Chapter 50 Pain or pleasure, both are the same

One was slowly backing away almost afraid of the one in front of her but the emotion that was written in her face was primarily denial.

For the first time in her life Ophiel couldn't believe nor easily accept the words of her goddess.

Ophiel would rather believe words more inconceivable than the words the person in front of her was saying.

-They were in the way...

-I was so jealous that you could smile so naturally with them but with me...

-I could see their gazes at you, they were similar to mine...

-It was so, so good! Their expression of terror as I crushed with my own hands the skull of their sisters. Yes, like the same one you're making right now!

-Now there are no one other than the two of us remaining in this universe.

The more and more the blonde continued to talk and who was hugging herself with a delighted face, Ophiel could feel her body freeze in terror.

"That's right, only the of two us in this universe.You and me."

Whispered the goddess who appeared besides Ophiel.

"Your gaze."

She put her two hands in my shoulders.

"And your body shows that you do not like this."

Her ten slender and long fingers started to rhythmically tap on the woman's shoulder as if she was in deep thought.

"I do not want a husk devoid of emotions and will of a lover."

Her pinky fingers, ring fingers , middle fingers, index fingers and thumbs started to sink in the frightened woman's shoulder.

"Nor I want a devoted and happy lover by my side."

The goddess' voice was calm and warm as if she was talking about her loved one but by her words she doesn't seem to seek someone like that.

"I noticed something when I was observing you Ophiel."

From the raven-haired woman's shoulder, blood started to exit.

"Ophiel's cold and expressionless face is extremely pleasing and lovely akin to a doll."

The woman under the blonde started to feel pain and scream in pain, an agonizing pain as flesh was ripped off from her shoulders.


Moving her attention from the blonde, Ophiel gazed at floor where there was laying a part of her shoulders.

As tears fell from her cheeks and made contact with the floor, with her hands she inspected her shoulders yet there wasn't any injury.

The blood in the blonde's finger started to fade away as if they were being cleaned by something.Then put again her fingers on the woman and ripped off again part her shoulders.

In that room where countless corpses of angels lay, agonizing screams started to come out from Ophiel's mouth as she suffered a hellish torture.

The unfocused and dead eyes of these angels vacantly stared at Ophiel's body being tortured by the one they considered and venerated as their goddess.

The very same goddess who warmly smiled at them and kindly gave them her blessing is now enjoying and savouring the gruesome torture she was giving at the angel who was the most devoted of her peers.

After ripping off her flesh she would later heal all of her injuries and then continue the cycle.

Again and again.

Again and again.

Until Ophiel fainted.

"But Ophiel's pained face and despair is the most charming and attracting thing I've ever seen.I want to savour it as long as I can, those expression of yours.Ah, I love you."

The goddess carried the unconscious woman in her chambers where more kind of tortures will be given to the poor soul.

As she closed the door, flames ate the corpses inside the room, leaving nothing but ash.

Not even after waking up from her sleep she was given a second of rest.


The sound of something cutting the air and then hit the flesh.

Nothing could be done as Ophiel was restrained in a stockade nor scream as a round and red ballgag prevented her by doing so.

She couldn't muster any strength to struggle or any attempt to escape.

Her powers were stripped off from her.

She could only receive the hits given to her and release muffled moans through her gag.

Though that didn't help either as it seems her muffled moans further delighted the sadistic blonde who further increased the speed and power of her whip.

Other than tears, drool started to come out from her mouth.

A rush of pain and pleasure assaulted Ophiel as she was hit by the whip.

Being restrained and gagged, unable to retailate was something Deva adored, it is rotten fantasy of Deva.

As the two souls shared their feelings, they didn't in the slightest lose their bearing.

A sight that the goddess was happy to gaze.

With her powers that can heal from the physical to the mental scars, she have something unbreakable to play with for a long time.

While Ophiel gladly received the hits and gained pleasure and pain from it, she didn't drown in those.

Hatred and fear were the ones she was drowning with.

Hatred for the one who did this to her sisters.

And fear for the her future.

Deva who was enjoying the moment, already had a plan to pass to the next scenario since her only remaining quest was to report to the goddess.

The only thing to do is to say, 'I completed my job on Earth' in the right moment.

But she firstly has to gain control of her body for a few seconds to say those word.

She wasn't able to do that before because of Ophiel.

But this particular and extreme sadist of a goddess is really a scary and crazy one.

Fortunately this one is something that will soon not be related to her, just the thought of this kind of person chasing behind her makes her shudder.

Hopefully this one will remain here far away from me and live forever alone in this universe.

As Deva thoughts became weirder and weirder, the goddess stopped and gazed at her work and ready to continue her so called torture.


