Chapter 104 Lewd...

Despite the numbers and strength possessed by her troops, Lucia could only watch her beloved being dragged inside a pink colored tent, multiple moans and groans from different men and women could be heard by her ears enchanted by her aura.

Even if she tried to fight the beings protecting the enemy base, she wouldn't change anything at all other that bringing herself death. With resentment and hatred she gazed for a last time the terrorized look and hopeful eyes of Deva gazing at her and gave the order to retreat, however she did so by also bowing that she will not let her enemies rest a single day.

Humiliation and self-hatred grew within the Saintess as the world showed her that she is still helpless and weak despite being a human ruler.

At the same time Ira who also has enchanted her ears with her own aura, heard the same moans Lucia heard bringing inside her dread and horror as she imagined what Deva would went through by another woman.

And at the same time she remembered the feeling of helplessness when she watched Deva confronting with Era who is now completely different and her insides devouring her stomach

Time suddenly froze.

The back of the last soldier marching with the others stopped in the distance, the expressionless faces of the higher beings with a hint of contemt within them also froze and a piece of paper floating between the hand that dropped it and the pocket also stopped, the expression of the owner was smirking while she was carried.

For Intris only a moment passed but for a single individual a minute passed and that minute was enough for her to retrieve Deva from the girl, drop her far away, tie her up and drag Velena, Era, Edea and Theresa with her towards Deva.

Time flowed again.

The sounds of footsteps could be heard in the distance, hatred was still imprinted on Lucia's face, moans still echoed in the enemy camp, a girl grew confused and far from the same girl a woman fell in a frigid cold cage.




"Uh..." I was speechless.

Four intense glares plus a more confused one were directed at me.

I tried to open my mouth but nothing came out and either I could use any of my powers.

"It's useless Deva. We will not give you even a chance to delay your punishment." The ice elemental spoke as if she was speaking to trash, the woman felt her heart throb not giving the desired effect and making Ira sigh.

"Whatever we do to her it will be perceived only and always as a reward." The smaller elf slightly smiled making the woman only make a soundless laugh.

"Since it's that way we better then find solace for our frustrations by using her." The taller elf licked her lips.

"Then I have the exact location where no can disturb us for enough time for this world to burn, and you, Deva, is the one who set it ablaze." The only human amongst the four said and waved her hand and a small structure appeared near them.

Despite the looks of disapproval and disappointment I could see that their eyes were filled with lust and affection towards me.

As I was dragged inside a dungeon popping out from nowhere, I noticed dozens of drones observing in my direction and could only watch me walking towards the road of depravity and lechery.






Having grown a cock between my legs, I couldn't desire nothing more than releasing sperm without stop and cum from my other holes at the same time, but I wasn't allowed to, I couldn't.

My body was entirely covered by tight black latex, other than the few openings my skin was tightly wrapped by my latex suit while my penis was wrapped by tight leather, its urethra plugged and the glands were stimulated by small egg vibrators. There were also two thick vibrators inside my holes and were put in the lowest setting, my nipples were clamped and were connected by the dildo gag I was wearing.

Everytime I felt close to climax and lift my head the nipple clamps connected to my gag would stimulate me even more by my movement but everything would end as the pleasure was not enough to bring me to nirvana.

Sucking and playing with the dildo gag I was releasing hot and slippery drool all over my body, with my arms tied in reverse prayer and legs spread to their fullest I could only helplessly squirm and moan pathetically in my bonds.

I only know that more than eight hours have passed and from that I know no more as I stopped counting but for that entire time I could only see the other four having their fun in front of me and not even once they glanced at me nor stopped having sex.

Era? I don't know where she is, I hope they won't include her-


Suddenly the vibrators in my glands and holes started to vibrate in their highest settings but before I could cum they suddenly were turned off making me whimper in pain and move my hips in hope to feel something.

"Aw, you want to cum that bad?" Edea's hypnotizing voice entered in my ears while removing the dildo inside my ass and inserted her fingers, "mmm, you are eating them."

My anus wrapped the fingers and soiled them with juices.

"But you can't ,right? With this rod inside your penis you are unable to cum, you wanna this rod removed?" Velena playfully stroked my shaft but with the rod inside I could only moan in pleasure and pain.

Unable to release I could only drip.

"Oh!They're sensible right?" My nipple became more sensible with Ira removing the clamps, and with her tongue and hands she played with them.

"So wet, you filled a pool with that pussy of yours." Theresa played and twirled her tongue in my clitoris.

The sudden attack of overstimulation by them instantly brought me to almost cum and with Velena quickly removing the rod inside my penis I came both from my penis and vagina.


But even after that they didn't stop and instead continued.

Pushing me in the ground, they started to relentlessly fuck me.

Eack of them drank a potion a grew each a penis.

Velena went to remove my gag, made me drink a drug and then shove her ten inch dick inside my mouth without giving me time to talk, normally I would gag due to my gag reflex and her dick would have difficulty to enter due to its sheer enormity but I didn't gag and her penis entered without problem. It was probably thanks to the potion.

Ira put her pussy just above my penis and then without hesitation brought it down, bouncing up and down afterwards and stroking her own cock.

Theresa targeted my dripping pussy and without help of a lotion she inserted her penis and due to its size it hit my womb relentlessly, the same for Edea but for my anus.

It was mess...

They cummed separately multiple times without warning and with the sensitivity increasing by cumming they continued and continued for another eight hours.

This was just the first day and only the beginning for Deva.




A/n: Yay! Lewd chapter for you! Hope the horni awakened inside you....hehe!