Chapter 12 We'll take our time as flowers will not blossom overnight.


The cries of a baby could be heard,resounding in the room.

Outside was snowing meaning the room was cold.

None came to soothe the baby.

The baby was only wrapped by a thin blanket.

Months passed like that.The baby after being fed and cleaned she would be left in that room.




There were no longer cries from her.Understanding that crying will not make the room warmer or gaining the warm of love,she just quietly watched outside the window,sometimes she would watch, when the sun begun to rise, the people go to their ways and the birds fly in the sky or when the moon was there dimly illuminating the roads together with the numerous stars,the nocturnal animals roaming outside.

When she started her first steps, no one was there to witness it and no one cared afterwards, instead they stopped feeding her and just left the plate with the food on it and then leave,as to where she didn't know.That is also how she learnt to hold a spoon and a fork...after many many attempts.

Then she said her first word yet she didn't know the meaning of it.


Again no one was there and no one cared.

Through the locked door she could hear each time a different voice and with it the one she considered as mother,she could hear them saying the word "love" during grunts and screams.She was scared of those noises so she always stayed near the window,trying to listen to something else, the barks of the dogs,the housewives gossiping with each other, students complaining about something or the chirping of the birds.

She would often train,she didn't know how to do it properly,so she would visualize an immaginary foe and clumsily fight it.It was also a way to forget that she was alone.

Day after day, she fough immaginary monsters and strengthen her body.It was also a way to kill time.It was a silly yet it made her days of boredom less dull.

Then at the age of six ,'it' happened.

She could hear and understand the gossips and rumors occuring near her window.


-Hey,did you hear that that kingdom has fallen because of monsters?

-Monsters?Do they really exist?

-Yes,yes,they do exist.You know the city we visited when we were little?That too have been destroyed by them.

Said the two housewives near her window.



-Is it true that the son of the farmer obtained a system?

-It's true,yesterday he was the weak child that coulnd't even lift a bag of potatoes,now?Now he can easily lift ten of them!

Said two boys near her window.



-You're leaving this place?Why?

-There hasn't been a monster for weeks,I'm stuck at level 5.And there's nothing here.

-Why do you care?

-I...want to be stronger and become the strongest,I'm sorry Marie.

-Y-you're leaving me for that reason!*Slap!*...

Said two lovers at each other,she could hear them despite them being far.


Then one day,her boring routine was interrupted when the door opened,but the ones who entered was not her mother but two massive and bulky men.

They dragged her and thrown her in a caravan and she didn't resist.Inside it there were people whose eyes were blank or their expression that of despair.The girl was not distressed, rather she was feeling curious and eager to see what was beyond the same scenery she could see from her window.

But two days later,a group of monsters appeared and attacked the caravan.

The driver and the two bulky men left the caravan and escaped,

and obviously the people inside the caravan too fled,some were unfortunate enough as they became food for the monsters and some run away without caring of anyone else,

there was no time to care for someone else but themselves.

The girl was one of the lucky ones who managed to run away from the monsters.

She run and run,until she couln't move her legs anymore.

She collapsed near the edge of a lake,from the surface of the water she could her own reflection and that of the vast and beautiful sky filled with by stars and by the silver moon.

But instead of the sky she was watching her own reflection.

For the first time of her life,the raven-haired girl clearly watched her own face.A smile was etched in that tiny face of hers.

Her crimson eyes stood out the most in her own reflection,

its brigthness could almost compare of that of the moon.

Near the little girl there was a grown version of herself.

For this entire time this phantom that couldn't be seen and touched,watched the girl from her birth to this moment.

The phantom didn't attempt to interfere with or move away from the girl.The fantom knew this was only a projection of her past so she didn't even try to change something.Even if she could she wouldn't do it,there was nothing she wanted to change,these very events of her life were the very cause that she is the being referred as Deva, if those events didn't occur a differrent Deva would exist.

That night was also the night she would meet with the person she would call teacher and consider her as a maternal figure.

But as if something didn't want to or isn't able to project or show her teacher, the surroundings started to shift before she could even catch the glimpse of the tall figure leisurely walking towards her direction,but she heard the words that weren't pointed to the younger version of herself but seemingly to her. Her words filled with nostalgia.

-Ah, you've grown so much these past years four years,unfortunately-




Then the scene shifted to that very day she obtained her system,to ten years later from the past scene.

This time instead of directing my attention to the scene unfolding,I watched the woman made of steel standing near me.Between her eyebrows you can see a red crystal,probably her very heart.

"You're very awful,you know Core?Not wanting to even show me for a second teacher."

"Core is unable to interfere with that being's existance,you should know that as you have been the person who spent years with that person,even mentioning her name is taboo."

"You really know something about her."

"Core like the other cores,have the information that system shares.But such informations are not authorized to be leaked."

"Okay,then.What about the trial?You said about something about confronting myself,are you making me fight with myself or like talk about my true desires or something?"

"Core thinks that you've already passed the trial.As the goal of the trial is to make sure that the candidate will not regret and not change the past if have the power to do so.Core analyzed the candidate's emotional and mental state and so far other than nostalgia there was no change in the candidate's state.And for that reason Core's thinks that candidate has passed the trial."

"Then why we are still here?"

"Core has also analyzed the candidate's memories, and is rather intrigued by what candidate's feels about the two."

"They are my sisters you know."

"Core knows that you aren't biologically sisters,and Core presumes that candidate too knows that."

"Then I consider them as sisters!"

"Core,despite not having the [Lie detection] skill,knows that candidate is talking like this to likely the avoid the topic."


"Core thinks that,the candidate is feeling what people refer as love and affection towards another person and Core is not talking about like family,pet or friend."

I remain silent and so Core too.

But unfortunately that didn't last long,as the scene before me shows Velena and Ira embracing me after I created them, the Core starts to talk.

"Here.In this particular moment your heartbeat accelerated.Then here, the moment they took your hand as they wholeheartedly accept to accompany you forever,despite wearing a calm smile but inside you were infinitely overjoyed.Then there's the peaceful and lazy days you enjoyed with them,you nearly wanted to live like that."

"Ugh,you even know that."

"Like Core said before,Core has analyzed the candidate's memory and so the thoughts too."

"sigh*I surrender,yes I do love them.And not as sisters or something like that."

"Then why-"

I cut her off.

"You are very nosy,aren't you? My stuff is not your business, and it's up enterely up to us if we want to progress it,for now we are happy to maintain the status quo like this.We'll take our time,specially those two to fully understand and convey their feelings."

"Core apologizes,as Core has never understood the word of 'Love'."

"Fine,fine.Since you said I passed the trial,can you stop now?"

"As you wish."

Accepting my request,our surroundings shifted again, and this time we are in an empty white room.

[You passed and completed the trial.No existence has showed the same complete lack of desire to change the past.Congratulations!You completed and conquered the dungeon.Hence you've been given the total control of the dungeon.It's description is the following.]

[Tower of trial]:The owner is able to reduce the size of the dungeon into that of a seed.The dungeon can also be summoned or stored inside the owner's soul as the two are now contracted.The owner is also able to command and control the seven deadly Sins and the seven Heavenly Virtues,their levels will reflect that of the owner.As an owner you can freely change the interior and exterior of the dungeon.


[You archived a feat only few were able to accomplish in this world.Do you agree to send a world notification to everyone with a system that you accomplished such feat?]


[Very well.]


