Masked Girl

Gabriel led me to his private chambers at the top floor of his mansion. The room was twice as large as Kelly's Cafe. Inside, an incredibly furnished wooden deck with golden outlines sat in the center. The walls were surrounded with bookshelves, each filled with books on important matters in the world. A few days in here would probably answer all the questions I have about this world, but that isn't important right now.

"Before we start, would you mind telling me your name?"

"Just call me masked girl like you did earlier."

"Okay Maskes Girl, would you mind telling me what exactly these papers are?"

"Those papers are the solution to the gang wars. They prove that the three top guards that you entrusted to protect the city have been accepting bribes to allow the gang wars to happen in the city. They accept the bribes and direct those beneath them to watch the other districts, leaving mine completely vulnerable. Once the guards leave, everyone is left to fend for themselves until the guards return."

"Yes, I know about the gang wars. They happen once every few years, but I haven't been able to pinpoint who exactly was allowing them to happen. The guards are diverted for only a few days, so as not to raise suspicion, and they return to the aftermath of a large scale battle. Those who try and leave the district are killed by outliers at the edge of the district to prevent them for getting help, and no one enters the district because they don't like the idea of going into the poor districts. The prefect recipe for disaster. What I want to know is how you got these?"

"I overheard a conversation from the three guards you entrusted, and how they mentioned accepting a bribe from the Reapers, the ones who initiated the war. They mentioned how the Reapers made them sign these documents as insurance in case the guards sold them out. They were planning to steal them back after the gang war, but I attacked the Reapers base beforehand and took them myself. Then I came straight here to being them to you."

I kept my explanation as simple as possible, trying to quickly explain the situation. Once I had finished, Gabriel took a moment to think to himself, probably to let everything I just told him sink in.

After only a few moments, he asked me another question.

"That explains the giant plant... How many others are working with you?"

"There is no one else."

"No one else? I know about the Reapers and how large their base is. There is no way someone could take them on by themself. If you really did do it yourself, prove it."

Well, I already showed the Reapers my powers. It wouldn't hurt to show him either. I slowly created each orb of magic and had them revolve around me while glowing brightly, except of course, black magic, which I've learned I should never reveal. As I did, His eyes went wide with shock, but he quickly composed himself.

"I see. You're the one I heard of in that bar a month or two ago. The one who saved an entire village singlehandedly from over a hundred goblins. I'd heard that you had intense flame and earth magic, but to think you possessed all the magic types was beyond my imagination."

"You heard about that?"

"So it's true. I went to the village, searching for you. I thought your immense power could be used for good, but by the time I had gotten there the next day, I learned that you had been chased away by the group of adventurers originally sent to save the village. It seems like you still wish to do good, considering your here trying to protect the poor district. What would you say about coming to work for me?"

"I'm not here because I want to help people. I'm here because my home will forever be in danger as long as the gang wars are allowed to continue. There is no other reason."

"I see. That is a shame, but I will respect your decision. Thank you for bringing me these files. I will do something immediately about this problem. You may leave now."

I only nodded my head once before I walked out of the mansion. All of the servants and guards eyed me suspiciously with each step I took, looking for any reason to attack. I guess that's understandable considering I broke in here in the first place. When I arrived at the gate, the guards opened it for me and let me out. From there, I hopped onto the rooftops and made my way home.

* * * * *

I stood and watched from the window as the Masked Girl hopped onto the nearby rooftop, which was three stories high, and began to run away. My most trusted servant stood directly behind me, awaiting any order I may give.

"Such a talented girl, yet she chooses to hide her power instead of using it for good. Such a shame."

I truly did respect her decision. If she didn't want to work for me, I would understand. But I simply can't take no for an answer.

"Clementine, I need you to find some way to convince her to accept my offer. I don't care for her identity, and I don't care for her status. My city could use someone like her protecting it."

"Yes sir."

Clementine spoke in the same monotone voice she always used. Despite the way she talked to me, I knew she had a great respect for me. She is always willing to do whatever I ask, no matter what it may be. She also never complains when doing so either. What really shows how much she respects me, however, is the way she smiles when she knows she's made me happy. It's because of that smile that I know I can trust her with anything.

As I thought quietly to myself, I could hear Clementines quiet footsteps as she left the room. Once she had shut the door behind herself, I could hear her footsteps as they thumped along quickly, running to catch up with the Masked Girl.

I hope I can convince her.