Chapter 32 First Scenario

[Welcome challenger! This dungeon has five levels or five scenarios to beat in order to reach the last scenario and conquer the dungeon. In each scenario the challenger will not be able to use her skills,titles and her system as well as external items. In each scenario you will be given a quest to follow and complete in order to proceed in the next scenario. As the challenger progresses quests will increase in number. In each scenario the challenger will replace the body of one of the characters in the scenario which depends on her affinity with the character's past however the soul of the replaced character might affect the challenger's mind and heart as immersion rate raises hence reaching 100 in immersion rate might permanently drastically or slightly change the challenger's mind and behaviour. The immersion rate can be raised with two methods, the first one when the character's emotions are stirred and the other is the mentions of her past. The moment the challenger starts a scenario she has to act like the character as basic information about the character will be given.Time inside the dungeon will flow differently from the outside.]

[Starting scenario n.1.The princess and her love.]

[Princess Lily is a student frequenting a college for nobles, you've been asked by the king to support her and be at her side. In this college, nobles can bring with them an attendant or servant to help them in their daily lives. Your quest is to remain close to princess Lily for a year.]

[You will replace Amanda, closest friend and servant of Princess Lily. Amanda is a serious and hard working person. She has a troubled past that only Lily and herself know. She loves spending her time with Lily and make her happy but because she is also a student and maid, but Amanda too much to do so she only sees Lily in the morning or at sunday. She hates people when they approach Lily only because of her status.Amanda is a student frequenting the same collage as Lily.]




And with that it started.

In the morning.

"Milady, please wake up, breakfast is ready" A girl dressed with the outfit of a maid said to the princess.

"Mhmhmm...Five minute..." Lily mumbled.





"Milady! You forgot your textbooks!" A maid shouted to the golden-haired princess chatting with other nobles.

"Ah,Amanda. I totally forgot about that.Thank you." Lily smiled as she watched Amanda.A strange glint could be seen in her eyes but she quickly hid it.

"Then I'll be leaving milady, my lessons are starting." The maid then left after doing a curtsy.

"Ah. wait." Before Lily could even say goodbye to her servant and true friend, she vanished again.

Lily's eyes started to lose light as she sees her 'friends' approaching her.

'Just other nine months Lily, just nine months and she will be yours' Lily muttered to herself before forcing a smile to her friends.




For three hours, the servants have to go to their seperate classes from the nobles. In there they learn all kind of knowledge to help and support their masters. It ranged to basic medical knowledge and basic history knowledge to assassination and how to be a meat shield in order to protect their masters.

After those long hours, Amanda has to do her duties as a maid in Lily's big room.Cleaning,doing the laundry, make the bed, washing the plates and etc. After doing her chores she leaves the collage to do aswell her duties as a servant in the royale castle.

As for the princess's safety? There are hidden guards near her to protect from every eventuality.

"*pant**pant* Forgive my tardiness, headmaid."




After five hours of work she has to quickly return and prepare dinner for Lily.

After leaving Lily alone with the guards hidden just outside the door, Amanda has to meet a person which they will inform Amanda of everything Lily has done during the day and from that Amanda will have to weekly report to the king. Amanda then has to do her assignments for the next day.

"Finally...all finished, time to sleep. Ow,ow,ow my back hurts as well." 'Deva' says.

After that Amanda will sleep for four hours before waking up, she has to prepare breakfast for Lily after all.




In all this Amanda has maximum one or two hours for herself and during those hours she mostly spends in satisfying her body's needs.

Just three months passed here and nothing has changed in Deva/Amanda's daily routine, if there was something that changed then it was the immersion rate.

[Immersion rate at 15%]

Little by little Deva could see how that slowly affected her.

In the beginning Deva would always adress Lily in her mind as Lily but after 10% she started to subconsciously think her as her milady, she does not know what will change the moment it reaches its peak but she knows that the more she spends time with Lily the more it raises so these past months Deva has been avoiding Lily despite it was quite impossible so the only she could do was to spend less time as possible with her and fortunately Amanda has already trouble in spending time with Lily.




Six months passed.

[Immersion rate at 40%]

These past months milady has been acting strange, that is what my informant says.

But not too much to report it to the king, but the immersion rate increased again, despite trying everything nothing changed. And I cannot just run away since I would fail my quest.

Resist Amanda....No!Deva!Resist Deva just resist a bit longer.

Hopefully the next months will be peaceful as the others.




Nine months passed and my immersion has been raised only by 5%.

Surprisingly my immersion rate didn't raise despite doing the same things as the previous months meaning I just need to continue like this for another three months and I will finish this scenario.

But Amanda/Deva didn't know.From the moment she started the scenario, is that Lily has been slowly changing, for long long time Lily loved Amanda, Amanda was her only ray of hope since she would be always there for her,if by any chance Amanda were to go away she wouldn't know how to continue her life but recently she has been avoiding her, wanting to be away from her.

What Deva failed to see was Lily's slow change as not only she didn't know too much of Lily being not the real Amanda and didn't spend too much time with her to know her better, Deva was too worried about the consequenses of being permanently affected by Amanda's soul because that might give her trouble as a Demonic user.

Demonic users have to have their emotions in control otherwise they might lose control of their powers.

She cannot let the immersion rate reach 100%.

But that worry will ultimately bring her own doom.

Lily is at the point of snapping.

But that didn't last much as one day she saw you, saw you laughing and joking with another person, your smile so bright and pure, but that smile wasn't towards her, instead these months the smile she received were forced ones.

The sanity that was holding her back is slowly vanishing, what gushed were dark thoughts.

-Mine, that smile can only be mine.

-No one should have that but only me.

-If people are the problem then I just need to lock you up.

-Watch me and only me.

This is the scenario n.1. The easiest scenario amongs the others.The challenger just needs to be close to the princess.

The name of this scenario.

The princess and her love.

What kind of love it will be?