Chapter 18 Demonic User

It was another day with teacher.

It was a different day where she would tell me weird stories or weird knowledge.

It was one of those days where she would tell me some of her knowledge about magic and all kind of wonders.

That day she told me what [Demonic users] and [Heavenly users] are and what they could do.

-Listen here,little Deva.A Demonic user is someone who pictures,remembers or imagines something to make the user feel negative emotions.Everything works as long as it provokes the user's heart and soul.A Heavenly user is the opposite as they conjure things from positive emotions.And using those emotions they create and conjure whatever they like,obviously the things they create cannot remain for a long time only enough to last in a fight.

-Is there a difference between a past experience and something you immagine?

-Actually yes,by releasing a negative or positive emotion that stems from your past experience it will be more powerful and faster.But!That is not the correct use of the Demonic Arts.


-Yes,it is a sort of art.Demonic users and Heavenly users are like painters or sculptors,they create something from their creativity and immagination,however unlike painters they create something based from their emotions.So the correct use for it is to use and fit the correct emotion in the right time.

-Then can I too be one?



-Either you were taught from your birth or you must have a system.And we know you don't have any of the two.


-Ei!Don't feel bad little Deva.I'll show you and teach you the basics and maybe when you obtain a system you'll already have one of those titles.Ah,by the way what do you want to become between the two of them?

-A Demonic user.


-You won't laugh?

-Yes!I promise!

-Becuase I find the word cool...T-teacher!Y-you promised!





"If we defeat you in 15vs1,we won't have do those things you ordered to?"Asked Sloth.

"That's right and the one who defeats me will order and rule the other fourteen."

"Isn't that a bit unfair?" Asked Charity.

"How so?We all have the same level.What, are you scared?The mighty seven deadly sins,heavenly virtues and...Core are scared?"

"But that wasn't what..."

*sigh* Isn't this scene quite familiar?Well if they don't take the initiative,I will.

Without hesitation,I punch in the abdomen of Chastity strong enough to make her faint.

And one is out.Fourteen remaining.

Without stopping,I try to grab and throw Diligence.Yes,tried.My attempt was evaded and countered as she too tried to grab me.We constantly tried to grab each other and evading each other's attempt,it also gave to the other thirteen time to organize themselves and position themselves.

"Hohoh,you are quite strong Diligence."

"You better not get distracted young one."

I know.

After evading a blow from Diligence,I duck away to evade a slash coming from behind.

"My,my you evaded..."Kindness muttered before vanishing from my sight.

And instead of her there are now five of the sins and virtues in front of me.

For the exception of Kindness,in the rear there are the rest chanting a spell of their own and Pride pointing a bow towards me.



I remember the words teacher said to me that day where she taught me the basics and tricks of this power.

-Everything works,even if the thing you are remembering is a fake or a distorted past event as long as they evoke your emotions then continue to do it.

-What did you feel when you were there in that tiny room,alone and cold?

-You felt like shouting,yell and screech until you can only release grunts from your throat,right?You wanted that scream to kill someone,you wanted that scream to bleed other's ears and make them suffer.

-What did you feel when those two men entered that room and realized that you were sold by your very mother?

-You felt nothing but only wrath and loathing,right?You could sense the flames of ire and hatred burning your body and soul,dark flames that could've engulf the two and burn them for eternity.

-You can increase and reduce how much you put emotion on it but what's important is for you to not lose yourself in those emotions.


For now let's use only wrath as a catalyst during this spar.

Without batting an eyelid I go to fist fight with the five close range fighters while the effects and spells thrown at me by the long ranger fighthers are rendered ineffective as a veil of flames covering my entire body devours and burns those spells and arrows.The veil also affected a bit those I am currently fighting close range.

Not only I have to concentrate in maintaining the veil so that I won't be in disadvantage against the spells and dodging and counter the five in front of me but also be alert at Kindness that would from time to time appear and strike at a random time.


I didn't know how much time passed but I noticed that their strikes and spells became weaker and slower,how much time passed since we started?The only thing I know is that time passed long enough that Chastity is now awake and is watching us from a corner.

Mhh.The important thing is that we are almost pretty finished,I already analyzed them in my own way,the only thing remaining is to finish them.

Unlike Velena and Ira who at first were inexperienced,these guys know how to fight in a group and also when to switch with the another when tired or injured not only that they also coordinated well as they need only a glance at each other to understand the next move one will do.

I might even assign these guys to further train Velena and Ira,unfortunately they already have something to do, so I'll stick with my original plans.

What these guys need is just to raise their levels.

Mhh.We'll go all together when at least a hundred or so of sentient monsters will be created.

So far I only utilized the flames to defend myself from ranged attacks.

There's no need to restrain myself in next attack.

I cancel the veil covering me and instead I amplify my wrath and concentrate in conjuring in my two hands an enourmous sword made of flames,it is long enough that just by swiping it,it is able to reach from here those positioned in the rear.

And that is what I'm doing right now,I horizontally swipe the sword and manage to hit everyone and after this I didn't proceed in continuing as I already obtained what I wanted to know and even win.

"Haah That was fun.Let's do it again when we reach higher levels guys!"

In return what I received were only grunts and moans of pain,one in particulary was exremely erotic in doing so but let's ignore that,what I didn't think of are the gasps and the presence of four individuals I throught were not going to return that soon especially the last two.

"Velena,Ira and...Theresa and Edea...Ehm...How are you doing?"


