Chapter 51 Escape from her

Picking up two ear plugs, a blindfold and a piece of cloth the goddess covered Ophiel's vision with the blinfold, limited her hearing by putting the two ear plugs on Ophiel's ears and putting the piece of cloth over Ophiel's nose and mouth limiting the air Ophiel could breath.

Ophiel tensed her restrained body as now she couldn't see, hear and hardly breathe.

The only thing she could feel was the goddess' hands caressing her naked, shiny and moist skin.

Ophiel with the stockade has her head, wrists and ankles restrained and the stockade especially crafted that her butt was bent over.

Ophiel was in humiliating position and now there she was at the goddess' mercy.

The restrains, the gag in her mouth, the drool that was coming out of the mouth, the blindfold and the ear plugs that further enchanted her sensibility and lastly the cloth that was placed over her nose and mouth making her breathing heavier but also made her aroused.

All these together made the current goddess wet and unable to stop from continuing and continue in her 'torture'.

But for the next steps she was uncertain in what to do.

On a side she wanted to tease Ophiel herself and continue to see on how much Ophiel could resist but this won't make her see entirely Ophiel's sufferings.

On another side she also wanted to see from a distance Ophiel suffering.

Then an idea popped up on her already twisted and perverted mind.

She wanted Ophiel to resist but also continue to suffer as she is unable to reach the climax.

At first she wanted to use 'special machines' from the worlds she destroyed but she thought those will ruin her mood and the atmosphere she built up, then ultimately decided to summon a bunch of tentacles.

These tentacles will wrap themselves on Ophiel's most sensitive parts and proceed on tease her but not penetrate her, the only that could do that was herself.

Unaware of the goddess' thoughts Ophiel remained in her current position and tried to adapt in that uncomfortable yet pleasant position.

Then something slimy started to wrap themselves or position themselves in the parts she was most sensible.

A pair of those wrapped themselves around Ophiel's breasts and occassionally their pads rubbed their soft flesh against her pink nipples or suck them.

One wrapped itself on Ophiel's left thigh and started from its tip to its base to steadily motion upwards and downwards.

Another one latched itself on Ophiel's hips and made the same movements of the previous one but its target was the other hole.

Then lastly one tentacles softly wrapped itself on Ophiel's neck making Ophiel breathe harder than before.

The tentacles performed their jobs under the control of the goddess, under the will of the goddess she also made them produce mucus that increases Ophiel's already high sensibility.

Yet despite receiving all this pleasure Ophiel was unable to reach her climax as their slow pace was intentionally only made to tease her.

As time passed Ophiel desperation for release was palpable from the goddess perspective ,but the goddess herself despite aware of this, was too busy fingering herself as she watched Ophiel's attempt to talk through her gag.

It was stangely stimulating and arousing since she who had full control of this and was the one who put Ophiel on this, is the one being begged to make her victim release.

But the goddess didn't want that, yet.

She wanted to see how much Ophiel could resist until she is in the verge of totally breking down and before Ophiel could reach that she would 'heal' her to her normal state of mind and continue her 'tortures'.

It was another kind of torture to both Deva and Ophiel as time for them was perceived slower, for them a second was equal to a minute.

They wanted so badly to reach the peak or just make stop these tentacles to move but alas they just continued to steadily do their jobs.

Ophiel couldn't discern how much time passed whether a short amount or a long amount of time with her senses being obstucted.

But the moment the tentacles disappeared from her body with all of her restraints removed, she slumped in the sticky puddle of liquids, she and the tentacles released.

This was Deva's oppurtunity with Ophiel's exhausted state of mind.She just needs to wait a bit longer.

The goddess' naked body with streaks of liquids visible slipping down into her thighs and legs could be seen in Deva's eyes, it was really a sight that can evoke to everyone pleasure and sexual arousement.

Noticing Ophiel's gaze that didn't change much from before apart from a bit of lust and desire inside them, the goddess smirked at her.

"Do you have something to tell me, little angel?Perhaps a request?Hmm? Do tell me, I might satisfy them." The goddess said with a derisive and mocking tone in her voice.

Gulping, Deva thought that she is really a goddess as just her smirk and voice could make someone fall in their knees.

Seeing Ophiel hesitating, made the goddess even more delighted.

"I-no...*pant* want to say-"

The goddess eyes shone expecting her next words.

"-that I, Ophiel completed the task you have given me."

And without even giving the goddess time, the sound of a bell resounded in Deva's ears.


[Congratulations!You completed the fourth and last scenario of this act.The rewards and penalty for reaching the immersion rate at its maximum will be given the moment the challenger loses or finishes all the scenarios.]

[Starting scenario n.5.A hundred of mirrors act.1]

[As countless and multitude universes and worlds exist. There are worlds alonside its inhabitans that resemble with each other but have some differences.]

[There are countless Intris outside this bubble and in there, there are countless existences that can be said to be indentical yet not identical to Deva.]

[The immersion rate will not increase,time for your body and soul will not progress during this scenario nor your personal status change. Your only quest will be observing from the perspective of one hundred Devas and not lose your own identity.]

[We will then immediately begin the fifth scenario.]

As my body was being teleported away, I could see from the corners of my eyes, the cold and suppressive gaze of the goddess, her lips were slowly moving.

-Not escape.

Before shock and disbelief spread in my entire body, I vanished in this universe.


The goddess who was standing alone in the room remained there, continuing to gaze at where her Ophiel was previously located.

That day, in that universe,only one existence remained,

That lone being stood there and vowed to herself that this won't stop her from regaining what she lost in front of her eyes.

And that she will not be merciful either the moment she will return in her palms.


