Chapter 28 Time is needed to properly know each other.

We resumed our journey after buying all the necessary supplies.

What we need to worry now is to bypass the soldiers guarding the borders.

Hopefully our group have their means to do it.




"Hello! I'm Envy,today is my turn."

Despite I mentioned that I had fifteen subordinates the girls had never seen any of them nor I tried to introduce to them.

But from today they will hopefully become close with each other or atleast try to know or cooperate with each other, since in the future they will fight together,shoulder to shoulder.

"Oooh!Such beautiful big sisters.Hehehe.And a child?"

"I'm not a child!I am even older than you!"



The two started to bicker ignoring the rest of us,like two actual children.While we watched them walk ahead with smiles on our faces.

Oh,they are going to be great friends, the two of them.

Time flew as we proceeded towards our destination as a Sin, a Virtue or Core got out to see and feel the outside.

Three weeks passed since we started to travel from the angels, and the girls were able to see and know the Sins,Virtues and Core.

First it was Envy,then Temperance which had prosthetics on his limbs and hidden by his clothes, then Sloth came out which was clinging on me for the entire day,then Charity who was well liked by everyone, Kindness whom had a motherly aura as usual and it seems she and Velena hit off well the moment they met,Gluttony with his face hidden by a hood but unfortunately wasn't that well liked which he didn't mind that much as he was more interested in the various types of dishes,Diligence whom liked Edea the moment she saw her and Edea didn't mind too much being overly doted by Diligence,Pride which wasn't hated nor liked in particular by the others but she hit off well with Theresa,Humility whom hit off well with Ira,Chastity and Lust got out together and were stangely welcomed and I had an ominous feeling about that, Greed whom like Sloth she clinged on me the entire day,Wrath and Meekness too got out together and were well liked by everyone, and lastly Core whom was strangely hated by the others so Core interacted and talked most of the time with me.

While some were more friendly or some reserved, they all were able to interact and know each other.

I already interacted and sometimes talked with the fifteen during my stay in the elven capital so we were friendly and do not have a strict relationship of master/servant.

Today we arrived near the borders with us instead of Humility since today it was her turn, there's Envy.

We could see from a far a big wall,big enough and sturdy to repel and resist waves of monsters we faced in the angel's lands ,such a waste using it for this.

Envy is playing a big role in passing without being bothered by the soldiers,you see Envy is a summoner,Envy is able to create or summon the shadows of the beings Envy saw, obviously they reflect the user's level but what was important the number which there wasn't a limit unless Envy runs out of mana.

"Is it ready?Envy?"

"Twenty minutes and they are ready."

Sweat could be seen on Envy's little face that even Edea was worried.

"But why are you doing this Deva?Isn't better for us to be few as possible?"

I pointed towards what was beyond the walls.

"After those wall there's nothing but flat plains meaning that you can see from a long distance a person, the moment one of them will appraise us we will be hunted by the soldiers of this section the moment we return and not only that but also our infromations will reach Queen Elisabeth's ears and she will not hesitate to hunt us down personally."

"But even after we reach the demon's land we will be spotted." Ira said.

"Will Queen Elisabeth even listen the words of her enemies?Even if she will believe those things there will be no actual proof that we were there."

Well that is if there's no 'pictures' that is, where a strange device is able to replicate the images one wants, but I think only teacher has that kind of device, so no worries.

"We will blend amidst the shadows.While Velena and Ira will use [Stealth] and [Invisibility].Theresa and Edea will stick with me.Understand?Ira use [Control Weather] when I give a signal.Then prepeare yourself."

Using the dungeon to hide them you say?That is something I wanted to do but it seems other that me and the beings created inside the dungeon no one is able to, so I planned this.

Obviously during this operation Envy cannot retreat in the dungeon so I have to carry Envy.

Twenty minutes passed.

Then from the soil, shadows started to emerge and take form of humans,elves,birds,insects,boars,bears and wolves but unlike from the originals they were all pitch black, the features of their faces unrecognizable.

Their numbers were enough to hide us.

Envy exhausted,plopped in the ground but before Envy could touch the ground I catch Envy and carry Envy under my arms.


After hiding amongs the shadows I gave the command to procced and charge towards the walls.

This did not went unnoticed as soldiers on top of the walls started to panic and be alerted.

But before they could even properly react, a spear made of flames was thrown, hit a spot, melt that part and giving enough space for us and the shadows to pass.

It wasn't finished yet.


After that mist started to form between the walls and us who were still running away.

With this they should find it difficult to even locate us not talking about appraising us.

We continued to hide until a day passed and walked far enough.

Now we have to do the same for the demons' side.




"Commander,they run away!" A soldier reported.

"Did any of you managed to find what were they?Or atleast appraise one of them?"

"No,sir.No one expected for this to happen.And no one was even able to what they were, the witnesses were only able to descibe it as shadows."

"*sigh* So no information about them at all.What kind of monster could summon such a great number of beings?"

"What do we do,sir?"

"Nothing we do not know where they are from and what they are,we can only immediately write a report to the Queen."


