Chapter 29 This is for the sake of a peaceful journey not my stange fantasies.

While we are far from the walls, we continued to walk after a short rest, since they could have sent someone to trail us.

Form here to the demons' walls we need to walk for a week,.

But it is not because of the distance but because of the terrain.

What seperates the demons and humans is a mountain range, the Hells, because it is composed by volcanic mountains.

We will spend most of the time climbing and going through these mountains after this, there should be the demons' lands.

Now since it should take time to reach the walls, let's talk about my lovely subordinates,Theresa amd Edea's skills and classes.

As you've seen,Envy is a summoner able to summon or create the shadows of the beings Envy have seen, Envy can create shadows as long as Envy does not run out of mana.But there are also disadvandages the first one the shadows having only a third of the total strength of the original, another disadvantage is that Envy can create only a shadow for each being meaning Envy cannot create two shadows of Velena or Ira, they are fragile since with just a blow they can be destroyed and lastly the shadows of beings with a level higher than Envy cannot be created.

Humility is a warrior wielding a mace, her speciality is absolute strenght but at the same time her speed,defense,accuracy are rather low, but that can be covered with a defender and buffer, meaning alone she is quite fragile but putting her in a good team composition she might shine on her own. I've tested her strenght and was quite overwhelming.

Pride is an archer, her speciality is to shoot silent and deadly arrows from a distance of five kilometers.A simple description but does not mean she is weak.

Kindness is an assassin,like Velena she has the skills [Stealth],[Assassination] and [Trap detection], while she might only have these skills she seems to use them better than Velena who was taught by Aalrie.

Wrath and Meekness are both berserkers, but they most of the time act as a single entity doubling their speed,strenght and defense but the same time lowers the ability to analyze or strategize.

Diligence being a defender,she uses her libra to create transparents shields to her allies and to draw her enemies to herself from her allies, her defense stat higher than the rest.

Sloth is a buffer, his spells are particularly related to slowing enemies or immobilize them.

Charity is a healer,well she can heal the wounds, regenarates missing limbs and heal negative ailments.

Greed being a shapeshifter she is able to transform in a humanoid nine tailed fox and able to suck one's vitality and lifeforce to increase her own the moment she touches the body.

Temperance is mage, his spells mostly related to telekinesis, while it sounds powerful, for the time being he can only affect small objects.

Gluttony is a tanker, he uses his own body to receive damage and defend his allies.

Chastity is surpringly a warrior, her weapon...a whip,strangely enough her blows can increases one's pain by a ten times or one's pleasure by a hunfredfold.

Lust is a charmer, she is able to distract her enemies in combat or completely ensnare a being with her charms and make the target completely devoted to do her own biddings.Obviously that doesn't work towards someone who's a level higher than her.

Now there's Theresa a swordwoman, her weapon of choice being a rapier, she specializes in speed while lowering her strenght and defense.

Edea, the most complicated, being a prophet, while she can see the future she can do so by consuming a huge amount of mana and vitality.A peek to the future might cost her being completely weak for an hour or for weeks that depends to what she desires to see, while the comsumption is rather weak involving a predictable event for examble the date when someones betrays you of a being she deems suspicious, the cost might be huge if it involves events that involves a large number of people.But that is about consciously peeking at the future.There are also prophesies that appears during her sleep giving her informations about the future, the prophesies might contain useless and vain stuff but also important ones like the calamity that will strike the elves' lands.She is completely useless in combat as using her powers might bring death to her,but she is a precious and irreplaceable ally and support.

We spent the week climbing and walking through these mountains, thankfully the shadows carried us when we were exhausted or even used themselves as ladders or bridges to facilitate help us pass through difficult paths.

And then we arrived.




Doing the same thing we did before we were able to go through the walls and enter.

What differs from before is that we need to pass through villages and towns to arrive our destination,meaning humans will be persecuted unless they are slaves.


Recalling the shadows Envy returns inside the dungeon and in its stead I summon Pride, she will be a factor to lower the chances of being suspicious in the incoming plan of mine.

While Velena has [Stealth] to hide herself,Ira [Invisibility] or [Disguise],I do not have such skills, most of my skills cannot hide my being or hide the fact that I am human.

I gather the girls to tell them my plans.

"Velena and Ira will use [Stealth] and [Invisibility] to not create complications. While Theresa and Edea might be subjected by wary eyes they will not be treated like humans.And Pride is here to add our numbers."

"Then what about Deva?" Velena tilted her head.

Taking a deep breath,I say,"I will act as slave."


"Unless I'm not a slave,they will try to hunt me down and hunt you girls as well being my companions."

" know what slaves have to wear right?" Theresa asked.

"Yes,my wrists and ankles restrained by chains and all."

With this our journey in these lands will be hopefully peaceful.