Chapter 75 To Merkuris!

"Core can see the memories of others while Devi can read the thoughts of others, instead Tania is just a masochist." I said while relaxing on my chair.

"Mistress!You are so mean!"

By 'chair' I mean Tania.

While my body is sleeping I sent my consciousness in the cabin of scenarios.

"I am but I am also praising you. The two have some insidious powers, I do trust them but I feel more comfortable talking with you.Now to the main reason."

"Yes!Mistress, you can do anything to this body!"

"Later, you pervert.I can now ask informations with more value and that you previously weren't able to answer."


"Well then the first ones.What are Overseers and what are systems."

I got some info about the Overseers from Hunter but it is better to understand more about them and then the second is something I never got an answer from since my rank was too low.

"...Mh."Tania closed her eyes and her usual tone changed to a more serious one,"It seems that I can answer those..."

"Firstly the Overseers are beings born from the Universes that have the domain of systems, the Universe then gives them the power to bestow dungeons and systems in places where civilizations exist and the power to monitor these dungeons and systems.They cannot obtain a system nor have any affinity to any kind of combat but through the information they gained through dungeons and systems they can provide information in exchange for items or even manpower. Despite systems can be bestowed, the Overseers cannot choose what system a person can receive but can only approve if systems can exist in a planet and through that a person can obtain a system, whether a normal one or not that will depend on one's luck.A system's main job is to awaken one's talents and to make their user that they are aware of their powers, some are born with their own talents but never noticed or used and some gained their talents as they progress in their lives."

I took my time to shallow these informations, then asked another.

"You said about the Universe having a domain...can you explain better?"

"I can partially answer this as some terms cannot be further explained as you are still level-3 .Every Universe has its own domain but those can only indirectly affect its inhabitants and their main purpose is to help and protect its inhabitants from monsters and speed up their 'evolution' . The most common domain are systems since it is simple but there are some Universes where their domains are like 'Faith', 'Love', 'Friendship', 'Hardwork' or even 'Luck'.Other than this the informations related to 'Universes' domains'."

"Then what about..."

A question after another.

"So that means...."

Many hours passed by, so much that I thought that I should stop sitting on Tania but the woman stopped me and pleaded me to remain seated which I quickly relented to.

After asking all kind of questions which some were answered and some not, I felt that it was enough and was in my way to return my consciousness in my body but was stopped by the woman beneath me.

"W-wait,"She said with her trembling limbs on the verge of collapsing,"Don't I deserve some kind of reward?Haaah...haah."

"Mmm..."Putting my index finger on my chin,I smirked,"You indeed deserve one."




"Mm, this should be enough for you." I seemed deep in thought as I was gazing Tania but in reality I was enjoying the contorted face and body unable to touch herself.

Her wrists are restrained above her head thanks with a steel spreader bar and it is the same for her ankles making so that she couldn't attempt to touch herself or even to rub her thighs.

While in different sensitive part of her body there are some toys to entertain her but not enough for her to reach the climax. Tania is experiencing the same thing I experienced with Era but with the only diffenrence that her eyes are not blinfoded and that there aren't tentacles.

"Now then Tania I will return within a few hours or...days.Have fun going through this kind of hell!"

As the raven-haired woman's consciousness returned to her body and really went to sleep, the masochist was too absorbed on her world that she missed the chance to beg and plead forgiveness.

Just the thought of being be able to reach the climax only after hours,days or even weeks in this situation made the masochist even more excited.

But Tania will have not the same feelings when Deva will return to see her again but that is another story, Tania has still to experience what Deva should have with Era.




"Oh my, what do we have here?Isn't it our friend Hunter!" I exclaimed as I calmly sit on a chair, this time is not Tania but a wooden chair.

"Sister, she is strongly related to the Overseers which with them we might find some information about the whereabouts of your beloved ones!" Devi's eyes sparkled as she said that.

"Ah,Devi my dear sister!Aren't you the best?Come here let me hug you!"

"S-stop!That tickles!Eheheheh."

Hunter blankly watched the two as they enjoyed each other's company, her absentminded gaze was woken up when the two pair of crimson eyes watched back at her where one belonged to a face that was grinning while the other was coldly glaring at her.

One of them, the one who is grinning took a step forward towards her and walked behind her and whispered to her,

"Do you remember the book you gave me?"

[Do you remember the book you gave me?]

But the one behind wasn't the only one opening her mouth but also the other one that remained on her place and is still glaring at her.The sweet voice right near her ear and the cold one right in front of her mixed together as if there was a single voice.

"The Overseers should be on one of them, right? Can you tell me which one?Please?"

[The Overseers should be on one of them, right? Can you tell me which one?Please?]

An information that Hunter shouldn't dislocate, the name of the planet where the Overseers are located is indeed written on the book she gave.Merkuris, is the name that she has to say but...

"Ahh...agghhh..." Nothing came out, it was a curse placed upon her to prevent betrayal.

"Merkuris,huh." Said the one in front of Hunter.

"Merkuris,Merkuris..." Deva who was behind Hunter took out a book and began to flip the pages but Hunter was too focused on glaring Devi.

"Aha!Found it!"

The two didn't even had time to open their mouths as Deva summoned Tania whose body is soaked with sweat, drool and juices, and her eyes devoid of light.

"Tania!Heey!Tania! I slept for ten hours and you couldn't even resist for that long."

"Sister...what the..."

"Here, teleport me in this place and you will rewarded."I said as I put the book with the page of the coordinates of Merkuris in front of Tania's eyes which suddenly retained light.

Obviously my reward is to continue for twenty full hour in that state.

Devi who could read thoughts and Hunter who could see a smirk on Deva's face shuddered while Tania who didn't, eagerly started the teleportation towards Merkuris.


