Chapter 19 Positive is weaker than Negative

Glancing around the place other than the fifteen individual recovering from my strike,the place is a complete mess,burn marks,traces of previous usage of spells and combat ,heck there are also deformities in the floor and walls since we lost ourselves on fighting we didn't care that much on using too much strenght.

Well since this is the insides of a darkwood tree if given time everything will return to normal,though I don't know how much time it will take.

What's important now is to explain to the newcomers what we were doing,but first...

I recall the fifteen inside my soul as they become orbs of light and return inside my soul.

What I did is to make sure that during my explaination they do not interrupt me and add unnecessary details.

After gulping the liquids from a health and a stamina potion I clear my throat to the four who were still dazely watching the crazy person in front of them who caused this mess and act like nothing happened.

"Now,now let's first take a seat...ehm... yes!In another room.Hey!Are you coming or not?"

The four finally woke up from their stupor and silently followed Deva behind.

What the four were surprised was that Deva was the one who conjured that massive sword made of flames.

No one even Velena and Ira have ever seen Deva use magic or another skill other than [Cooking],[Appraising] and [Navigation] which were skills that have no offensive effects on it.Even if they knew it was still pretty amazing,the sight of a girl swinging a massive sword made of flames was not a common sight.



After the five of us had taked a seat,four gazes concentrated on me.

"A-ahem!As you all know I've become the owner of the Dungeon of Trials-"

"I stop you right there!I didn't know such thing!Nono,in the first place there should be a world message that should've have informed all of us about it!" The small Edea raised her hand before she started to talk.

"Ah,right you didn't know,well anyways since you now know let's proceed in the conversation..."


"As an owner of a dungeon I can control and rule the monsters and bosses inside the dungeon and even able to create them as well as long as I have the 'energy' to do it,now those fifteen-"

"Wait!Stop right there!You said another ludicrous thing!Owners can now create monster under their control?That's something no one ever informed us about,the angels..."

"Well...that's none of my business.Anyway fourteen of them Theresa already met them while the last one was the core of the dungeon,well let's say we were just having a fun time with each other."

"You blatantly ingnored me..."



"Do you perhaps know a good blacksmith able to forge decent armours?

"I know one and he is here but you have to provide him the materials and the cost are rather high but he is reliable one."

"You have time tomorrow,right Theresa?"


Huh.Your eyes are sparkling...

"But princess tomorrow you have to-"

""Theresa 'innocently' smiled at the little prophet.

"Y-yes..."For some reason the Edea averted her eyes.

Mhh...that's none of my business.

I don't know what happened during the time they were out but Velena,Ira and Theresa became rather close.It's rather strange,did the two of them do something strange to Theresa?What am thinking?They will never do that.

We spent the day talking with each other and eventually Edea too warmed up and joined with us.




This is before we begun the spar.

"So Core is it possible?"

Core looks up to ceiling to think for a second and them returning her attention to me.

"Core thinks is it a long way to create a hundred sentient beings as the energy required is too much."

"Since I became the owner,is the method to gather the emotions changed?"

"Core does not understand,please be more clear."

"What I mean is since that you Core and the dungeon itself have become a part of me,are the emotions I release too became a source of energy?"

"Core asks to wait a moment..."

As Core said that,her eyes flashed a moment before returning to normal.

"The production of energy has increased by 30% since Deva has become the owner as the monsters inside besides the Sins and Virtues were exterminated.Normally the entire said monsters are the source of most energy but with just Deva the gathering of such emotions were increased.Core speculates that as Deva became the owner ,the core,this little thing between my eyebrows has been able to absorb not only the owner's 'energy' but also the ones surrounding her.The data states that 15% of the energy originates from Deva while the other 15% from the emotions of the living beings at a radius of 50 metres around Deva.The answer is yes,the emotions you and your surrounding release can be gathered and converted in energy."

"This means..."

"The period instead of taking a hundred years to complete the requirement to generate the the number of sentient monsters you want,it will take a dozen of years if the rate of gathering energy remains as it is."

"That's way too long."

What kind of emotion is so powerful that still lingers even after the one who released it is dead?Negative ones,resentment,depair,sadness,hatred and such are those that are so deep and powerful that are able to remain.And where are they usually located?In gravewards,battlefields...places where there's the stench of death.

And in the world of Intris,there's a lot of places of that kind.

Mhh!It's decided...we'll travel in those places after we're done here.

For the time being I should explore this place and take it easy, while the others work hard not only for me but also for themselves,yup.




Today is the day where Theresa will introduce us a blacksmith.

We are currently waiting her outside of her tree which is the royale castle-ahem royale tree,what differentiate it from the others is that is a bigger version of the others and the fact that is heavily guarded.

"Hey,we are just waiting for the princess.There's no need to be so vigilant towards us like that.We aren't suspicious I swear."
