Chapter 63 Marriage between insane and crazy girls

The marriage between an elf and a human, in this case two elves and a human, are in any case very rare especially when one belongs to the royale lineage.

Unlike humans who celebrate this event with a sumptuos and lavish feasts, the elves also amongst nobles celebrate it with their closest relatives as for the spouses they give each other a ring of silver and when midnight arrives they are left alone and given a room to further express their love to the other.

Despite we already did it, times and times again, this event give that act a special meaning to it.

It gives the illusion that with this you and your beloved are doing something that is sacred even so people partake on it, savouring this moment as if it is their most important day.

I had different thoughts about this, but seeing the two so excited made me so happy that I too couldn't help but feel joy and show a geniune smile.

The other two despite showing a shred of envy they showed and gave their most sincere congratulations, it was a sight that made me almost cry.

I spent a hundred years watching the other version of these girls doing absolutely insane things when someone approached my other version, it wasn't only me that was feeling this way, the amalgamations too that I absorbed were stirring with happiness inside me.

The ceremony ended quite fast, the only thing that the partecipants were going to see is the exchange of silver rings between the spouses and seeing them off as they enter inside the room they inizially prepared.




Time passed, you could see the moon hanging in the sky, the empty streets were dimly lit by lanterns, the elves now are sleeping or comfortably in the company of their beloved.

One particular darkwood tree, in a room dimly lit by the moonlight, there were three figures overlapping with each other, none of the three know who started but before they noticed they were already kissing each other and stripping the other's clothes.

*pant**pant* "W-wai-"

"My tuuurn..." *slurp*

"H-hey...n-not a-ah!"

Inside the room,

saliva mixing with other saliva,

saliva mixing with sweat,

saliva mixing with another kind of liquids,

the sloppy and wet sound of interwining tongues,

heavy breathing ,gasping ,panting ,moans,

the sound of the moist skin making contact with skin,

creaks coming out from the bed,

two pair of hands roaming around the rosy and soft body,

one of the three started to raise her moans as something started to roam in a certain sensitive place of her body but before she could continue she is shut off by two fingers being shoved in her mouth.


Her usual bright crimson eyes are now hazy,misty, lost in pleasure.

A sensation she already experiened yet has never felt,

an indescribable feeling of joy and happiness filled her heart watching the two before her, the same they felt watching her as well which they too have hazy and misty eyes,

they slowly teased, slowly caressing and rubbing that part as if they wanted to hear something from her.


Is what they were indicating by doing such action.

Whimpers returned as a reply to their provocation.

One of the two licked their lips and spread the legs of the raven haired girl.

More whimpers and moans started to be released.As the first started to lick.

The other one leaned to one of her ears and started to whisper obscenities at the same time licking her ear.




Finally after a couple of minute she gave in.

"Ahn!N-ngh!P-pleahs!I-I begh yu!"

The raven-haired woman could do little as she was assaulted by two aroused elves, she also wasn't idle as she too pleasured the two, there wasn't a 'role' nor a 'play', they just laid bare their lust and made their lust took over their bodies as the three pleasured each other.

On their left hands you could see a delicate ring made of silver, one was wearing two instead of one.

On each ring there were engraved the name of their beloved.

On Theresa and Edea's rings written in small cursive : Eternally Forever/Deva

On one Deva's rings instead: Forever Hers/Theresa

On the second one: Everlasting Love/Edea




Despite the sweet scenery of my now wives filled my view, my thoughts were filled by dread.

A division has been created between my lovers, the other pair whose hadn't been given the blessing of marriage will over time grow extremely envious.

It is a normal occurence between people, even between family or between friends this occur.

It is something I have to fill immediately otherwise there will be consequenses in the future. is regretful...but after giving the two the seed of a world tree...then we will immediately return to my hometown which is not that far from here.

Most likely my things in my apartment have been already sold off by the landlord, and most likely someone else is already living on it. I did leave for a long amount of time without notice after all but that is not important...the important things is make the two comfortable and feel a bit of nostalgia.

Mhh...Like Theresa and Edea the two have been together for a while and like those two, Velena and Ira share one thing, me.

I doubt they want or wish for a luxurious feast surrounded by many people, in fact they most likely want be alone with me and a ring or an accessory that shows to everyone that they already belong to me and that I likewise already belong to them.




It was the first time for Edea and Theresa visiting my hometown.And obviously we couldn't return to my previous apartment, there was already someone else inside.

None of use wanted cause trouble, not because we are pacifists or something like that, but by doing that it will ruin the mood for us, and we obviously don't want that.

Renting an entire house for the sole purpose of being left alone, with only Edea and Theresa as witnesses, the three of us exchanged the accessory that will forever symbolize our deep connection with each other.

And like with Edea and Theresa's case, we were left alone but this time it was the two who left.

And just like that we spent an entire night expressing our love to each other as we gave lust reign over our bodies.

In the midst of sweat, drool, tears and other liquids, four particular objects shone.

On Velena's finger, there was a ring where an emerald was encased on it, engraved on it: Intoxicated/Deva

On Ira's finger instead there was a ring where a sapphire was encased on it, engraved on it: Frozen/Deva

While on Deva's wrists there were two bracelets made of an extremely light metal yet very tough metal that might be mistaken by cuffs without a chain that connects them,

on the left engraved: Stillness Love/Ira

on the right engraved: Corrosive Love




The four of them are officially mine and I officially theirs.

These rings and accessories will carry our love even if separated.They will, albeit for a little while, be the hope that we will cling on when alone and in the most desparate situations.

They hold the existence of our twisted love.