Chapter 76 One found

Edea POV

Sometimes a second felt like an hour, sometimes an hour felt a second.

The occuring of a future event would sometimes flow like a slow and gentle breeze and sometimes like a raging and fast tornado.

The rise of a king in a second and then in a second later the fall of his kingdom.

The blossoming love between a noble and a commoner, their struggles and story in a second and then in an instant later the withering of their love and passion.

The story of a warrior as he rises and ultimately become a god.

The story of a girl who swore the destruction of her enemies and the world.

The dull yet somehow fulfulling story of a farmer.

I could sometimes catch a glimpse of Velena figthing in an arena full of powerful warriors until death, Ira freezing worlds and Theresa rising as a queen and her conquests of many worlds.

So many worlds, some have a peaceful and positive future while some have a miserable future and can't even avoid it.

But do I care about the tale of a hero and its journey to save its friends, the vengeance of an unfortunate man, the struggles between classes or a bitter war between two sides?

Many events that can be changed by a single decision of an individual, many future events that cannot be changed no matter what someone tries to change it, none of them matters.

Yet the thing that matters the most here is something I cannot find.No matter how I desired and willed to see, her future is something I couldn't see instead there would be visions of our hometown being invaded either by our allies or monster, visions of my three closest sisters dying and dying again in different ways and in different times.

A title is what seperates me from gazing at Deva's future.

A step to reach her future yet it seems untraversable.


A voice called me.

Is seemed that an eternity passed since last time I heard that familiar voice.


That's her voice...ah, her sweet voice.

I could hear her more and more clearly.

More.More.A bit more closer.

Then I could finally open my eyes.

"Finally!Hahahah!Edea....ah Edea!" She embraced me, I ignored the foul scent of blood on her body, or the sight of many dismembered bodies and to their very back the sight of a woman that has her limbs cut off and is barely breathing, I only embraced Deva back.

"Deva,Deva...Haaa Deva." The two of us called each other's name time and time again until only the sound of the breathe of the limbless woman could be heard.

Then I could hear Deva ripping someting and then my sight changed that to room where two women were waiting for us.

One was a stranger while the other had the appearence of Deva.

The last thing I saw was their pale expressions as they watched in this direction.

And then I passed out.




No matter what, rushing in an enviroment where you don't know nothing about is reckless and insane.

Yet the moment this appeared:

[Connection with Edea Yera has been re-established.]

My body was already moving on its own and several skills and titles activated on their own as I run towards Edea.

My negative emotions were conjured in different forms and shapes, a hundred of mirrors popped out and followed me from behind as I run towards Edea, the layout of my surroundings shown in my mind and the location of Edea shown thanks to the skill [Connection].

I should have disabled my enemies instead of killing them but I wasn't even thinking about that, only the image of Edea was on my mind.

Countless waves, tentacles, spears and tendrils made of different emotions and rays of light from my floating mirrors overwhelmed my enemies fortunately someone managed to survive and ended only with her limbs being cut off.

*sigh* I became too emotional these past months, we were separated for several months and I ended being like this just with the mention of their names.

Shouldn't I too be considered as a yandere?

Like I mentioned before, I became too reliant on their presence but is that bad thing? It can be considered as a weakness or a flaw but do that matter too much?

This weakness is after all my everything.




Entrusting Edea to Devi,I returned to Merkuris by ripping another scroll of teleportation which different to the cabin of scenarios' teleportation this scroll needs another scroll of another kind on the other end to sucessfully teleport and obviously it requires a ton of mana.



I watched the woman crawling towards a direction leaving a trail of blood as she crawled.

"Hmm?You don't have a system?How did you even survive?"

I slowly walked towards her, startling her and making her even more frightened.

"Haaa...You dare...attack an Overseer...haaah...hick..."

"Oh!Is that so." Without giving much a reaction I pulled out a bunch of potions and shoved their contents on her limbs making her hiss out of pain.

"So you used your subordinates as shields and with that you survived, that's a good thing with that you will be my source of information about everything."

"How d-did you even find that we were here. This planet is pretty much concealed by a special barrier"

"I have my methods besides if this planet wasn't this small I wouldn't be able to activate my skill.Now miss Overseer let's go to your new home!Let's go!"

I returned to Divine Dante with the Overseer after looting all the valuable treasures their base had to offer.




Edea's visions about the future weren't about a distant future in fact Velena has already become the champion of the arena she is trapped on and has to entertain everyday by fighting monsters and contestans. The number and strenght of her enemies grows everyday.

Ira who for some unknown reason has lost her mind started to freeze all her surroundings.

And Theresa who became a queen of an elven kingdom has started to lead the elves under her and fight other kingdoms.


