Chapter 15 Elven king and queen.

Before 'it' all happened, a really small number of people could be called mages or magic users,as they could do things out of the ordinary:creating things from nothing,summoning beings from another world, healing the injuries,revive the dead or even control the minds of the people.

Several of them devastated the lands and in the opposite side healed the lands.

But they were the first ones to fight against the monsters whose came out from the gates,they were also the first to obtain a system,albeit normal ones.

The majority of them perished in the countless battles against swarms of monsters but the few who survived became the strongest of this world.

Some became rulers of their race.

Some went to hiding.

Some continued to do as they liked and pleased.

Like the three in front of me.

The current king of the elves,Thaleasin Hollow, once a prince and former general of the elven army.One of the heroes that joined in the battles against the monsters.Despite having 50 years old he looks like 18, he has the same youthness and liveliness of Theresa.

The current Queen of the elves and wife of Thaleasin,Aelrie Hollow,she accompanied Thaleasin in the battles as an assasin.Like him she has the same youthness of Theresa, in fact they look like twins,if not from the difference of height I would mistake them as the same person.

Then last one who is currently watching me with eyes of curiosity and confusion,she is a person I didn't even know the existence of despite she too joined with the first two in the battles,she who had the gift to see the future before 'it' happened has now that gift further strengthened,Edea Yera current prophet.Not only she joined in the battles but it is all one of the reasons that this kingdom is at peace,she can predict if someones decides to launch an attack no matter the location and time.And I have to say something about her.She is small,like smaller than a child of ten years old.But she is definitely older than me.

The information about Edea was told by Theresa,obviously after promising to not leak any information about her.

Since I entered the room,she has been watching me for the entire time with confusion,and obviously the reason by that is my title [My own path] as just by watching my future is akin to interfere with it.

"Father,mother,I returned at home with the seed."

"Oh,dear welcome back",then shifting her attention to me,"Oh?You bought a friend with you?Edea didn't say anything about this.Ah!Perhaps you hid it to surprise us?Right dear?" The silver haired woman said with enthusiasm.Addressing the question to the white haired man,sitting in a throne made of wood.

"Hmm.Right.Theresa is never that kind of child to bring people over at her house,other than friends." The man calmly replied back.

"Dear...Theresa has never brought a friend here.It made me think that she was a loner.But.Now,oh Theresa,you finally made a friend.I'm so proud of you.Come here,give mama a hug."

Without even waiting for Theresa's response,she disappeared from her spot and instantly hugged Theresa who was besides me.

"M-mom!You can't behave like that!Especially in front of a guest...Hey,don't laugh!"

"Greetings,your majesties,this one's name is Deva Yelena."

"Oh,my such polite one we have here."

"Y-you!How?..." Little Edea said with eyes wide open and with a surprised expression

Did I say she is adorable?Because she is.

"Hm?What's wrong?""What's the matter,Edea?" The majesties asked.

"I-I didn't know..."

"What do you mean?Didn't you say earlier that Theresa was returning with the seed?Shouldn't you also know that Deva was going to visit this place with her?" Aalrie questioned with Theresa still between her arms.

Regaining her composure,Edea"What I mean,Aalrie,is that I didn't 'saw' her in any of my predictions.Meaning she is an existence unaffected from my powers."

"Oh.""Is that so?" The king and queen nonchalantly replied back, surprising Theresa and Edea.

Well,it's like that,despite Edea participated in the battles,I presume she joined as a support in the battles and obtained at a later date a system.

While the two I presume,they obtained one during one of their battles against the first monsters.And since they obtained early a system and had to slaughter waves of monsters,they obviously levelled up quite a bit.The information from [Appraising] said so.



They are hundreds of levels ahead of me meaning their stats are higher than mine,there's in fact no need to be alerted as they could easily kill me while I could be killed even before I realize it.

Rather than hostility and being alerted,they genuinely only showed curiosity and nothing more.Rather they are more focused and happy in me being a friend of Theresa.

I move my attention from the three to Theresa,noticing my gaze she nodded.




Theresa conveyed the events and the deal,we made.

Obviously we also said about my group baiting the monsters and throwing them to Theresa,unsurprisingly the king and queen didn't react too much,in fact they even complimented me by saying that they too would do the same.But they 'calmly' warned me to not do it again to the elves.

"Well,your requests are not hard to satisfy.But I want to ask you,little Deva.Why you wanted to meet Edea and visit this kingdom,I don't think you went all the way here for just 'sightseeing'." The king calmly asked,still seated in the throne.

Tracing my finger on my chin,I say"I wanted to meet Miss.Edea to try if someone who has a few dozens of levels ahead of me could still see my future.Sightseeing is obviously a part of my reasons,the other reason is that I wanted a World tree in its full splendor,that's all."

"That's all?" The queen asked.

"No,I'm also curious as to why you purposely leaked the news about the seed."

"Hoh?Why do you think about that?"Like always the king asked,this time though there's a hint of curiosity.

"It is just a wild speculation of mine but you want to see who'll want to jump and grab that seed of yours."

"That's rigth."The king easily admitted.

"Father?!But why?"

"Dear,is it okay to tell this?"

"Yes,"The king closed its eyes for to open them again in the next moment,"Amongst the races and also the elves,signs of internal conflicts are starting to show."


