Chapter 31 Roleplay

What we did for the last week was to walk towards the castle of Devils.

After waiting for another week, the day for the dungeon to appear arrived.

I, Velena,Ira, Theresa and Edea are currently standing near the entrance of the castle of Devils but the castle isn't our objective but what will appear near it, and it will appear in the spot we are currently standing.

A guard is vigilantly watching me as if I could do something at any moment.

"Is it time?Edea?" I ask to the prophet near me which she has her eyes closed.

She pointed in the sky,"There it will appear there in any moment."


*Crack* *Crack*

From here in the ground you can hear a sound akin of shattering glass glass , litte by little the noise started to amplify.


People around the city started to panic as they question themselves where are those noises are coming from.

No one other than us was watching the spot where Edea pointed.

A piece of the sky was being destroyed like a glass and after leaving a hole big enough to whatever going to pass it, it stopped, the noise too stopped.

And what replaced the noise of shattering glass was that of a low menacing hum.

Slowly poking out from the hole the hum started to grow in volume and in pressure.

Then after five minutes the entire thing left the hole, the sky started to regenarate itself in a matter of a few seconds.

But no one around us gazed at the sky because what came out from the hole was so small that no one would think that the noise originated from the sky.

What came out was a small wooded cabin, small enough to only let in one person.

It started to slowly descend and it landed right in front of us, startling momentarily the guard who is watching me.

What was written on a part of the wooden was this:

[Roleplay.Level 5-150. Special Requirements: Only one person at a time can challenge this dungeon.]

I glanced at Edea who returned my questioning gaze with a shrug meaning she didn't know any of this.

I retuned my attention to the dungeon.And thought the pros and cons in entering first.

The pros in entering first are that is that I will not have any competitor in the way and get all the treasures all for myself.

The cons are that by being the first to enter is that I do not know what this dungeon has for me and its dangers might bring death to me.

What intrigues me is its description, roleplay.

What does that mean? That I have to roleplay a character and fight with its body? Unknown.

But one thing is certain and that is my curiosity is killing me and urging me to go.

Is there something to think about?You have artifacts,your subordinates inside your soul, tons of potions and now even a system, if something goes wrong you can just run away, besides risks have to be taken in order to get stronger.This is what my inner demon was whispering to me and I agreed to my inner demon.

But before I dive in, I have to think about the consequenses by leaving my four companions behind.

Currently what am I in the eyes of the demons? A slave.And what does a slave desire the most? Freedom. And in front of me is what a slave would jump in, no matter how dangerous someone would rather die than live its life as a slave.You know, better dying for the sake of freedom rather than living in misery. Some people think like that, and now I can act like that. A slave tired of her life in chains and misery decides to jumps in the dungeon to run away from her masters.

I also have the appropriate skills to do it flawlessly: [Impersonation],[Bluffing],[Acting] and [Body language].

I have to roleplay even before I enter the dungeon of roleplay.

Turning around, I gaze at the four's direction. Two were visible to everyone while the other two are hiding but I know they are near.

I whisper to them,"Play along with my act."

Without even giving them time,I start.




Demon guard A POV

A group of three people are standing near the gate, two are elves while the other is a disgusting human, If not for that low life being a slave I would already killed her maybe after toying with her.

But nevermind that what they were doing is quite suspicious, they are standing there as if waiting for something to happen.

Then after that thought, the noise that would make babies appeared, not only that it also starting to grow in volume then it stopped and what replaced it was a hum something that will make veterans soldiers run.

It continued for a few minutes and then it stopped.

By chance my eyes wandered the spot where the girls were standing, finding a wooden cabin appearing from nowhere.

What?That thing...

But my attention was somewhere else, it was towards the slave and what I presume her masters.

The girl was shaking, from afar I could see her expression which was a mix of anger and resentment towards the two.

"No more!I'm tired of the two of you!Abusing me all day and night!My body cannot take it anymore!"

The two elven girls were momentarily shocked but regained their composure in a second.

"Hpmh!And what about it?You are our thing, a thing to play with, a thing to break and break all over again." The taller elf said.

"It seems, we need to train her again, Theresa." The smaller elf said to Theresa.

"There's no need to train her any further, let's just permanently break her, I'm tired of her rebellious attitude." Said Theresa with a smirk that made me shudder.

The slave shivered in fear seeing that smirk but still did not back down, instead she is slowly walking towards the wooded cabinet.

"H-hehe.Either I die inside the dungeon or being toyed by the two of you, I obviously choose the former." With that she touched the door of the cabinet and disappeared.

I couldn't hear it well but I heard something like 'see you later' from the elves but that wasn't important right now. I have to report this to her majesty, now otherwise I'll be beheaded.

I turned around and run inside the dungeon.

The poor guard didn't see the elves smirking and running away, though from the opposite direction of the castle.


