Chapter 105 Reincarnator

She chose a life of laziness, debauchery and curiosity towards other worlds instead of reaching the peak of existence or status.

Instead of maximizing her skills and titles' potential becoming a more powerful existence, she chose to indulge in the pleasure of 'tasting' emotions and use her powers to further enjoy the experience.

There are paths that can bring her closer to the existence of gods, beings that do not require food, oxygen, sleep and water to survive but instead refuses those paths and rather live as a human, weak beings with great potential that needs food to survive, oxygen to breathe, sleep to keep their sanity and water to not die.

Yet she also is different from humans, who pursue the strength and wisdom of the gods.The very humans who seek fame, glory, money and love are different from her.

The sentient beings of her world seek power and any kind of valid recognition with the systems and dungeons they are given. Yet her and those under her lurk in the shadows of the brilliant and shining, dull and dark emotions released by these beings.

Like their creator or owner, they indulge in their own passions to then sometimes visit and see the outside of their cage, similar to divine beings visiting the mortal plane, whether as chaotic ones or as good ones, either way their existence is still shrouded by a veil, one day they will be revealed by all the inhabitants of Intris but for the time being they continue to rule in anonymity most of the underworld of Intris.

As thousands of events are occurring in the whole Intris, an event that should've be happening in years is now reduced to months.

Sometimes the southern section would fight with the demons in a major war obtaining the attention of the other races and each their support through supplies or manpower, but as the threat of monsters are increasing this war has been delayed to a later date for the greater good.

To raise the chances of winning Queen Elisabeth of the Southern section can only start the war with atleast of the support of another section or of another race but that seemed improbable seeing the current situation of Intris.

But then, her friend, another ruler contacted her and wholeheartedly wanted to give her total support as long as she starts the war as soon as possible.

It wasn't a rash thing to do. Like her, the demon queen also needs the support of a faction and for the time being or atleast at her knowledge no one have a screw loose to give their support to someone when in the present they need to think for themselves.

Queen Elisabeth has never seen her friend so enraged and mad, she understood from her version that her soulmate has been captured and probably will be tortured, despite asking whether Lucia was sure in her decision she only got a 'take it or I'll do it myself'.

In a few months the humans will be ready to wage war against the demons and no human or god will be able to stop it as the Saintess decided to not hide her cards anymore and use the power of her 'End'.




Queen Elisabeth wasn't far from her statement with Deva being 'tortured', in fact her 'torture' brought her immense pain but also immense pleasure.

"Only a few months passed since we were separated and teleported in another universe yet it seems that more than an eternity has passed before we could reunite again in Intris." Velena softly spoke with Deva in her arms.

"...Between watching Era's memories and with that mysterious vision an eternity indeed passed for me..." Deva spoke with a faint voice, with her hands tied behind her back she couldn't touch herself nor take out the vibrators inside her holes, not that she would do that though.

"It seems that all of us experienced the same thing despite beings far from each other." Edea said as one of her fingers playfully twirled around Deva's tongue making her only suck on that finger as if it was the most delicious candy in the world.

It didn't take much for the three to start another 'light' session.

"Dinner is ready!Hey!?"

With her calls being ignored, Theresa walked towards them and smacked each one of them a spot behind their head.




"Let's eat before doing any other thing." Theresa coldly stated.

Three powerful and clean hits resounded and made the three stop in their actions and obediently followed Theresa.

Arriving at the table filled with food the three got a smirk from Edea before starting to eat, with that action the three looked at each and nodded.

With her hands tied Deva ate what her wives spooned her.

As the five women and...Era enjoyed their time inside Velena's dungeon, a young hero with his sentient greatsword neared an inconspicuous and little dungeon.

"If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to find this dungeon..." Ben said to Von Ten.

"With this we can identify who is it..." Von Ten grimly said.

The moment Deva and cheerful girl showed themselves Von Ten could immediately feel the same vile and dark feeling from one of the two, the same he felt months ago, but hesitant which one was associated he suggested to wait and observe.

Ben chose to listen to Von Ten and waited to see if it was Deva or the cheerful girl that took Von Ten interest, but with Deva being taken by her wives Von Ten immediately felt the shift of the location of the dark feeling and suggested once more to follow his directions, ultimately he led the boy to a location not too distant from the enemy camp and found a concealed dungeon.

"Why are you so obsessed with this person, whoever is it."

"You fool!What did you slay and kill to obtain the power you have now?Evil! The more one evil is the more power you gain, with your system and me you can increase your exp and stats more than anyone else!If we can slay this foe then you become more stronger!"

"Then I hope the one behind this it that Deva woman..."

"Heh!You really hate her, huh?I don't care as long as we hunt the one behind this feeling and increase our power, soon Ben you can try to find the perpetrator behind the annihilation of your planet, what was the name again?"


"Ah yes!Earth! To name your planet that way...Anyway we know that whoever caused the rainfall of laser or whatever you call is currently from this world...Man, to think you are reincarnator...I pity your enemy whoever is it."

As the two conversed, inside the dungeon where time is accelarated there are five women and Era enjoying months of bonding.

Dungeons work in a fascinating way as they can accelarate and slow time inside their space, but can also affect the past and the future of other places bringing chaos and confusion across multiple universes.


