Chapter 57 Causing their downfalls

This time I woke up, without any restrain on my body, I just laid in a bed with my head resting on Edea's lap, however when I moved my attention on her eyes I was immeadiately drawn on them.

Her usual emerald eyes now are glowing so much that I couldn't take my attention away from them.Instead the more I gazed at them the more I fell in trance.

Edea whispered, "Slowly breathe in and out as you slowly feel your muscles from your toes to your neck go numb."

*Breathe in*

*Breathe out*

"Yes, that's right. Continue.Slowly breathe in and out as you slowly lose your will to move or think."

*Breathe in*

*Breathe out*

"As you breath in you accumulate all your worries and problems and as you breath out you throw them away together with your desire to resist at my voice."

*Breathe in*

*Breathe out*

Gazing at her hypnotic eyes and following at her suggestive words, I slowly feel my body going numb and unable to move at all, next just thinking became harder and harder, and lastly I did as she said, I breathed out my will and desire to resist her voice, though I wasn't planning in doing so, just like with Ira and Theresa I welcomed with open arms their fetishes.

And with those last thoughts I offered my body and mind to Edea.

Stroking my hair she started to whisper again.

"Every word I will say you will follow them, bur this will only last when I decide to will say 'Now rest'.

Checking that I became unresponsive about her waving her hand in front of my eyes, Edea became certain that her hypnosis was a success.Edea then strated to try and play around if I was really under her control.

"Raise your right hand."

And I raised my right hand.

"Hug me and kiss me."

"Hmhmpp...!" Despite I was doing it under her order she nonetheless melted in our exchange.

Even so she started on her next order.

And with much embarassment Edea muttred, "Ravage me..."

I remained still as if I didn't hear her.Noticing this Edea became redder and redder but even so raised her voice.

"Ravage me and do whatever you want to m-!"

And before she could finish her sentence I was already kissing her mouth and without remorse tore her clothes as I pushed her down on the bed.

Unexpectedly just this move alone made her already wet as if she really really desired being in this kind of position.

And that is what I gave her, unlike with Theresa which she was gentle in our first round, with Edea I didn't hesitate in being rough and forceful, with a hand I pinned both of her hands above her head while the remaining hand groped her left breast or pinched her nipple while my mouth was concentrated with the other breast.

In no matter of time, Edea came despite only a few minutes passed.

"Deva sto.Mhmpp!Pwa!D-Deva?He-Mhmmp!Mhmphhmm..."

I shut her with my mouth before she could finish her order and kissed her until she ran out of air and unable to resist anymore.

Breathless she laid in the bed wetting the bed with her drool and juices, and without further interruption I spread her legs and started to tease and lick her core.

"Deva!I command you to-!Ah!N-not there!Mhhmmg...!Ah-!"

Just like before, I interrupted her by focusing on her clitoris before she could finish her words, and again she came.

Spraying her juices all over my face, without giving her time, I sit on her face and started to grind on her as I pleasured myself with my hands.

Everytime Edea found a chance to talk, I would interrupt it by targetting her most sensible spots, and by the fourth round Edea didn't even attempt to stop me at all.She just laid there accepting all my advances, the role reversed as the hypnotized had total control over the hypnotist.




I woke up again, I couldn't remember much about what I did with Edea just the memories of Edea whispering to me and Edea saying the words 'now rest' and 'I love you' before falling asleep with a smile on her face.

This time though I wasn't restrained nor with the presence of one of the girls, that thought lasted only when I felt a pricking sensation on my neck as I felt two slender arms wrapped my waist.

My senses started to enchance, every sound amplified on my ears, just the feeling of the two arms on my skin made me aroused.

"How is it?"

Did she drug me?

What escaped on my mouth instead are moans as Velena blew on my ears.

She whispered,"I especially made this drug for you."And again she blew on my ears, just with that I could feel my legs going weak and in the verge of giving out.

Fluids already started to drip as I immensely felt hot in my core.And before I could relieve myself with my two hands, Velena pinned them in the wall with her hand above my head.

This time she didn't blew on my ear just whispered but its effect were different from before,"Beg."

That's the only thing she said before watching me with amusement as I tried to hold my mouth shut.

Agonizing minutes that were like hours passed as I couldn't resist anymore, my fluids were already dripping and a small puddle was made beneath.

"Please!Touch me!Senselessly make me cum!Please!I can't-!"

And before I noticed that I was thrown in the bed, I was already being played with by Velena.

But Velena didn't stop with just a neddle from before, she took out another three and prickied them on my two nipples and clitoris.

She sadistically laughed as I squirmed beneath her with pleasure without even being touched by her.

And before I knew, I was already rubbing my core with hers.

It didn't last long as we both reached our climax, Velena who thought that I was already exhausted was pushed by me and reversed our position.

Ignoring her, I started to savour her juices and she too started to do it, this too didn't take long as we came again, Velena was certain that with the drugs she administered I was already exhausted but she understimated me as I was already fingering her.

Velena unleashed a beast, she was the delicious prey that freed such a monster.




As Deva and the girls enjoyed weeks of debauchery and the intent to 'educate' Deva vanished in the head of the four, Intris was in chaos.

Firstly the demons declared war against humans, consecutively also the allies of the humans which are the dwarves and the fairies.

While the elves together with the angels tried to no avail calm the four or resolve peacefully the incoming war.

Then there are news of a wave of monsters in a way towards the dwarves.

Two sides and another party raised their banners and marched towards the battlefield.

Which is where Deva and the girls are hiding.

But there are not only these three sides as heroes or wrongdoers also walked towards that place.

While merchants happily distribuited their merch and raised their prices.

Was it a coincidence or fate?