Chapter 116 Two opposite paths, the same goal

Lucia couldn't do anything as she watched her beloved being taken away from her once again.

Like acid, something was eating her insides as she gazed at the terrified expression of her beloved.

It spread inside her.

A kind of hatred towards herself and the world that seemingly doesn't want her to be together with her beloved.

"This is just a test...Yes!A mere test to prove my worth!"

A swirl of madness invaded her eyes as she looked in the sky.

Lucia didn't even acknowledge Arin's presence as she aimlessly walked somewhere else and mumbling vague words like 'love' 'burn the world' 'only us' forever' over and over again.

Her target aren't the demons nor the world but against the very individuals she couldn't even give a single scratch.

She realized it.

That, that group wasn't from Intris...but from another place, it was an hypothesis with no solid evidence yet it seemed the most plausible explanation about their very existence and about their pure raw strength.

Roughly ten years passed since dungeon and monsters appeared and despite there are individuals powerful enough to defeat alone an army, Lucia couldn't believe there is a group of people that possess such strength and at the same time managing it to hide it from the entire world.

The concept of normality has been already washed off since dungeons appeared in the world.


Lucia collapsed on the bark of a tree and absentmindedly watched at the strands of hair in her hand.


And without a single second of hesitation she brought them near her nose and sniffed them.

As Deva's scent invaded her nostrils, Lucia calmed down, the poison eating her stopped and clarity returned in her eyes.

The rage, the contempt, hatred and sadness vanished and were replaced by boundless love as she lovingly stroked her cheeks against the strands of hair.

"To think that just by your scent alone can calm me down. No amount of women, authority or money can do this.Ahhh...!Deva!Don't worry...We will have you and you won't have to worry ever again about anything."

Resolve invaded Lucia as she stood up and walked towards a path of seemingly filled with hope and love.

Different from Lucia, who became numb from everything and found someone able to make her feel something genuinely positive, Arin, who in the fisrt place haven't been ablt to feel any positive thing found someone able to give her the oppurtunity to feel them, was seemingly calm and carefully observing the corpses of her soldiers piled on each other but in reality was feeling nothing but craving for Deva.

Both craved for Deva, but how they viewed her differed.

Deva made Lucia's love for her turn to a kind of distorted pureness, where Lucia viewed her as the most innocent thing in the world and only her alone can corrupt and touch her, while for Arin's case wasn't love but just pure lust towards her, where only her can satisfy such needs.

Now, alone in the forest Arin brought her hands between her legs and strated stroking that spot.

Yet only groans of frustration and irritation came from her mouth.

"It's too little! Too little! I can't...I can't with this little amount of stimuli..."

Then Arin's eyes fell on that of a specific corpse of one of her soldiers.

His body was in one piece but signs of strangulation could be seen in his neck but more importantly in his lower half his penis was erect...

As lust pervaded her entire being Arin pounced on his corpse...disregarding her pride and morality just to satisfy her insatiable lust.

"Why...? What did you do to me...?I can't feel nothing but wanting more...!Aggghhh!"

Blood descended.

Yet Arin didn't stop, she stroked herself, bounced, imagined the most dirty and naughty thing she could imagine.



Not a single ounce of ecstacy was released, only pained groans and tears of frustration.

There wasn't a single shred of dignity left but only craving for and just for lust.

Days have passed, the war dreaded by Arin was not continued and instead brought somewhere else, yet even that couldn't satisfy Arin.

A pain inside her throbbed uncontrollably, desiring only Deva's touch.

Arin tried everything, she even used her own authority to just throw herself in days of debauchery by calling the most skillful people...


Nothing once again.




Extreme plays.

Everything Deva showed to her...couldn't give her what she wanted.

And realized that it was that person that was able to give her what she desired the most.


The hands played with her breasts lovingly playing with them and a tongue was trailing in her neck. Arin could see in the corner of her eyes a pair of crimson eyes focused solely on pleasing her...then a hand slowly descended towards Arin's lower half, before Arin could finally feel the ecstasy she was yearning for...everything vanished, only Arin's nude body and a feeling of emptiness remained in the room.

"Nononono!Why...! A dream...?! Am I that desperate that I'm imagining her...! That lowly...!"

Apparently only despair and frustration was ahead of Arin.

-She is gone.


-She cannot be with you.


-She is now-

"I need her! I shouldn't have given her to that Saintess!"

-But your kingdom, your people-

"They are do not have the same worth as her."

-She is but a slave.

"What is someone when they are below of a slave?"



-Things to use.

"Mere objects."

Merely a month and a half Deva managed to completely change someone as powerful as Arin.

Yet the very same person wasn't going around breaking people and fixing them anew.

"Nineteen!Twenty! Now it's time for the big bad wolf to find you!" Deva uncovered her eyes and ran towards a tree.


"Eek!" A little fox tailed girl shrieked in surprise.

"Found one!"

Deva was innocently playing hide-and-seek with the children of her subordinates, such children despite perceptive towards human nature with their inborn talents,they didn't know nor even suspect that the person they were playing with caused suffering and death just outside their so-called paradise.

Whoever, no could blame them since even adults aren't able to see through Deva as she is able to act naturally in any kind of situation.

If a situation required that she was afraid then she would 'be' afraid.

If a situation required that she was ruthless then she would 'be' ruthless.

If a situation required that she was kind then she would 'be' kind.

"Mu...! How did you find me? I even used my special ability!"

"It is simple! I could sense that you were nervous!So nervous that your tail betrayed you!"


"Hmph!Again with that vague explanation!"

Deva patted their heads and innocently laughed with them.


