Chaper 37 Saria suddenly strikes

[Immersion rate at 20%]

[One year, two months and five days remaining]

It increased just by hearing the intel related to Lily or the crazy queen is the nickname the people gave her.

From the intel which was given to all the nobles by the kind of this kingdom it informs this:

The crazy queen of the neighboring kingdom has started to wage war to its two neighboring kingdoms. One is ours the Devola kingdom and the other is the Pole kingdom which with just four months it has fallen in the palms of the crazy queen. We don't know what she is accomplishing by doing this but we know that her next target is the Devola kingdom. With the already strong Sorve kingdom, now that they conquered the Pole kingdom they are now stronger. But fret not, we have still time as they need to rest their armies. What we should do is join forces and defeat the crazy queen. We ask to all nobles of this kingdom is to meet at the capital as fast as possible to organize our armies and gather as many troops as possible.

Saria will obviosly not go as we need to organize, manage and all other stuff in this territory.Even if we were to go we don't have men to offer as troops or money to support the incoming war.

We have no one who is good at commanding soldiers, what Saria is good as a noble is managing the territory and I am just a common and fragile maid who is just useful in 'cleaning' and aiding a bit Saria in the management department.

What about the uncle? The uncle has still its usefulness, for two months that is. He is needed to sign the documents to confirm and all.Well I can't say that he has still an ego since what he just do all day is to stare at the wall, what Saria did to him? Tortured him of course, for hours and hours before going to sleep and cling to me.That is something she still does.

I instead did not nothing but work as a maid and often read books in the library to kill time and entertain myself. Other than that I always remained inside the villa and never got outside so that only few could see my face.




[Immersion rate at 25%]

[Eleven months and twenty-five days remaining]

Saria officially became the head of the Vera family and the only remaining of the family as she killed her uncle after he lost his usefulness.

The man died without utteting a sound, he just died alone in a small room after being tortured for months.

After taking her revenge she continued to manage the house and the little territory the Vera family have.

From here on she should find someone to marry, presumably someone to bear her child. When I once mentioned this matter, she blankly looked at me for a minute before returning to eat her dish with an unreadable expression and I had a bad feeling after watching that face.

But like the previous scenario, what I need is to stay away from Lily and remain hidden working as a maid. And also this land is situated in the fartherst side of the Devola kingdom, far away from the Sorve kingdom.

I think it is even better if she ends up locking me up in a room so that no one could find me.Aren't I a genius?

[Immersion rate at 27%]

No nevermind, it seems all things related to being locked up in a room or being forcibly taken by someone seems making our 'Amanda' feel a bit of fear.

Other than us, most of the nobles joined in the war against Lily which started the war a month ago.

But more and more people started to immigrate here from the other territories, others to avoid being forcibly enlisted in the army, others to run away from the incoming battles.Some of them are even reporting that we are already in the losing side which is not a pleasant thing to hear, mostly because I'm the target of such crazy person.

Whoever it seems other than slaugthering the soldiers and the men, it seems Lily shows mercy to young maids and is rounding up women of the losing lands.So they added the alias perverted to her nickname.

The crazy and perverted queen Lily.

Whoever is this bitch it seems she is also winning.Hahaha...




[Immersion rate at 55%]

[Five months and twenty-two days remaining]

Lily won the war.My immersion also gradually raised as news about Lily began to spread and the fact that servants talked about it also served to raise the immersion rate.

Those who resisted were killed while those who surrendered were left alive as long as they pledged loyalty and willing for Lily to inspect every young woman of that territory.

Saria obviosly surrendered.


It was night, and like all the other nights we slept in the same bed.

This time though she started to talk instead of going straight to sleep.

"Say Amanda, I noticed you've been rather uncomfortable these days."

"U-uh you know, just a bit nervous meeting that queen."

"I also noticed that you will unusually grow rather nervous by hearing that person's news."

[Immersion rate at 58%]

This is not good, today was a long tiring day so my current mental state is rather worn out and 'Amanda' is also starting to affect me since I surpassed 50%, albeit a little my trembling form can be easily noticed by Saria whose eyes are starting to dangerously shine, emitting a light that I couldn't move my eyes from them.

I can't fight it, between me and 'Amanda', Amanda is the one who can alter my emotions in this moment and I cannot do anything at all.

Without even me noticing it, I started to talk.

"She is..."

I couldn't stop my mouth, maybe it is Amanda, maybe it is Saria's ability that is affecting me or maybe both.But 'I' ended up saying everything about 'Amanda' and Lily.


