Chapter 103 Knowing everything about your wife is not good as it sounds


Finally acknowledging the existence of the girl I stopped and separated the two of us from everything else with my artifact.

As we are surrounded by roses and their stem, the previous booming noises of spells and screams vanished replacing it with a peaceful and quiet atmosphere.

The place I teleported with the girl is completely different from the outside world, atleast for the time being.

"Here take a seat."

While I said that I controlled the roses to shape into two chairs devoid of spines.

"Don't worry about it, they won't hurt you. They aren't able to even if they tried. You wan't to try?"

"No ,it's fine!"

Returning to her usual self the girl sat on the chair while her expression was filled with curiosity.

"Aren't you worried that I might attack you?"

"Why should I? Your 'owner' sees me as nothing else other than a pretty thing."

"But she might have given me an order to deal with anyone that threatens her safety though."

"But she didn't right? The ones doing that are currently fighting outside while you instead went to check on the prisoners."

Adjusting my position more comfortably I said with certainly, "Her orders are absolute but as long as she doesn't give you an order you can do anything you want as long as you don't harm her."

"How do you know? I with the others made sure that no one was able to peer on us even with those annoying flying things"

"I have a special ability."

"That doens't explain anything but let's accept that." The girl huffed in dissatisfaction, "So? What's the deal? You didn't cut me off to drink a tea, right?Or maybe you like to talk a little bit to boast your confidence before being crushed like an insect?"

After closing my eyes I instead answered with another question completely unrelated to the girl's question, "Have you ever been crushed like an insect? Trampled and your body broken by your opponent?"

"That's an obvious answer. I never felt nor will feel like that.Why?You want me to feel that way unfortunately for you I am-"

"More powerful than me!"

Cutting off the girl, Deva opened her eyes and spoke with ecstasy.

"A divine being probably older than me, more skillful than me, more knowledgeable in everything!"


Without even giving her time, a sword wrapped in flames slashed towards her but with a wave of her hand the girl easily deflected the sword with a small explosion.

The girl waved her hand causing more explosions and easily destoying the spears made out of water.

Despite her vision was a bit blurred by the mist that was formed from the previous exchange, the girl nonetheless managed to grab the weapon Deva.


As the girl grabbed the blade of the sword, she could feel her hand being slightly cut not by the blade but small thorns clearly conjured after she grabbed the blade.

While the girl was distracted, the purple woman slashed again her sword towards the girl while I conjured more spears and threw them and at the same time I tossed aside the weapon that I conjured and created another one.

"You really are a stubborn one."

Before the two blades could land in her body, I could feel myself already being thrown in the soft ground by an unknown force.

With a snap of her fingers, different explosions occured close to my body.

Like a doll my body was continuously being thrown and crushed by the explosions.

Before I could congure a weapon to use or throw, she would immediately destroy them with a snap of her fingers.

Before a barrier or shield could last a second, she would destroy them again.

Before I could even try a way to avoid her explosions, the explosions would be already next to me ready to toss me in a predetermined direction and ready to receive another one.

Everything I have conjured up instantly vaporizes from the heat and becomes a gas that is still under my control and merged with the oxygen we breathe ... she breathes.


Collapsed in the ground I breathed heavily.

"You are still alive?"

The cheerful girl asked, she watched me with amusement.

"If you are waiting for the things you mixed in the air then I must disappoint you that we, divine beings, are resistant to most of the poisons. And I don't think you possess a poison to even make a god dizzy for a single secon-"


Blood gushed out from her and landed next to Deva but instead of shock the girl was becoming more interested in Deva.

"The degree you can control your aura is quite impressive, no even better. Some gods do not even have an aura much less beings able to control it like you." The girl talked despite having a hole in her chest, "It would be a waste to just kill you here, I don't know how you are managing to resist or how you avoided its effect but a few more kisses from her will more likely make you unable to even leave her side.Ah this?" She pointed at her chest, "Haha, you should know that divine beings are not easily killable" Then her tone became to that of total confusion, " You seem to have a good brain inside that skull of yours so why you attacked me despite knowing that you most likely would be losing against me."

"Have you ever been crushed like an insect? Trampled and your body broken by your opponent?" I repeated my question throwing the girl even more confused.

"The feelings of being crushed and trampled by your opponent that does not even bother using all of their power to deal with you.That is what I seek in this battle."

"Even throwing your life for it? You mortals are crazy..."

"Because I tried and because I threw it for that purpose is the reason I am still alive."

I smiled as the girl looked me down and didn't even bother to try to suppress a laugh when she heard what I said.

"Pfftt nonsense...hahah you battled me because you wanted to feel that kind of thing?"

As the two fought, outside was a mess. The l

Despite sending her troops against the enemy they aren't enough to breach the frontline and the Saintess was becoming more frantic than before with the news that her beloved cannot be found anywhere else from the cells they found.

The other prisoners only blabbered on how her Deva disappeared without trace with a girl.

The news traveled to Ben and from him to Edea and Theresa making them almost want to join in the frontlines.

The news also arrived to Velena, Ira and Era as they disguised themselves as soldiers.

Other than Velena, Deva felt that an eternity passed since she saw and interacted with the Ira, Edea and Theresa but that also went for the three who entered inside multiple dungeons to become stronger.

On some they had to defeat bosses with a level higher than theirs and on some dungeons they had to pass trials similar to what Deva experienced, where inside of them time passed faster than the outside.

As the trials and time tempered their bodies and mind, they still have that strange sensation of wanting to lock Deva inside a room instead of leaving her roam around and making others see her.

An example is the Saintess or even Era, who Deva met, and now they see these very women strangely obsessive on Deva as they are.

But as the four were thinking on the same person over and over again, a name was screamed from the Saintess herself and made everyone turn their heads.

In what remained of the cells stood a girl carrying a woman in tatters.

Everyone could see her expression of pain and hatred towards the girl, who in return was confused by Deva's change of behavior.

"You were so glad to fight me to death and survived and now you act like this? I can only think that you are crazy."

But Velena, Ira, Edea and Theresa could only see a Deva shedding crocodile tears and acting like a weak damsel in distress.

The four know that Deva is able to act the role of everything or able to naturally change her demeanor in a matter of seconds and act like a different person, in fact they know that she especially loves roleplaying before having hours of sex. The four blankly witnessed the scene of Deva groaning in pain and crying for help, the girl carrying her complaining at her while the voice of the Saintess ordering the soldiers to charge echoed. They felt every moment of such scene to be surreal.

They couldn't believe that Deva was there enjoying every moment of the show while they had to feel like abandoned dogs.

Being able to know everything about their beloved is a benefit but seeing Deva and knowing why she was doing that made the previous statement almost a demerit.


The four sighed, leaving Era confused.


