Chapter 97 Mood swing

With the exception of the afternoon, Lucia would always stick together with Deva with the excuse of helping her in her daily necessities.

After two weeks, Deva was able to make Lucia to think that she was already in her palms.

True, the medicine that she would drink in every meal has an effect on her. Fatigue, a bit of dizziness, lack of strength on her limbs and craving for more of the medicine are the main effects the medicine have given to her and Lucia was there to help Deva in growing her dependency on the medicine and herself.

Deva had already noticed that there was something in the water but didn't show it and instead acted to understand that there was something wrong few days later, she didn't openly said it but through few phrases hinted her suspicions to Lucia which only responded with a smile and changed subject.

In the moment, Lucia was absent and so she left Deva all alone on her room unable to move with her help. In fact there wasn't a maid attending to her or any personnel near her room that is available, all the guards are surrounding the residence so that no one other than Lucia can enter or attempt to leave.

On the mattress there is Deva who is trembling not due to cold or was afraid of someone but because her body was craving for more of that medicine, because there wasn't a single person in the room Deva dropped the character she was playing and just absentmindedly observed her wrists and fingers.

A light flickered on them and two silver rings and two cuffs appeared and wrapped themselves on her finger and her wrists, then another light was been flickered and they disappeared again and as they disappeared the door was opened by Lucia and with her appearence Deva had to continue her play.

Thanks to an ability she obtained after Beatrice reached her second phase of her evolution, she could freely decide to summon or store inside her soul her rings and cuffs.

[Demonic Sword of Lamentation: Beatrice, has chosen you....The second phase of her evolution have been reached....if the user is holding another kind of weapon then the weapon they were holding would be instantly devoured by Beatrice...the user can also store inside her soul or summon near her all kind of metals or weapons that are inside her soul.]




As Lucia entered, Deva eyed the tray she was holding especially the glass of water. The gaze didn't go unnoticed with Lucia's smile becoming wider and her eyes that showed happiness...happiness that despite having huge suspicion on her Deva didn't further try to find more about the medicine nor tried to avoid the medicince, instead in Lucia's eyes Deva was willing to become more compliant to her, listening to every her request and rule she gave despite being absolutely ridiculous for a guest.

Now Lucia can say that she knows almost everything about Deva or atleast most about the character Deva created. From her past to her hobbies, from her dislikes to her thoughs.

But this time is different. Connecting her eyes to Deva, Lucia opened her mouth.

"There's nothing inside."

Deva's eyes opened wide and her mouth agape from that. She couldn't raise her body but only convey a weak 'what'. A word that only brought irritation on Lucia.

Yes, irritation and hatred. Despite planning all this she started to hate the medicine.

The medicine that started to take the attention of Deva.

The sound of glass shattering in the ground along with the plates could be heard in the room.

"See! You focus more on that damn medicine than me! Your eyes do not lie! I can only see the medicine in them and not me!"

Lucia yelled and unleashed her aura causing everything around her to reduce in little pieces, for the exception of Deva and the bed she is in.

"I hate it!"


"I hate it!"

"I hate it!"

Lucia stomped in the ground causing a loud noise but none of the guards came to see what was wrong.

Despite all her ruckus, all her words, all her actions. Lucia was smiling, a genuine smile of happiness was etched in her face.

Such face appeared near that of Deva which was filled with terror and fear.

"Aw, I'm so sorry.Did I scare you?" Lucia said with a gentle voice different from the fierce one from before and with her left hand she stroked Deva's cheeks, "Answer me!" Yelling straight in her face Deva couldn't help but flinch and tear up but nonetheless nodded.

"Good girl." Patting Deva's head Lucia regained her kind and usual self but her head was filled with something different. Everything went downhill, she couldn't contain the anger she was hiding and instead instilled Deva terror and fear towards her but eventually managed to calm down seeing Deva's expression which didn't last long as the words that came out from her mouth caused her to lose her mind.

"P-please...I-I need it." Deva pleaded and glanced towards the shattered glass.


Just a matter of seconds passsed since Deva said those words and some of her bones were crushed by the sheer pressure released from Lucia.

Holding Deva in her arms Lucia watched with cold eyes and with an empty smile Deva writhing and moaning in pain.

Watching such scene, Lucia's heart couldn't help but beat more and more but contained the strange sensation and ignored the warm sensation between her legs.


With a low voice, she spoke but her words went in deaf ears as Deva continued to struggle.

"If you continue I'll make so that you won't be able to move not because of that accursed medicine but by my own hands!"

"I'm sor-rry *hic* rry...I'll *hic*..."


Only the sounds of sobs remained and some words of forgiveness remained in the tattered room.

"Stand up." The cold and flat voice filled Deva's ears.

The words this time were followed and despite the agonizing pain and effort to raise herself she did it and followed Lucia as she strode towards the door.

"If you fail to catch up I'll make your punishment harsher and longer than it needs to be." Her cold eyes bore in Deva's before turning to walk again.

A familiar tingle went through Deva's heart, the same when her wives usually become extremely possessive and said something that made her fear and at the same time excited.

A flushed face and disgusting smile appeared from Deva's face and went unnoticed from Lucia who was more focused on the room they were walking towards.

Since the beginning from the glass shattering in the glass to the present, Deva was ecstatic and excited as she watched the show.

Especially the change in demeanor from gentle to fierce and cold and then from that returning to gentle was something that Deva found especially cute enough for her to want to break her character and laugh.

As she followed behind, Deva made a sign with her hand towards the window before continuing to follow Lucia.

A single drone hovering in the air captured the instance Deva made her sign and the information went towards the golems and Core.

It was finally time to finish the play.


