact, I do. They usually hangout in this alley at midnight. They took an important pendant of mine. The one your looking for is this lean but well built teen. He has dirty blonde hair, and usually has a group of his friends hanging out around him."

"Okay. I'll see what I can do. Can you tell me what your pendant looks like?"

"It is made almost purely of gold with some jewels mixed in. The pendent itself is made of a diamond. It's important to me."

Kelly seemed genuine for a short moment, but it quickly went away as her previous attitude returned.

"Okay, I'll be back as soon as I get it."

Most people would take the pendant and try to sell it, but it's clear that it's important to her, so I can't do that. Besides, she asked me to get it back for her. If I retrieved it only to sell it, I would lose the chance to stay here, and I would betray my morals. That leaves me with one option only. Get that pendant.

"Well, I'll head out then. Wish me luck. Also, thank you for your help Riley."

With that, I left the cafe and began to wander the street. Kelly said they usually hangout on this street at midnight, and it seems like it just became midnight, which means I should be able to find them now if I walk down the street for a bit. Okay then, let's go.

I walked down the street for about fifteen minutes before I finally found them. A lean but muscular boy with dirty blonde hair, a group of other boys surrounding him, and a golden pendant hanging from his neck. Okay then, let's get that pendant!