Chapter 11 Is thinking about the far future matter so much?

Obviously I'm only showing two of the nine seeds.

During our quick confrontation with the princess,I thought what to do with these elves.

Negotiate or battle with them.

Each one has its own advantages and not.

Negotiating with them will cause me losing and wasting one or two of these seeds,but it will not leave too much hostility between us.Despite elves are sometimes stubborn and too prideful of themselves they are not completely driven by their emotions,in fact they are more like the angels and the fairies, they put honor and respect above all.So even if they still feel a little bit of resentment,they won't outright put me in their black list,they'll just be more cautious towards me nothing more.They might even feel indebted towards me, a seed of this kind can somewhat protect a wide territory not only from enemies but also from the calamities.The death of some soldiers and saving a ton of lives or the risk of putting an entire race to its extinction,mhh, I think the choice is quite obvious.

While,If I choose to adamantly refuse to atleast hear them out and instead choose to fight them, even if I just knock them out,I'll make an entire race my enemy.And I'm talking about the elves, a race that while they put respect and honor above all,they are not merciful towards their enemies unlike the angels, they in fact might chase you to the end of the world even to just insult you.Quite a strange and simple race,right?Well, atleast they are better than the humans, the battle maniacs dwarves and the cunning demons.And if it's not enough to knock them out and just decide to kill them here, not only I'll have the elves constantly pointing their bows to me but the incoming battles might cause the death of Velena and Ira.And that is something I don't want.I'll never forgive myself if they die because of one of my decisions,specially if such decisions could be avoided.What about my future sisters,you say?Despite feeling a bit a regretful about that,I'm not planning to create them soon and much of them.Then what about hiding the fact that I killed them?Impossible,the elves outside already know about us and they are likely in the way to tell the news about us to their king,so even if I kill the ones outside it will not change nothing.

Then, between keeping one or two more seeds and be the public enemy of the elves or negotiate with them and have some chance of gaining their trust,I would choose the negotiation.


"You need these,right?You came here primarily for these little things,right?"


Cutting her off,I continue.No, because the next words I said,made her silent.

"Wouldn't be such a waste,if...I accidentally drop them and accidentally step on them?How about we talk for a bit?"


No matter how you hide it,I can see you be a bit too desperate and too hasty to get one of these things.

I'm not certain at 100% but...

"A few years from now,a calamity will befall in your lands."


Mhh,well, your giving the answer yourself.Wait but how did they-

After calming herself the princess sighs.

"*sigh*There's no reason to hide it from you since it seems you're williing to negotiate.No matter how advanced the device the dwarves built,it can only predict few days before a calamity appears.Then how we did we know it?Simple, we have a prophet.And from that very prophet we also got the information about the seeds."

"But you should know that these seeds needs a really long time to grow,I don't think that within few years the seed would become a full grown World tree."

"We elves,have our own methods to accelerate the procees to grow it in a year or two."

"Mhh.Sure.Well then.Here." I throw a seed to her,she clumsily and cautiously catch the seed.After delicately storing it in a pouch, she sighed in relief.

"Well?What's the deal?"

"Three things.First is that you'll immediately leave and do whatever you want with that seed.Secondly I want to atleast to meet and talk with that prophet of yours.And lastly I want to freely sightseeing your lands."

"E-eh?That's it?"

"Mh?Yes,can you maintain it?"

"Y-yes!Ah,wait a moment,here,if you show this to the guards in the gates they will immediately notify me of your arrival." Like I did for the seed,she too throws in the air a wooden medallion.

Inspecting it,there's something engraved on it.

"Theresa Hollow...Oh,that's your name."

I didn't use [Appraising] on her so...

"Since now you know my name,can I hear yours?"

"You should already know since you used [Appraisal]."

"That's right.But I want us to introduce ourselves in a decent manner."

"You sure are weird.Okay.My name is Deva Yelena.These two are...Velena Yelena and Ira Yelena,they are my companions and family."

"My name is Theresa Hollow,princess of the elves.You have our gratitude."

"Troops!We're leaving!" After slightly bowing her head,she turns around with her party towards the exit.

Some were still glaring at us with resentment but overall most were relieved.


Now that we're alone.

"D-Deva,are you sure it was okay to let them off like that?And what about your deal,will she maintain them?"

"This very medallion,is already a proof that they'll maintain our deal.Besides we're not losing too much."

"But...the seed..."

"Velena,you girls are way more important than a seed.So don't think too much about it."

Now,the important stuff is here in front of us.

"Velena,Ira,I'm going,wait for me okay?After this we can go eat something delicious."

Without waiting for their response,I gently open the door and step inside.

