Chapter 47 Chaos and Peace

While the three entered inside the library, drones and satellites from space framed and recorded all the events that occured in that street and still occuring in the entire city or outside the city.

Pictures and video were spread to all Earth but even so most of the mob though it was just a joke or a movie and shrugged it off while others believed it were attacks from another country.

And as Deva called the citizens of her dungeon outside and showed them the objects and items she stole from the shops and buildings she passed by, high ranking people or politicians from all over the world were having an assembly, each one of them pointing their fingers to each other. One particular person was aggressively targetting its enemies despite not having the slightest proof to it.

As days passed they didn't do anything to stop the rampaging shadows and it caused to the shadows to slowly spread in the near countries.

The shadows that could fly went to distant countries.

The rodent shadows went to the countryside.

The humanoid shadows marched in the big cities and only attacking during the night.

Sea shadows used the ocean to go to other countries.

Debates and arguments started to intensify between the countries while doing little to nothing about the shadows.


Because the number of victims shown in the statistics were not much compared to the global number.

The thousands of shadows spread through the globe making it seems that the numbers were too little for other countries to notice that the actual total of number of victims were in reality more than they deduced.

Instead they thought that a faction started this and now they started to threaten each other and point at each other.

Unbeknownst to Deva who was happily learning the language of this world and the others who were too absorbed to analyze the different technologies that Earth could offer, the rumors of the a war starting to begin started to spread in the web.

Just like that three months passed.

Deva forgot about her quest and totally concentrated in learning and reading the books residing in the library alongside the creatures from her dungeon.

The library was filled with different creatures moving back and forth as they read different books and analyze different items they were interested in.

The one who was the most exhausted was Core as she was the one who could instantly learn all kind of languages but also given the task to teach the others the main language of this world.

"Core pleads to give atleast Core a minute of rest, my brain or rather circuits are-"

Dryades and fairies reading together encyclopedias about insects, animals and plants. Despite some informations or trivia were unrelated or useless they still happily read the encyclopedias or just curious to see a different kind of plant and animal from the dungeon.

"So we can use this method to quickly grow plants...and this substance is rather healthy for insects, interesting..."

Elves reading books related to bows or related to nature.

"Despite not possessing in the slightest a ounce of magic, they were able construct such powerful bows...and well crafted at that..."

Dwarves reading books related to mechanics or just dismantle all kind of things that they could analyze.

"You! You messed again! We need to dismantle another car for this! Be more careful!"

"Yesyes, just bring another one already!"

Anachnes and weresheeps reading books or magazines about fashion, clothes or textiles.

"Ooooh!This-!This looks absolutely gorgeous!"

"Not only that but also the technique they used..."

The golems especially absorbed in reading books related to their own profession, that is of a maid.

"Golem-07 reads that our duty is to please and satisfy all of our mistress's whimps and desires..."

"Golem-10 reads that maids also need to learn to protect our mistress from all kind of harm..."

"Golem-12 states that mistress Deva is already powerful enough to defend herself from any harm..."

"Golem-15 says that then we need to mainly satisfy our mistress's strange fetishes and at the same time grow stronger..."

"Golem-02 will then go ask some books from the dark elves..."

The dark elves about books related to assasination and the such, some of them alongside with some arachne were deeply interested in the topic of bondage and the such.

"This weapon is rather small but also lethal at the same time...if we can make the dwarves build these..."

"*slurp* There are indeed some interesthing 'toys' and 'torture devices' here....heeheee...cannot wait to try it on Allie...haaahaaa..."

"Mhh...shibari, is it?Such a form of art...if I could try it on Deva...her body is quite...If I were to ask here maybe she wouldn't reject it..."

With the exception of Envy the rest of the Virtues and of the Sins were working inside the dungeon in the stead of the creatures here.Obviously they too would grab a book or two after a day of work.

Sometimes some creatures would offer to help, most of the time a great number of creatures would return inside the dungeon and help them.

In a corner of a library there was Deva...

"Is this what teacher always mentioned? Manga and light novels? Let's start with 'I became the strongest healer while sleeping inside the castle of a demon queen who became my wife'..."

In the outside shadows continued unperturbed to attack humans and if a number of them ended up being destroyed Envy would just create another bunch of them. With that victims started to grow in number while the perpetrators didn't diminish at all.

And as shadows existed fear started to grow within the cities while on the upper echelons continued the meaningless debates and endless arguments between themselves.




A year passed and Deva didn't step out of the library but just continued to read,read and read, manga and light novels, that is.

That was no different from the others though.

They too immersed themselves in their own world as they read and learn, read and learn.The books were so many that even with the creatures reading different topics and books they weren't able to read even the twenty percent of the books inside the library.

The creatures also started to grow interested in different books genre: Romance, drama, comedy, science fiction, erotica etc...

Some of them even went to steal some items outside for sheer curiosity.

Different from the peaceful and pleasant atmosphere inside the library which was filled with the noise of pages being flipped or with the smell of books, in the outside chaos and unrest dominated.


