Chapter 56 Is this too erotic?

I am currently bound and blindfolded, ignorant of where I am but understood that I was brought here by the girls, it was because from here I could hear them talk in another room.

I wasn't worried being hurt so other than the wild emotions fluctuations from the amalgamations from the fifth scenario I was calm and collected.

In fact I was thinking about meaningless things such as the knots that are tying me up are rather well done as if they were made by an arachne, for how I know that is because I allowed multiple times to be use my body by the arachnes and some dark elves to practice their arts of shibari.

Anyways, I don't think the girls brought me here to practice their arts of bondage, there was something darker in their eyes and body language than the desire to kiss me when I met them.

There were red flags showing in my eyes, flags that I ignored and instead pursued my own desires and dived in a trap.


Let's just enjoy this kind of 'play' and hopefully lower their lustful desires.

Despite being so calm, my heart is beating so fast, it's happening, finally happening, so many years of watching my other versions having fun while I was on the other side unable to do anything released my suppressed desires and tempt me that now it is okay, that they know what it means doing that act with two willing parties, it means that our relationship will be consolidated, that we will be no longer more than friends or less than lovers but lovers in the literal sense of the word. It will not be the same with the goddess Era which despite I enjoyed it I did it only for my quest.




Three pairs of steps left this place and went far from this place, the remaining one walked and entered in this room, from the sound of her heels and weight of her steps I recognized it was Theresa, from here I could hear her gulping down a mouthful of her saliva.

Theresa walked where I was and started to gently untie me, first the ropes around my ankles then the ones around my knees and lastly the ropes that tied my arms on my back but Theresa didn't remove my blindfold.

After entirely untying me from the rope Theresa started to sensually trail her finger on different places of my body: the neck to the collarbone, circling her finger around my breasts then went to my tummy.

It didn't stop there, as she suddenly embaced me and started to target my neck, I could feel her heavy and excited breath as she licked and sucked on my neck while her hands were roaming my rear.

"Ah-!Mhmm-! T-theresa!-An-!There-! Yes-!Th-that spot-!"

I didn't push back nor tried to gain the upper hand I just embraced her back and allowed her to dominate me in her own way.

My blindfold was then removed in the dimly lit room I could see Theresa topping me. Raising my hands I joined our foreheads.

We watched each other's bright eyes meaning that we hadn't yet succumbed to our lust but it will soon happen.

"I love you."

"I love you."

Exchanging our last and most likely the coherent word that we will say this night, we then pressed our lips on each other.

From that on Theresa became rougher and rougher giving no attention to the bruises she gavew which will likely disappear with the help of my title.




I wake up with a pair of sapphire eyes watching me.

Moving my arms and legs, I noticed that my arms were bound together in my back with a leather armbinder while my legs despite being devoid of restrains I was wearing on my legs a pair of leathery thigh high boots, it was difficult to stand with the heels being too high for me and lastly there was a bit gag on my mouth making me not only drool but also unable to speak.Other than these I was devoid of any clothing covering my body

While Ira who have in her hands a riding crop was similarly wearing the same leather boots I was wearing while instead of an armbinder on her arms there were a pair of long leather gloves that with their length reached her elbows.

She then browsed the box besides her, ultimately putting out two toys, one was a tail plug while the other was a pink shaped like penis which was too big in my opinion.

She savoured the scene of me slowly backing away until I hit with my back the wall.

"Turn your back to me."

Is what Ira commanded with an icy tone but her smile demostrated that she was all but icy or cold.


Firsty it was heard the sound of something sharply cutting the air and then afterwards the sound of flesh being hit.


"I said turn your back to me!Or do you enjoy being whipped so much? How about I whip you until you are all red?"

"Mhmmpmm..." I reluctantly turned my back to her, showing my exposed butt to her-*swoosh**smack* "Don't turn your head around!"

"Mhhmm..." I responded with a moan.

After smacking my back for a few times I then hear Ira putting something in her mouth and starting to lick it, it didn't take long as I felt my little hole being teased with the tip of the butt plug, Ira played with it for a dozen of seconds before slowly shoving it inside.

"Mhhmmhh!Mhmmm..." My eyes rolled back due to the pleasure but then couldn't help but moan as I felt something bigger teasing my core, Ira wrapped the dildo with the fluids that I was releasing before she too shoved that inside me.

By the time I recovered with the pleasure Ira gave me, Ira returned with another pair of toys which were two nipple clamps and by the time I realized what they were, Ira already put each of them on my nipples making me again moan in pleasure.

"Now turn around and make me see your worthless expression."

A command which I instinctively followed.

The sight of my misty and hazy crimson eyes that implied that I was already lost in pleasure made Ira lick her lips and made me shudder with her next words.

"May your training begin, little ponygirl."





"Lift your legs higher!"



"Did I say to stop!You deserve another one!"



"You are slowing down!Another lap!"


I couldn't know how many times I came with the two things digging inside me as I walked or how many times Ira's riding crop and harsh words made me reach climax, but one thing is certain...Ira and I were enjoying this too much.

"Stop!You may rest."

And with that I collapsed on the ground and before I passed out, Ira stroked my head," Deva, you did well and I love you.", and kissed me with still the gag on my mouth.

Mumbling an incoherent I love you, I closed my eyes.

Petplay, degradation and bdsm...Ira sure is a fan of those things...

With these last thoughts my consciousness slipped to the lands of dreams.


