Chapter 65 Hunter and the sword

Since teacher entered in my life I always asked to myself how vast the world was.

Since I continued to climb my way in the cabin of scenarios I started to ask myself how everything immaginable was vast.

You could say that I am a dreamer, but I am also a pessimist person.

I asked and asked to only myself if the countless universes are really endless and that the playground named life was really filled with endless possibilities.

Since I started to breathe, life was already there to answer me.


But like I said before I am a dreamer and a pessimist.

Someone who emphasizes the best and expects the best.

Someone who emphasizes the worst and expects the worst.

Both escape from reality and search the thing they want to see despite they vaguely know the answer.

After apprehending a man who caused countless deaths and meeting the 'Hunter' whose purpose was to arrest such man, life gave me another disappointing yet predictable answer.


The woman who introduced herself as 'Hunter' despite how her expression looked cold and distant her heart was the opposite, warm and open.

But she was not an idiot.

We conversed and talked like we were the closest of friends, I described and told her what happened before I came here and likewise she too described and told me what she was doing before she was given the mission to apprehend this man.

And just like that we became friends, the man who have woken up with his arms and legs restrained with special chains was dazed as he watched the two of us happily talking with each other despite a day before we were just strangers.

But we didn't pry on the other's status, or maybe we made like we didn't care.

Short after we walked on our own roads.

She had her mission to finish and I had to find a way to find the others.

Before she went on her way, she gave two items, one as a token of friendship while the other for helping her apprehend the man.




Before describing what the item are, let's first give a short summary on the various informations Hunter gave me.

Firstly I am stuck in a place or rather universe where not only there are countless sentient beings that built massive empires in different planets but also that all of them rely on the power and strength of the systems meaning that not only there are existences more powerful than the Demon Queen or Queen Elisabeth but that my current level is seen as below the average.

Then despite a limited one, there is the information behind systems and dungeons and those are called Overseers, some might call them gods since they can decide the worlds or universes they can bestow systems and dungeons but Hunter calls them 'powerless gods' as they do not have any control of the dungeons and systems other than supervising them. After hearing that the world became a bit smaller for me, but nonetheless it was a useful information as I learnt that the cores of dungeons are used to monitor us.

Next, regarding the spacial distortion and the girls, despite they can teleport the things they sucked distances far away from their origin, they cannot teleport the things they sucked in different universes meaning that the girls are somewhere in this universe.

Then lastly related to my powers, more precisely as a demonic user. People who control an aura are rare and dangerous as not only one can kill one with levels higher than yours but that with just your aura is like that you possess a thousand of skills as they permit the user to create all kind of things in all kind of situations as long as your 'fuel' do not runs out, in my case negative emotions are my 'fuel', and unless I completely cut off my emotions I can endlessly congure things obviously as long as my stamina doesn't run out. Since people like that are dangerous they are extremely feared, and what people do when they fear something? They either run from it or hunt it down, in this case most of the people will choose the latter. Fortunately enough I can live without using that power, as long as I do not make myself an enemy of someone extremely strong, that is.

Now let's go on the items Hunter gave me.

On my left hand a greatsword who not only seemed to breathe like a beast but its blade was emanating a crimson red glow as if comunicating to me that it was hungry, but let's ignore that for a moment, yes let's ignore the cursed sword that Hunter left me, let's also ignore the thought that that bitch wanted to dispose off a cursed sword cursing her giving to it to a kind and unfortunate traveler.

[Demonic Sword of Lamentation: Beatrice, has chosen you as her master, it feeds from the tears of despair of the victims her owner caused to reduce in such state of despair and pain. She latches on females that finds worthy of her and after reaching a certain affinity will make the sword to never separate from the user's soul.The sword cannot be disposed off with normal means as it is bound to her master's soul.Current affinity:75%]

Yes, let's ignore that.

On my right hand a book that lists all the coordinates of the worlds of this universe.

The problem? There were too many planets listed in the book that I would take too much time to visit each one of them and the probability to find one of the girls on one of these planets are one to a million.

Mhh...for now I should return to Intris, Core and the other will be worried if I do not return...

*sigh* I'm not worried about Thaleasin but her wives, those two...*sigh*better to say them the news sooner than later...




Tania who is the only one with me in this moment was kneeling in the hard and cold floor, and said.

"I'm sorry."


"...the cost is too much for us to return..."Said Tania as she was kneeling in the floor, her gaze on the floor as if avoiding my gaze.

She continued,"...we are too far from Intris...I'm truly sorry Deva..."

My eyes bore on the figure of Tania whose forehead was now touching the ground.

Cost, by cost she means energy, the same energy Core uses on her dungeon.

"How much."


"Describe in your own way how much is needed."

Closing her eyes for a moment, Tania says," If positive emotions then we need to absorb trillions of people releasing those kind of emotions for years..."

Without blinking I continued,"If negative ones?"


"I ask you again, if negative ones?"

"...worth a million of people releasing those emotions for a month...Deva you are not going to-"

"What are you saying?I'm not going to do what you're thinking, I'm not that cruel..." I partly lied.

"Besides even if I have enough energy I wouldn't be able to return with them so it's better to think about this matter in a later date,okay?"

And with that I returned my consciousness on my body, the cursed sword Beatrice hummed in delight as if sensing my emotions.

"You have to wait for a while before you get to eat, Bea.Yeah, just a little bit."


