Chapter 109 An old yandere...or maybe two

I was so shocked that I my body moved on its own.

Wiping the windows clean, cleaning the plates, throwing the trash or having small talks with other fellow slaves or servants.

While my body moved my mind was in deep thought.

It took me several minutes to recollect myself when I realized the identity of the woman who bought me.

"Ah, Yin Vin to find you at the garden."

While the woman in question is talking to me I could only compare the image, despite a bit blurry, of a Lily in her teenage years and that of the current woman standing in front of me.

Was it the god's will? A coincidence upon coincidences? 'Everything's' will? A curse?

Either way I found myself back in a world that I have been before. A world I considered a place to climb my way out towards the last floor of the dungeon, a place I thought I would never return since I have no reason to.

Not a parallel world where everything I did didn't affect anything but the exact world I passed years as a maid of a princess and servant of a noble.

"I really can't comprehend how you remind me of a certain person." The now grown-up Lily said with her seductive voice, "You know she was really the loveliest person I've ever met and we were also together." Her voice was filled with sadness and anger, "Hundreds of years may have passed but she still is in my heart."

"Your highess, I didn't hear wrong,right?Hundred of years?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Being a queen has its benefits you know? Demanding elixirs or maybe even stealing them, especially since I waged war almost all the time in the past, well that was in the past though, a kingdom that is too big risks to fall after all. This is something that is written in history books, you really didn't know my identity when I told you that I was the queen of Lilies?"

"My apologies, your highness, I spent most of my time hiding myself from others." I lowered my head.

"Oh my, I likewise am sorry for asking such a question." Lily said before continuing, " The original name is another but my kingdom was named after that with the fact the most of its population is composed of females while males have the status worse than insects." Lily stated with pride before realizing that she said something wrong, "Ah, dear I did not make laws that elevate females' status but became an unspoken law between the citizens or atleast most of it with time. Not only I cannot do nothing about it but with such characteristic it attracted and still attracts many females oppressed in other kingdoms being male dominants with that in mind you can say that my kingdom is different from the others, well there's another similar to mine...Oh my, you don't mind that I talked too much, right?"

"Your highness, you do not need to worry about such thing. I enjoy talking with your highness since I did not have a chance to understand much about this kingdom with everyone else being so busy so with your highness filling me up with such informations really helps me a lot." I responded with a polite smile.

"You aren't scared of me? I'm not talking about me being a queen and all but I might have some dark plans for you,mm?" Lily said with an intimidating tone.

"I...I might not know about people too much with me running away all the time...but I can atleast follow my heart and it says that your highness is not that kind of person...Not only that but you never gazed me like the other usually do."


As the raven-haired woman showed openly and innocently her bashful smile, the woman witnessing such smile couldn't help but have her heart throb and couldn't help but place her hand in the raven-haired woman's cheek.

"Your highness?"

Like the expression of an angel or that of a devil in disguise, the expression of the raven-haired woman reminded her of a person the woman already have forgotten other than her name.

"I-I'm sorry...You...nevermind. I...uh have matters to do.Farewell Yin Vin."

Without even glancing at her the woman walked away from the raven-haired woman as if she couldn't bear to stand with her or else she might pounce on her.

"Calm down...She isn't her.And...I already am not the same person of that time." Ignoring the calls of the raven-haired woman, the queen muttered the same phrase over and over in order to regain a bit of clarity.

Now alone, the raven-haired woman only smiled in amusement at the sight of an old acquaintance.

"Ah, this makes it easier to make her my biddings.Unfortunately this time you are not the reason I am here." The raven-haired woman recalled the image of a certain Saintess and that of a Demon Queen she never met before, "But to create as much drama as possible between them."

"Ah but to really just smile to make that you that way...huh, really, as time passes it makes easier to affect someone especially if the person is tied to you with strong emotions."

"Oh, well let's return to our duties.Hm,hm I also need to esperiment on how points work...Mm evil is when someone do something immoral or bad. And immoral is something that is not accepted by the standards of morality, kissing in public can be considered as immoral or hitting someone when defenseless can also be considered as immoral...I need to try it out."

As Deva was having fun in her role assigned to her, two certain people were racking their brains to obtain as many points as possible.

One has to do good deeds. Saving, pursuing the evil, helping those in difficulty...

One has to maintain the status quo between good and evil in a certain region...

Despite the difference in their quests, both couldn't understand how the current system works as despite one doing good risulted also in evil or one trying to balancing evil and good risulted in one spiking over the other.

It wasn't only them but all the so called players have the same problem with the term of good and evil becoming more and more confusing.

Saving someone risulted in the death of another despite unrelated of the former.

Killing someone risulted in saving the life of another despite unrelated of the former.

Imprisoning someone risulted in an unknown outcome.

Rescuing slaves risulted in anger by the mass.

Making other slaves risulted also in anger by the mass.

One could attempt in an act of a big scale like the assassination of a tyrant ruler or encouraging a rebellion but all the players do not have the status required to do so, the strength to attempt such thing or the time to pull such thing.

Good risulted in good, good risulted in evil.

Evil risulted in evil, evil risulted in good.

In this quest evil and good is determined by the outcome they bring.


