Chapter 98 Snatched away

Deva wears many masks when interacting with other people, the mask dealing with strangers would be always ever changing, the mask dealing with friends, subordinates and family would show part of her true personality and thoughts or atleast what she want others to believe being her personality but if we take off all the masks and try to catch a glimpse at her true face and colours then we would only be able to see a blank face that lacks any kind of expression and only find stimulation towards emotions and then desire to see and feel many others.

The feeling of the heart sinking in an awful situation, the feeling of the tremling eyes in the verge of crying, the raging and beating heart when angry or embarrassed, the feeling of her insides that seems to twist and distort as she feels extreme jealousy, shame or hatred, the feeling of the hot and wet tears rolling down on her cheeks as she feels her heart or world broken and reduced in little pieces, her heart swelling out of pride, the warm feeling in her heart as she helps someone and hears words of thanks...

Her love towards her four current wives are genuine and true, her closeness towards her subordinates and friends aren't fake and the awkward feeling when dealing with the new Era is not by any means false and still has to understand how to exactly feel about it.


Deva cannot help but crave for more emotions to directly feel and directly see. When watching from a screen or reading a book about tragic things and miraculous things happening in the universe or in her mind, Deva didn't feel the same when dealing in person, she could see the emotions and even feel them through the screen or pages but there was something fundamentally different and that was her not being the person or character dealing with the situation.

To be a different person while being herself.

The air-headed slave who managed to escape from her owners and acts like a pushover is her current persona and that was the image Lucia has of Deva.

While her false paradise was finally seen by Deva, Lucia already decided to make Deva see hell as paradise through exhaustation and fear.

But despite treating Deva like an object, she feels a weird emotion called love and maybe even obsession to the point of insanity that appeared inside her when she saw her for the first time.But what would happen when the most precious thing in your hand happened to be snatched as you are still playing with it? Irrationality and chaos, reason will come after the culprit of such act is dealed with.

It is easy to cause discord between people, especially with people who lose their reason and it is even easier if the scene is in chaos, a scene where the target cannot understand everything but only that the one who snatched her toy is a certain someone.

There are three current main targets in Deva's plan.

One is the Saintess Lucia, ruler of the Western section. Another is the ruler of demons known to be ruthless and hold grudges. And another is a succubus holding an 'End' known as Vilinielle, the true target of her plan, the one that has to truly die.

Just the prospect of the chaos and destruction caused just by this made Deva strangely excited, a feeling different from her own as if it was something from somewhere else and as Lilith and Seleolia are the ones that always watch her they share the title they gave to her.

Pleasure seeker.

Not a person that seeks meaning in life, saves lives or destroys lives but one that seeks enjoyment and amusement whether they save or ruin other's lives.

"You!Why can't you love me!"



Deva was being lashed all over her body while she maintained her position in tip-toes.

"Why you don't submit?!"

A contradictory question from the Saintess.Being able to make someone submit as long as wanted yet she didn't do it towards Deva.

"*haah**haah* You will remain in that position for other eight hours, let's see if after then your legs won't be soft as jelly."

Despite the irrational rage and frustration, the Saintess seemed to enjoy the abundant expressions Deva offered, from terror to pain or that from her complicated emotions that fought with each other whether to find pleasure or disgust in it. Maybe it was that the reason she didn't use her powers on her as she would become souless and grey like the toys she have broken.

"P-please.N-no more." With sweat and some droplets of blood trickling all over her body and with her shaking legs Deva spoke almost in the verge of collapse.

"Aw.Don't be like that." Lucia changed her tone to a more gentle one. "Aaafter all this, you won't have to feel like that, that is if you submit.Well then see you later."

Lucia closed the door leaving Deva in total darkness, like Deva it seemed she was starting to find enjoyable in watching emotions and to desire to see more, unfortunately Deva couldn't talk with her about that topic, their relationship as two actresses in the spectacle Deva devised was that of a mad and possessive perpetrator and that of a poor victim and this kind of relationship would remain until Deva decides to kill her own character and tell that she was just playing around and possibly taking the wrath of the Saintess. Until that possible future, Deva will use Lucia's emotions and love to her own gains and pleasures.




A series of explosions occured and alerted all the guards of the residence and also Saintess Lucia.




"What's happening?!You! Report immediately what's going on!" One of the guards happening to be near was asked by the Saintess and without hesitasion the guard responded.

"Demons. From their attire they seem to be coming from the royal guards."

"Them?But why here?This is but near from the Southern section...Nevermind that!Repel them and spare one for interrogation."

But as Lucia joined in the battle and passed some time, she noticed that they were stalling for time.

"But why would they come here other than killing me?" The Saintess was confused as something in the back of her mind was telling her that something was wrong.

Despite all this, she assisted her guards in dealing with the demons but they also fought back and so far hadn't casualities on their sides.

As the Saintess was chanting a spell, the demons fell back and retreated leaving the Saintess more questions and something inside her propelled her to pursue them.


Without giving a word she silently pursued the retreating demons and followed them in the forest.

It didn't take much to reach where they were going and found the previous demons crossing a portal, most probably towards their headquarters.But that wasn't what was in the Saintess' mind but the unconscious body of Deva in one of the demons' arms which not only was watching her but also grinning at her, mocking at her situation.

But different from the other demons, this one didn't cross the portal but instead turned her back on Lucia and run off as if saying to her to pursue if she is able to and Lucia didn't move a single muscle as if she was processing the event but as she woke up from her stupor, she immediately run to pursue the demon.

"Give her back!I swear I'll remove your limbs one by one, I'll give you a painless death if you stop!" The Saintess shouted hysterically, her emotions were so distorted that she was finding difficult on using her powers as an a heavenly user.

But the demon didn't stop and only sneered, something that caused only to Lucia to become more enraged.

The demon was none other than Pride while the demons were the residents of Deva's dungeon disguised as demons and wore the same clothes the demon royal guards wear, there were fabricated from anachnes and weresheeps that managed to copy their exterior.


