Chaper 36 Stabbing and decapitations

You remember about us waiting for nine months and nine days? Yeah,about that...It seems our display of affection scared and horrified the servants which not only they took the uncle to us tied up and beaten up but they are all prostrated in front of as if saying 'you can do whatever you want from now on'

Oh my, it seems it was too much leaving the decapitated heads outside, maybe the screams that could be heard from our room was also the cause of their action?

It can't be helped you know? Even if we gagged them they would just soil the cloth, it would be just a waste to use it for that. So we just left them scream and sing as much as they wanted, so that all the people inside villa could sleep with serenenity knowing that they weren't the ones screaming and pleading to stop.

Wearing their mental state was Saria's idea, it seems that expoiting and using the knowledge related to one's psyche is her speciality, if she were to have a system I am sure that she would have the skill [Psycology] at the maximum level, while I too have that skill I only use it to understand one' state of mind and not expoit and use it.

All the servants are prostrating and profusely sweating while the uncle is unconscious in a corner of the room, what they were waiting was Saria's words.

But she remained silent, walking back and forth so that only the sounds of her footsteps could be heard in the room.

Then she stopped in front of the one who was most on the left and slowly walked towards to the rigth while saying everytime she passed one servant a 'yes' or 'no'

Of the servants who are present, twenty got ' no' from Saria while seven 'yes'.

"I'm going to take these seven out along with uncle, Amanda please take care of them.I'll be busy taking care of uncle."

"Yes, milady."

After Saria left with the seven servants with her uncounsious uncle being dragged by his collar by one of the seven, who remained in this are me and the twenty who got a 'no' from Saria which is basically a death sentence to them.*Sigh* really...I'll be drenched in blood and have to even clean this room. Let's kill them in a way where I can give them the least pain possible and less gruesome way possible,maybe.They are relatively lucky unlike a certain man who will suffer for days or even weeks before dying.

Well my method might instill a bit of fear, rage and despair towards me, oh well I don't care that much.




*Swoosh**Thud**Thud* With a swipe of her dagger two heads flew with their owners without even noticing about that and landed on the floor, blood gushing out from their necks, one gushing from the head the other from the body.Eighteen now remained silent, gazing over the two headless bodies.


There was my teacher whom I consider a motherly figure.She raised me, fed me, gave me a sort of love and taught me. She didn't taught me what schools taught which are usually just subjects and lessons. She showed me how hard was to live, how easy was to die, how opinions doesn't make you smarter that the other side, that picking a side was important yet meaningless.

That there is a thin line separating two opposites: love and hate, winner and loser, moral and immorality.


The girl or should we say now a woman, dashed towards the crowd and with her dagger in hand she spun in the center of the crowd and six heads flew.


First were the heads to collide to the floor, splatting the blood.


Then the bodies that after the heads fell to the floor.

Twelve horrified servants remained.They tried to escape with the door the heiress of the Vera family used to leave, but unfortunately it was locked.




-It is impossible to save everyone or kill everyone.Or being kind to everyone or being cruel to everyone. Save and be kind to the ones you deem precious,useful ot your allies while kill or be hostile to those who threathens the ones you saved.No matter how weak,how strong or how many do whatever you want while keeping in your mind that your action migth have their consequenses or maybe not.


The remaining twelve run to different directions but nothing worked as the girl quickly stabbed three in their hearts and four in their brains.


Now five remained.


-Deva, you can think whatever you want or matter you desire, deconstruct and construct again those matters and subjects. Do not think 'it is right or bad?'. Laugh about the idiocity of it and do what your heart desires while your brain will control them.

-You want to rule the world?That's good but do it so that either during or after you do it with desire and ambition and not as duty and responsability. You want a harem?That's good no one but you can decide to do that.No one forced you but also do not force yourself on doing it, a harem is composed by relationship not only between the center and its members but also between the members themselves. The important factor in a harem is mutual and genuine love.


The five tried to fight but were mercilessly stabbed or decapitated.


-To fully understand these words, you have to experience life yourself,without me. A child has to grow and wander around the world.Let's meet again,Deva.

Deva's teacher was either good or evil.She wasn't anything while can be everything.





What a mess.How nauseating.

Blood everywhere.

Blood in the floor, in the walls and also in me.

Well time to clean then.

[Immersion rate at 7%]

[One year, six months and twelve days remaining]