Chapter 46 A carnage

Standing on the table I declared that we were done and without giving them time whether they were cooking, eating, drinking their beer or wine or were dancing, I recalled all of them inside my dungeon leaving the panting Ilia in the ground and the three other vampire sisters wasted from my blood.

It was silent with only the breathing of the four and the occasional mumbling from the three drunk vampires.

Sitting on table I absentmindedly watched the sky, thinking about nothing in particular.

Unbeknownst to the distracted woman a certain vampire twitched, a strange premonition hit her brain.

Before the sixtieth second passed Deva felt a faint feeling that something went through her but instantly ignored it as a notification from the dungeon appeared.

[A cold and indifferent creature arrived in a planet called Earth from a distant planet.Kill, slaughter and bring despair on Earth, there's no need to feel remorse or hesitation as this planet did also the things you will do to other planets now it is its turn to receive the same destruction they brought to other lands.]

[Ophiel an archangel from another world have been given the task to bring the divine retribution to these creatures who brough destruction to countless planets. As an angel born to follow all orders given by her goddess she will do everything for her goddess even if its slaughtering entire populations. Ophiel never changes expression and her words are coated with coldness despite this she loves passing her time with her fellow sisters. Your quest is to eradicate the entire human population using your current skills and titles and then return to report to your goddess.]

[Paradise is where Ophiel has to return after her mission which is far away from Earth. But do not worry as your goddess has given you a special scroll that will activate after you have eradicated all the humans of the planet Earth. The same scroll that Ophiel used to arrive in five years on the planet Earth.]

[The humans have developed dangerous and vicious weapons that can destroy entire planets and annihilate entire species, a level system does not exist in this 'universe' so gaining experience is impossible, dungeons do not exist as well as monsters and the humans in Earth have only those nasty weapons so be creative and bring destruction to those pests.]

[We will then immediately begin the scenario n.4.Terminator from another world act.2]

After Deva read the notification, she vanished to a planet called Earth and have to play the character called Ophiel.

"*sigh* Here we go again."

Unknown to her the vampires she thought were wasted or unable to move were nowhere to be found.




"Goodmorning everyone.Today we celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Liberation Day. Today the twenty-fifth of April of 2346.As a special guest we have-!"

Inside a massive piece of glass that was floating there is currently a man dressed in a strange attire while talking by himself.While around me there are crowds of people walking towards their own destination. A man who was to my left is currently posing in a stange manner while his eyebrows are wiggling while watching at me but I ignored the man.

"Hey cutie..."

"I can't understand what they are saying..."

"A foreigner? Do you speak English?Parli l'Italiano?Français?Nihongo?-"

Well there's no need to understand the dead.


If I were to do it all by myself then I will take it too much time.

Mhh...Envy and Diligence shoud be fine.Concentrating I summoned the two of them.


"My, the air here is quite suffocating."

"Woah!Where did this child and old granny come from?"

"Envy how many shadows you can create and how much time it will take?"

"Hmm...Firstly I can create hundreds if not thousands of them with my mana capacity and it will take three hours do to so...Ah, these potions are?"

After handling him three potions of different colors, I say "Some potions I found after defeating a boss in a dungeon, the red one will temporarily amplify the maximum capacity of your mana, the violet one will speed one casting for a spell while the white one to reduce the spell casting for a spell or a skill. Mixing them together and drinking all of them will make you be able cast your spell in an instant..."

"Mhhh..." Envy eyed between the me and the potions.

"Well don't worry the taste won't be too bad,I guess though I cannot say the same about the side effects but hey I will summon Charity to cure those side effects and don't need to drink another potion."

Envy deeply breaths in and out, "Do not stray away too much from me...before I do this what do you want for these shadows to do?" Envy asks as Envy gulps all the contents of the three potions in a matter of seconds.

"Kill every human being at sight without damaging too much these strange buildings and objects the dwarves might want to study this tecnology."

"*pants* Under *pants* stood..."

I don't have to tell you in great detail what happened afterwards don't I?

I can only say that an horrifying and bloodcurling scene yet beautiful sight occured under our eyes.

Shadows from all the beings Envy has seen in our world to the bloodthirsty creatures Envy encountered in the previous world, all of them appeared and everything went instantly in rampage.

Limbs were torn apart, trampled, eaten or crushed.

Opened the insides while being still alive.

Blood, organs and screams flew all around us.Fortunately Diligence casted a shield around our bodies so we weren't hit by a splurt of blood or a stay organ or limb though we could still hear the bloodcurling screams and the noise of their bodies being eaten or crushed.

"Don't you two feel something about this scene?"

"*pant*...used to...*pants*"

"...Indeed...since time immemorial...even worse than this..."

"Is that so? Neither I or 'her' feel something about this, we are quite compatible unlike the previous characters."

As I said that I absentmindedly watched the shadows slaughter humans.

Yet instead of feeling guilt or remorse I was thinking about the girls at Intris.

I then thought about the description the previous title I obtained.

- more distorted than the fourteen beings...




I didn't know how much time passed but by the time I woke myself from my own thoughts the shadows were already gone away to do the same they did here while Envy has already recovered and Diligence was seated on a chair she brought here herself from what I presume an inn.

"Deva the shadows have spotted a big library not far away from here, the shadows have already cleaned that place."

"Show the way then." I say without any change in my demeanor as if nothing happened.

[Immersion rate at 0%]

It didn't raise at all.

Hmm, we are indeed compatible...


Deva as walked she stepped in puddles of blood,piss,tears , bones and flesh.


While the other two avoided to step in any of those.