Chapter 14 Don't you feel the same embarassment I'm feeling right now?


I wake up and try to get up but two pairs of arms around my arms didn't let go on my body,rather they tightened the grip,giving up on getting up,I sighed and plopped back to the bed and since they fervently want me to be their pillow then so be it, rather it is somewhat reassuring and calming knowing that they care so much for me.

I breathe in a mouthful of air,and could say that compared to before the seed cleansed my body,that the air I breathed was somewhat purer and more refreshing and maybe it will remain like this forever.

I feel a bit of guilty thinking what the two went through yesterday because of me,despite the spartan training they went through was painful as well,the degree between the two events was quite large hence before following with Theresa, I plan to spoil them more than usual.

After some time the two woke up.


"Goodmorning,Velena,Ira." I greet them with a smile,my tone softer than usual.Maybe too much.

And maybe noticing this,they smiled brightly than usual but I swear I saw something sinister within those sparkling eyes.

In fact during the cleansing yesterday,I promised things I didn't even thought too much

""Goodmorning to you too,Deva!""They enthusiastically greet back. Maybe with too enthusiasm,well as long as they don't cross "certain" boundaries I'll be fine with everything.

Well then let's go get breakfast.


During breakfast.


"Uh...'kay..."I open my mouth to allow the two feed me in turns.

Ahhh!Everyone is watching!Don't you two feel embarassed?Ugh,I'll get my revenge the two of you!

"V-Velena you too,open?" I hold my spoon to feed her.Hah this time is your tur-


As I held my spoon in the air ready to make her embarassed instead she eagerly opens her mouth with her eyes closed waiting me to spoon her.

Calm down,Deva.Calm down this is not as hard as defeating hundreds of monsters.

"Ah!So delicious!Being fed personally by Deva makes everything delicious!"Velena yells gaining another time the attention of everyone.

Ahh!Don't say aloud your thoughts!It's embarassing!


I feel someone glaring at me,I turn my head to the side and see Ira pouting at me.

"Y-you too,Ira?"

"Um!Ah?" She too opens her mouth while closing her eyes.

As if closing their eyes will make the food more delicious.

"Um...divine..."Fortunately Ira unlike Velena didn't shout.

I though that they were satisfied but instead we continued to feed each other.

Thinking about lunch and dinner made me almost regret saying those promises yesterday.


Since this town is small we spent most of the time going around and visit the shops.

We obviously avoided the princess' troops the moment we spot them.

Thankfully other than holding hands and try different dresses,we didn't do things out of the norm.

Obviously I was the one who had to try all the dresses they suggested,while they were the ones to devour me with their eyes.

But we had to do the same we did during breakfast also during lunch and dinner.

And nothing happened after we got to bed.Well other than a goodnight kiss to the two,nothing happened afterwards,I totally wasn't fantasizing any lewd things.Yup,wholesomeness only wholesomeness for now.For the girls that is too early and it seem they are rather satisfied as things remain as they are.

In fact I think that they do not even know those kind of things.

Well,then goodnight.




After we prepared our things,we waited for the troops marching towards their kingdom.

As if the Theresa ,who was in the very middle her troops, sensed our gazes,she turned her head towards our direction, and nodded at me which I returned a smile.

Well the journey towards their kingdom is rather short as we were already in near their lands.The location we are headed is the center of their kingdom,where is situated the only city and capital of the elven kingdom.The elven kingdom is rather tiny compared of the other races but it is also the most unified race.

No bandits appeared as no one of them attempted to attack Theresa,no one dared to attack her,but instead some attacked us as they seemed to think that we were weak.

I left that matter to Velena and Ira,despite it was their first time directly killing human beings other than wearing complicated expressions they didn't voice any complain nor showed hesitation on killing them or incapacitate them.

In the future we will deal other than monsters and dungeon, humanoid beings.In their ways human beings are way more terrifying than monsters.

During our travel of five days,we traversed most of the times forests but there were also wide rivers,waterfalls and small lakes.Clean devoid of any sign of contamination.

There wasn's even a sign of humanoids beings,rather it was filled with a variety of flora and fauna.

There were even some species of animals and plants I thought being extinct as a book I read said so.

The air too felt different,but since we were cleansed there was little effect on us,if a normal person were to breathe here,they would temporarily feel a bit invigorated and their body lighter.

Strange thing or maybe not,but it seems the three of us were rather welcomed by the inhabitans of the forests, as we would find groups of animals near us,just following and watching us from afar,from their eyes I could see awe,but I think that wasn't directed to us but rather to the seeds inside our souls.

After five days we arrived.

And what greeted us,was a fantastic sight.

There were no walls protecting the houses but massive,tall and sturdy trees were used as house.

I recognize that type of tree as once teacher mentioned.

They are darkwood trees,fire is ineffective against these trees and if you manage to damage them, they will heal themselves if given time.

From afar I could see the elves enthusiastically greet Theresa's party,maybe news about the seed were already spread,I don't know whether it is a good thing or not.


