Chapter 110 Torture of mind and body


The woman through her gag uttered screams of agony and pleads to her torturer but the the raven-haired woman ignored her and continued to torment her.

"Female.Twenty years old. A reliable and kind woman, adored by everyone even by the males who are the lowest of this kingdom's society. Currently single. Have a good relationship with parents and relatives. Usually help the ones in need and never had committed any crime or atleast that's what I've been told. Currently do not have anyone that hate her."

Deva's cold voice made the woman shiver but it lasted a second before a wave of pain and pleasure assaulted her.

"Should I try amputation?...Mmm I do not have the necessary tools and sedatives to do it if I do it without them she might straight up die from pain..."

Having only heard the first part, the woman, despite the immense pleasure and pain assaulting her making her unable to stand, could only plead for mercy while moaning in pleasure and crying in pain.

She wasn't the only victim of Deva, in fact next to her cell there were five more cells containing women in the same condition as her. Threatened and blackmailed while bound and helpless in the night and then soothed and conforted in the day by Deva. But for them the voice heard in the night is different from the one heard in the day with a sultry and intimidating tone in the night and a bright and calming voice in the day.

It became so dire that the six prisoners started to use the two voices to understand whether it was day or night and using that logic Deva messed up their senses of time.

Pretending of leaving their cells Deva would listen or watch them slowly descending to the breaking point, but Deva didn't want to end in that point.


She wanted to see how many times these six people can last if she were to repeatedly do a cycle of 'torture/hope' which implies with her torturing them until they cannot bear it anymore but before they break she would give them a ray of hope, a reason to bear with her and then repeat to torture them again and again.

Her goal is to remake their entire personality to that of an obedient slave unable to disobey her orders and execute them without hesitation until then she would enjoy spending a fraction of her time with them being a slave of Lily which Deva spends most of her time talking and interacting with but also quickly raising her relationship with the queen and obtaining more and more freedom compared to the other slaves.

With Lily voluntarily and actively approaching Deva, they became close friends to the point of Lily sometimes mistaking the current identity of Deva to Amanda. And with that Deva could roam around the kingdom without much complications and freely able to obtain informations about other kingdoms with the excuse of being curious of other cultures and kingdoms.

It took a bit of time for Deva to find the identities of Lucia and of the Demon Queen, with Lucia spreading words of 'God' and the latter that of a bandit leader, surprisingly enough they were at odds with each other with both being in the same region.

The two of them were in a kingdom where Deva was already familiar with its name.

Devola kingdom, ruled by Saria and rival of Lily.

Despite old, the two yanderes still retain their youthful appearence and a portion of toxic love towards Deva. A love that is slowly being reawakened so that it can be easily manipulated by their object of affection.

"I'm sorry!I'm sorry!I'm sorry!I'm sorry!..." Removing the gag from the woman, Deva could immediately hear the woman begging for forgiveness despite not doing anything wrong.

What the woman said after Deva removed for the first time the gag was 'I won't forgive you!' but despite the changes Deva still could see the woman's will to live and revenge for her which made Deva smile with happiness.

Stroking the woman's cheek with care and tenderness, "What did you do?" Deva asked.

"I...what?I didn't do anything wrong!" The woman shouted in recoil of Deva's sudden change of demeanor.

Putting again the gag in her mouth, "it seems you still don't know answer, such a shame really...the guards have been suspecting me more and more...mmm" Deva left the cell, leaving a non-existent hope to the woman.




In a rather crowded place filled with shops and people enjoying their day.

"Oh,Yin!Over here!" A woman casually dressed waved excitedly her hand towards Deva.

"I'm sorry, your high-"

"Yin.What did I say about that matter?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, L-Lily..."

"Mm!That's what I'm talking about!Let's go Yin!" The woman linked her arm together with Yin and the two almost seemed two a normal couple in a date.

As if Deva didn't do anything suspicious or horrifying, Deva innocentently smiled and laughed together with Lily as they enjoyed their time together. Deva also didn't question and acted as if nothing was wrong with Lily occasionally touching her body wanting a reaction from her which Deva happily gave by giving small squeals satisfying Lily's desires and at the same time fueling for more.

Since Deva's goal was to create as much emnity between the Saintess and the Demon Queen with her as the object of discord, she inevitably had to rope in also Saria, a person which Deva still doesn't have a clear grasp of her power.

But with the six prisoners that are still undergoing her torture and do not show a hint of total breakdown, Deva could only continue to remotely monitor all the three's movements, with Lily being an exemption since she was monitoring Lily herself, and wait patiently and enjoy her life as Yin Vin.




What was worse?

Standing and unable to sit or rest for days?

Unable to see anything due to a blindfold even with the place she was being held was already dark to begin with?

Eat and drink her own wastes? And become happy and grateful when her captor decides to give her a normal meal?

Tortured and pleasured at the same time, feeling both pain and pleasure at the same time and as time passes start to enjoy it?

Slowly losing her sense of time?The day for her starts by hearing a cheerful and gentle voice and finish by hearing an intimidating one.

Losing hope that someone might save her and resign her fate as an object of amusement? Even starting to feel at loss when her captor is absent?

And lastly after enduring all these tortures, starting to perceive her captor as her world?

For days, weeks or months she have been interacting and hearing solely and only with her captor.

She couldn't belive it...that one day she would feel happiness just by being near her captor, joy just by being fed by her captor or arousal and glee when insulted or complimented.

She knew that...

What she was feeling was wrong that she had to vanquish these strange emotions and thoughts...but...

She was so...

Exhausted...tired even to go against her captor.

Wouldn't it be better if she were to obediently receive her captor's tortures(love)? Even if nothing changed she wouldn't alteast feel tired by struggling and trying to find a way of escape.

But what happened when she simply remained silent waiting for the gag to return in her mouth and lost her will to even try to think about a way out?

A hand caressed her head and the owner of it whispering to her, "That's the right asnwer."

Just a small movement of one's hands and few words made her start to see a purpose in her life.

To hear and feel those words and hands caressing her body.


