Chapter 64 Core proclaims that it finally happened

Calamities can be described in short as supernatural disasters, through the book I read in this world and the world of Blood, I discovered that calamities can be everything that can cause a major disaster that can affect the world and its inhabitants.

Most of the time a calamity consist in a earthquake strong enough to involve entire continents, the appearence of massive swarms of monsters, floods, drought, sudden appearence of vulcanoes or tsunamis, these often appear even in regions that shouldn't be able to cause or create these things that is why they are often called calamities since they can appear in any shape and form.

But from what I listed before, those are categorized as the lowest kind of calamities.

The world of Blood where the four vampires Matriarchs are living in it right now, is the result of the conjunction of two different worlds, that is what I read from the books I 'rented'.

Calamities can occur at any time, the reason why Edea was able to predict the future of a calamity is purely coincidence and part of it related to her powers. The thing is that Edea's powers didn't say the exact date of that calamity but only the mention of it hitting the elven kingdom in a distant future.

We don't know if it a couple of years later or a dozen years later but the important thing is that a calamity in the future will fall in the land of elves.

The thing in front of us may be the result of us changing the future or maybe not but it is a fact that it appeared even with Edea with us who is a prophet, the thing can also be called as a space distortion. A term I learnt from the books from Earth. The things that it suck will be randomly teleported to places far far away from where they were sucked.

"Deva...!" The girls used the skills and methods they thought might be able to stop them from being sucked inside.

Velena used her daggers to not be sucked, Ira her spells to block the suction force, Theresa her strenght to hold Edea on her arms, while I used my negative emotions to congure tentacles to holds the girls from being sucked and to hold my ground.

Maybe if we had more time we could have thought more about the possible solutions, but it was so sudden that the thought of using the Cross of Roses didn't enter my mind.

First it was Edea, the suction force was too strong for Theresa or my tentacles to stop Edea from being sucked.

[Connection with Edea Yera has been temporarily severed.]


Then Ira who was only being held by my tentacles.

"Ah, D-"

[Connection with Ira Yelena has been temporarily severed.]

Before even a second passed from Edea and Ira being sucked and that I could register that they were gone somewhere, dead or alive.

It was Velena's turn.


[Connection with Velena Yelena has been temporarily severed.]

Only I and Theresa remained, my tentacles now fully concentrated on me and her, but we were also enduring the growing suction force.

It didn't take long for us to also be sucked inside. The soil we two were holding on, began to also be sucked, I could only see this:

[Connection with Theresa Hollow has been temporarily severed.]

Afterwards only darkness is the only thing I could see...




The space distortion continued to suck everything around it for an hour before disappearing, the only thing it left was the devastation it left and the chaos that will happen with it for sucking inside the owner of the Tower of trials and the daughter of Thaleasin.

A bit far away from the thing, in a distance safe enough to not be involved yet a distance where it was able to see what was happening, there was a drone floating in the sky.

Since Deva left the underground base, it always followed behind them, always recording Deva and the group.

It remained there floating in the sky as if the one controlling it was absent.

And in fact it is as chaos and panic reigned in the underground base.

In a not so distant future, this event will make the world of Intris dominated by sentient monsters, devoted and loyal to only a single person, but the trials and effort they will face have still to happen.

But for now let's focus on Deva's whereabouts.




In a place far away from Intris there are two figures occasionally clashing with each other, if one strained one's eyes they could see that a feminine figure clad in a violet aura was chasing another figure who was surrounded by an aura of death.

They traveled through so many worlds that they lost the count on the number of worlds they passed through, however one thing is certain and that is the female figure was relentlessly chasing the other as if they killed their parents while the other one was busy avoiding and parrying her sword.

The two danced and danced in the sky,

with her sword the female slashed in the air creating shockwaves that could cut in half mountains,

with his aura the male parried and avoided the female's sword.

Then something could be seen a few meters away from the male,

it was a space distortion.

One rejoiced while another grimaced, for some a spacial distortion is akin to a disaster as they can be teleported away from their home and never return, but for a few in special occasions these are akin to a blessing in disguise.

In his mind the male could finally shake off this pest but as he dashed towards the spatial distortion a woman appeared from it and then his only hope of escape dissappeared with the appearence of the long-haired woman.

In his rage with his aura he conjured a spear made of darkness but before his spear could reach the woman, the spear was devoured by flames conjured by the same woman he wanted to kill.

The same woman was releasing an aura more powerful than his and his pursuer put together.

How many did he kill and cause despair to reach this level of aura yet someone appeared and showed him that he was nothing not only that but the woman's aura before him was exponentially growing.

A second had yet to pass before he felt his limbs going limp and his breathing becoming heavier.

"I'm-" Before he could even utter another word, the woman moved to repeatedly punch his stomach until he fainted. The woman then landed in the ground with the male trapped in her aura.

While the male was hanging in the air with the woman's aura, the woman clad in violet aura approached as she too landed not too far away from the woman.

The two quietly asserted the other'sintention, and not before long the two called off their own aura as they confirmed that the other didn't have any ill intention.

"Let's discuss somewhere else."

"Mhh...I'll show you the way, follow me."


