Chapter 106 Anticlimactic fight

Muffled moans resounded across the room but were totally ignored by Deva as she was more focused on the purple woman she named as Violetta.

Violetta is the whole of the woman, the sword and the flames. The three seems to be three different entities but inreality they are like different organs in the same body and the body is controlled by a core inside her.

Unfortunately Deva couldn't change anything about their appearances, she was unable to hide the sword and flames but could bend and extend them like when she uses her aura, but other than this Violetta can act and move as an independent living being, disappear and reside inside Deva's soul and feed on a small amount of emotions without withering her targets.

With Deva focusing more on Violetta, Era who was just besides her could only glare at the entity and hope that Deva will give her attention.

Deva instead was thinking about her own status and thought that other than leveling up she really doesn't need to amplify the number of her skills and titles and was satisfied with her current skills and titles.



Feeling Era poking her, Deva shifted her attention to Era.

"What is it?"

"Um...I can feel two intruders are coming this way..."

"Ah, okay then I'll take care of them..."

Still tired and groggy with all the activities she went though in the past days Deva wasn't too excited to meet other people.

"Here, this device can amplify your mothers' toys and restrain them more than they are if willed. Make sure to thoroughly play with them. Have fun, after this we can cuddle."

Leaving to Era a device that Deva shouldn't have, Deva made Violetta follow her and closed the door behind her walking towards the intruders, not noticing a sudden shift of expression on Era, an expression that was mixed as if Era was fighting something inside her mind.

"This is an opportunity. With her like that we can ambush her the moment she returns, not only you still have my- 'our' original power and still have all 'our' stuff in 'our' ring but with it you can have her all to yourself."

"N-no this is wrong..."

"Wrong? She is the one made us like this, and now not only she became bored with you but focused all her attention to another one and in front of you at that!"


"Is true isn't it? We are the one that deserves her love."

The whisper tempted Era, and as moans continued to echo in the room a glint on Era's eyes appeared.

"Don't worry about them, with how they are so good with their tongues we can use them as pets."

Era moved her attention to four big boxes, each of them containing someone and each of them were helplessly unable to struggle and free themself, unable to use their powers and defenseless to anyone who have ill intention towards them.

Nearing the boxes she could hear the sound of intense buzzing oozing from the boxes.

Knowing that the four of the women can bear days or even weeks of intense pleasure, Era took out four collars from her storage ring and planned to put them on the four women.




"If they are weak and behave I'll just knock them unconscious and throw them outside, if not then I'll just kill them. If they are more powerful than me?Then I'll teleport them near the Demon Queen's castle."

As Deva walked in the corridor she could see a figure of a boy rushing towards her and unleashing a great amount of bloodlust.

She didn't even have time to react as the boy was already thrusting his sword at her. Deva could only conjure a shield and retreat a few steps back as the shield was easily destroyed.

"So you were the one, I'm glad."

Despite the killing intent towards her, she could feel from the boy a bit of happiness seeing her.

"Do we know each other?"

Deva lied and her mind immediately sobered up.

"Kakaka! We are just the light of justice that will trample evil!Kahahaha!" A voice from sword could be heard and brought the two to cringe for a moment before ignoring it.

"You might not have heard about me but I know you as The Saintess' love."

"Come on, Ben!Just slay her and we can go to your pseudo-harem!"

"Shut up! I do not have an harem!It's a one-sided love!They popped out just because I saved them once!"

"Like yours to the slut,right?Kahahah!"


Despite the two conversed with each other, the boy didn't let his guard down not even a moment and attempted to hit Deva with his sword.

"Look how she dodges like a fish!Come on, Ben.You can do more than this, if you let her escape she might go to your Lucia and accuse you of attempt of murder!"

"Shut your trap and don't call her with her name!"

Despite Ben's speed and strength surpassing that of Deva and all of her stats he wasn't able to injure her despite his enemy remained bare-handed and didn't have any intention on fighting him.

"Kuh!What a slippery one.Hm?Ben!Retreat bac-"

"Too late."

Deva, who remained silent, finally made her move and didn't hesitate in tearing a scroll appearing in her hands and with her index finger pointing at the two she made them disappear from the dungeon and teleport them far away.

"Better return to Core, atleast there I don't have to worry about defense..." Deva mumbled as she returned to her wives and Era.

Not even noticing that the moans stopped, Deva entered in the room and was greeted by a pair of hands covering her eyes, two pair of arms holding each of her arms and another pair embracing her from behind. Not noticing that their intent was to restrain her movements.

"I rather not want another round, I am exhausted and I know you are too..."

Despite her complaints Deva didn't push them and waited them to answer.

"Girls?Why are yo-"


Deva suddenly could feel a leather collar coiling around her neck and couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.

"Remain silent unless I say so, do not use your powers nor try to harm me or yourself."

Before Deva could open her mouth, a familiar voice rang out.

Another pair of arms wrapped themselves on Deva from her front and the owner of these pairs whispered, "I waited for so missed me, Deva?"

A different voice rang out from the Era Deva grew close to, a was similar to that of the previous Era.


