Chapter 79 The Arena

Again this feeling.

As countless and colourful objects created from different emotions clashed with each other, Deva who was dancing to death with the man was feeling a familiar sensation yet at the same time unfamiliar.

The same feeling when she saw that her actions caused destruction and negativity on the world of Divine Dante.

It was as if she was born to spread destruction and negativity despite not feeling it since she was born.

A voice of a woman could be heard again inside her mind.But she couldn't focus on the contents and in the end the unknown woman's words went to deaf ears.

The same was towards this powerful man, Deva could feel that deep inside she was yearning to fight and battle for days or even weeks despite not knowing this man for even a day.

Not only that but a strange wave of nostalgia hit her as she exchanged blows with him despite, again, not knowing this man.

All these emotions almost made her forget about her objective in coming here, she only regained her senses when a different kind of aura mixed in the fray.

An icy and cold aura passed through Deva and the man, and in an instant the man found himself unable to move but will probably regain his movements in a matter of seconds.

Deva supressed the conflicting emotions inside her and made her way towards Ira.

And as Deva pulled out a scroll and made physical contact with Ira, the man freed himself and was saying something but unfortunately its contents didn't enter in any of the two's ears.




Two figures appeared in a room where a little elf was sleeping, exhausted after seeing the future of Theresa, Velena and Ira.

"Deva, I-" Ira opened her mouth.

But I interrupted her and hugged her, a kind of hug that can be said to be possessive.

The two of us remained in silence, a thousand of words were reduced by a single action that conveyed relief and forgiveness.

For the time being the most important thing was that we were now safe and together. The matters about these unfamiliar feelings to from the origin of the man and the woman in my mind are for now to think later.

I softly kissed her before I reluctantly seperated from her,"Wait for us." I said which she nodded and responded with a soft," Be safe."

And with that and the appearance with Tania, I teleported towards another world.


Opening my eyes I found myself in alleyway, no one other than me was there.

[Connection with Velena Yelena has been re-established.]

Unlike last time, I don't rush towards Velena.

With Edea's information I know that even if I reach Velena I wouldn't be able to bring her with me alive, not with the strange collar around her neck and not with how secured the place she is located.

I walk towards a grandiose and imposing structure known as The Arena where all kind of entertainment are held, from battles between contestants, between monsters and even grotesque shows where slaves are forced to do all kind of disgusting and repulsive acts.




"Man, that's really twisted."

"Right?But it is because of this kind of shows that this place is always full.Damn!I had to pay two thousands gold coins just to see two shows."

I remained silent as I listened the two men near me chatting with each other but my eyes remained on the girl in the platform crying to what remains of her parents, as to where the rest went to...well let's say that the girl was forced to eat something dear to her in order to survive.

This place is overflowing with many intense emotions to absorb that if it wasn't for me being here to free Velena I would gladly stay here for weeks even if I had to pay several thousands of gold coins and ruin my eyes to absorb the required 'energy' to go to Intris and return here.

As I was thinking, lights turned off for the exception of the lights in the platform.

[Ladies and gentlemen. The show that you all are waiting finally has arrived!]

As a voice was transmitted to every spectator, the figure of Velena being dragged could be seen by everyone.

"Hmm?Why doesn't she have a collar?Won't she run away that way?" I accidentally muttered but it seems it was heard by the two men near me.

"You don't know missy?That woman was one of the top ten fighters of this arena."

"Was?" I cut him off.

"Yes, was. And when one of the top ten fighters is defeated they are not killed but used as entertaiment.If one is a man then they have to fight to death without their possessions and skills blocked.And if one is a woman...heheheheh."

I internally frowned but didn't show anything but indifference,"But what about the collar around her neck?Evem if you strip of one's weapons they still have their skills."

"It seems the miss here is new, the collar has only the function to prevent any contestant or partecipant to escape.Look, see the cuff on her right ankle?That has the function to block all skills to activate."

"What if someone from the spectators jumps to take her?"

"Hahahahah!Miss is really from another world!Who would dare to do something so reckless here especially in a place where the god of war is residing."

Feigning surprise and shock," T-the god of war?Here?"

As the three of us talked with each other, in the corner of my eyes I watched the show getting started.

As I thought, they first want to make Velena try to find a way out and make her feel despair by making her understand that there's no escape from her fate and then they will really start the show.

Ah, I really am fortunate to have found Edea first, what would happen if I haven't found her first?


