Chapter 38 You like this kind of things don't you?

Ensnared by Saria's enticing and soft voice, 'I' started to tell 'her' the past with Lily.

What 'her' relationship between 'herself' and Lily, and lastly what happened to cause 'her' to run away from her home.

[Immersion rate at 60%]

[Immersion rate at 62%]

[Immersion rate at 65%]

[Immersion rate at 68%]

The immersion rate started to raise itself bit by bit as 'Amanda' continued to tell Saria her/our story.

Yet after some time the immersion rate didn't raise, it is unkown how and why, but it is a good thing for me, but what surprised me is that unlike in the previous scenario, Amanda is having more control in my body as she/we started to sob in Saria's arms who continued to listen and reassure me.

But 'I', Deva, despite faint could feel anger in her hands which are trembling.

Anger and disgust that is more intense than towards her uncle.

Yet 'Amanda' continued to fall in Saria's arms and her words, there is now a feeling that I only feel towards Velena,Ira,Theresa and Edea.

Infatuation, fondness or love. Something that is slowly affecting me.

There's no use in crying over spilled milk, I am however afraid that she will go to confront with hostility Lily, ruining all my efforts on hiding from Lily.

But her next words reassured me.

"Don't worry, I won't make you two see each other ever again, only I can do those things."

Quite ominous how she paraphrased that but as long she do that, then all is okay.

Without giving 'us' time, she leaned to kiss my lips, and I who is in the moment unable to control my body, Amanda accepted and kissed back.

At first she gave slow kisses on the lips which made it sweet but as time passed she became rough and passionate as 'Amanda' also tried to stop her but to no avail.

Then Saria started to target lower and lower, from the neck finding my weak spot, from my breasts sucking and licking my nipples, from kissing my tummy to arriving on my inner thigh.

'I' wasn't that against this kind of thing as it is a new and interesting experience,but it seems 'Amanda' didn't think the same as when Saria attempted to remove my panties she was pushed away by 'Amanda'.

An act that wasn't well received by Saria who is now gritting her teeth and wearing a dark expression.

"!You are still thinking about her,right?!That is why you did that.Despite waiting for so long, despite waiting for you to feel comfortable..."

Oh...oh no.Nononono you misunderstand.

Unfortunately for the moment I couldn't fully in control of my body and in my place there's Amanda who is now trembling is fear and backing away, a detail that worsened the situation.

Putting out some ropes that were hidden under the bed, Saria approches me.

Voice cracking and between her sobs, Amanda makes the situation worse than before,"Y-you are like her...get away from me!No...stop..." Backing away Amanda's back hits the wall unable to run from Saria.

"Her?Like her?!No...I'm not crazy you're just a bit confused right now, what you need is just a bit of time alone and if that doesn't work then teaching you might work."

No matter where you see it, you are clearly crazy and delusional but mostly delusional.




[Five minutes remaining]

[Immersion rate at 90%!]

Heavy breaths could be heard across the room.

Two distinct presences were inside the dark room.

One was chained, weak and defenseless and particularly trembling in fear,hugging her knees in the corner of the room.Dried tears could be seen in her rosy cheeks as she watches the other woman coldly gazing at her but she didn't miss the darkness and lust hidden underneath those azure eyes ready to devour her.

The other one was slowly walking towards the fear-striken woman, her face expressionless but her heart was throbbing at a high speed and her thought filled all kind of 'punishments' she could give.

[Immersion rate at 91%!]

Each step the azure-eyed woman took towards the raven-haired one.

Something increased that only the raven-haired could see.

[Immersion rate at 92%!]

[Immersion rate at 93%!]

[Immersion rate at 94%!]

[Immersion rate at 95%!]

Something that she shouldn't make it reach its highest.

But like herself,helpless,she couldn't do anything at all to change it or stop it.


Now the azure-eyed woman was towering the cowering raven-haired woman which only stutters could be heard from her.

The azure-eyed woman raised her eyebrows and showed a sinister smirk on her face,she was amused,she was excited.

"What is it,my darling?Can't talk,scream or even call for help now?Hmm?"The azure-eyed woman was taking a great amount of pleasure in watching her darling tremble more than before.

"P-please.N-no more."

All kinds of 'marks' could be seen in her body.

Inside the destroyed and ravaged body there are currently two souls, one having more influence than the other but both are still stubborn to yield.

Even so the one having the most influence in that body is one that is greatly afraid of the woman in front of her.

From isolation, humilations, pain and pleasure, Amanda grew extremely afraid of the one she considered not a good person but a friend or even more, unfortunately it seems fate is making fun of her as like her previous master and friend Saria became like this because of her.

But in the other side, there's Deva who didn't care that much about how Amanda felt towards Lily and Saria but only about the completion of the scenario, she enjoyed the pleasures and thrills Saria gave her during these last months but it was not from someone she loved adding the fact that she is seen more than an object than a person from Saria.

An object to mold to her desires, unfortunately for her this object is hard and difficult to shape and mold.

But after a year or more of not going out, Deva became rather bored adding that these past months there wasn't anything she could do since Amanda is in control of most of her body and that she was locked in a room.

[Attention!Immersion rate is now at 97%]

But finally Deva could see the end of this second scenario and pass to the next one, hopefully not stumbling in another person that will became strangely crazy for her.

What did teacher called them? Yan....Yane ehm no that..ah, yeah a Yandere.

If Deva were to categorize the people who became crazy for her then Lily and Saria would fall in the 'Extremely self-centered and delusional yandere-type' while Velena,Ira,Theresa and Edea would be for now in the 'Weird but loving yandere-type'.


