Chapter 117 Days of pure pleasure and love


Just resentment.

I watched as people died helplessly as their heads were pierced by a light.

The old man that ducked its head under the table died.

The pregnant woman embracing her belly died with also her belly pierced by a light. With that her body had two holes that showed that two lives were ended without mercy.

Four boys screamed as one by one died by the lasers piercing their heads.

A mother, a father and their son laughed together until none of the three remained alive.

Who did this?

Who was so cruel to kill innocent lives? even think such thing and did it.

God? A corrupt politician? A madman?


Loud screams resounded when the firsts were hit and now only occasional screams could be heard as the lasers killed one by one the remaining ones.

"Brother...I'm so scared!"

My little sister wailed in my arms, afraid of dying.

Yes.Only resentment.

The person I adored so much died in my arms with her body being unrecognizable.

Others despaired, raged, cried and broke.

I, alone resented.

The blood painting the roads, the homes. the city, the arms.


The mass of flesh in my arms talked.



"The same nightmare?"

"I...uh yeah.Tsk..."

As Ben reawakened his resentment from his past and nightmare he cursed again and again in his head the one who caused such horrifying thing.

"The one who killed everyone must be out there slaughering more for its sick amusement."








Deva's body slightly swayed along with the rattle of the chains restraining her.




She was relentlessly hit by the whip and without mercy Era didn't stop a single moment on whipping her.



Along with tears, drool and juices there was also blood leaking from Deva's wounds.

A sweet and intoxicating scent derived from her blood filled the dim-lighted.

Deva's legs were supported by only two wooden poles and her legs were trembling to the point of almost collapsing but she didn't dare to collapse otherwise she'll fall in the pool just underneath her that was filled with all kind of aphrodisiacs that could further enchance her sensitivity and might straight up climax without interruption for days.

A spell that makes the target drool without interruption and do not have any drawbacks in the target whatsoever.

A spell that makes the target drip without interruption and do not have any drawbacks in the target whatsoever.

A spell that makes the target go on for days without need to eat, drink or release her wastes with the exchange of weakening the target after the end of the spell.

A spell that makes the target's tears, drool, juices, sweat and blood a kind of aphrodisiac when released.

A spell that makes pleasure and pain the same.

A spell that occasionally healed her body from wounds and bruises.

And a spell that occasionally cleaned her external body if her bodily fluids remained on her body for too long.

These kind of spells were casted by Ira so that Deva would be able to continue for days and at the same time suffer(?).

Deva has been drooling, sweating, dripping and bleeding for days now that the pool underneath her should've already been filled but four tentacle-like creatures at the bottom of the pool drank her fluids and made sure to release a substance more powerful than the spell that transformed her fluids in aphrodisiac.

If one concentrated enough one could see that those four creatures have tentacles in place of their arms and legs and were constantly playing with each other but all the other parts were humanoids.

In that pool of pure pleasure and ecstasy Velena, Ira, Theresa and Edea were constantly climaxing and releasing great amount of aphrodisiac to the point that even if they were to drink all of that then in a matter of hours their temporary tentacle-like bodies would be able to fill the pool again.

The potion the four drank gave them a body similar of a humanoid scylla giving them tentacles and the ability to temporarily breathe under any kind of liquid, while Era drank another kind of potion.




"That's right! Screams and moan! Let me hear that beautiful voice! Let me see your expression of pain and pleasure!"


"What's this?" Era neared her and poked at the vibrators sticking out from Deva holes.


"What? Deeper?"

"Mnwwo.Mmhh!" Deva screamed in sheer pleasure as Era pulled her vibrators deeper inside Deva and at the same time moving them left and right inside her.

"The way you move yout you want bigger ones, you want monsters that fill those holes of yours?"

As Era asked with a grin in her face Deva could only respond with her moan but her expression of terror and panic expressed her disapproval, or was she just acting like always?

"Oh!Is that a yes? Then I better retrieve them..."

Deva watched Era retrieving something from a nearby closet and widened her eyes when she saw how big they were.

Deva could only helplessly moan as she felt the already big vibrators leaving her holes and moan again in ecstasy as bigger ones were slid inside her shutting her holes.



As Era pressed two buttons the vibrators started to vibrate inside Deva.



The pleasure was too much and Deva fell inside the pool.

As Deva slowly descended towards the bottom, her body convulsed in pure ecstasy and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

In the pool of lust and pleasure Deva couldn't swim towards the surface as the chains restricted her and made so that she wouldn't do any large movements.

Without even noticing that her gag was removed, Deva was kissed by a pair of lips and then oxygen was given to her to avoid that she drowns from her owns liquids and from the aphrodisiacs.

But Deva barely noticed that four pair of lips took turns to give her oxygen as both her body and mind was blessed by myriad of heavenly sensations.

The five bodies seemed to form a single creature with Deva at the centre and the other four surrounding her and playing with her body.

The limbs of the women went to further restrain Deva or just ravish her.

By doing all this Velena, Ira, Theresa, Edea and Era thought that Deva's mind and body would be 'marked' again and all traces of Arin's 'marks' would disappear.

A sick kind of thinking if we think about it.

A normal person would straight up fear for its life or just run away but Deva accepted it with a smile and even said that she would 'play' as an unfortunate victim, further arousing the five with Deva being able to do any kind of 'roleplay'

A sadistic cold bitch? She can do that and everyone would be happy to be insulted and hit by her.

A submissive kitten? She can do that and everyone would be happy to humiliate and degrade her.

A tough and rebellious brat? She can do that and everyone would be happy to teach a lesson.

A refined and cool lady? She can do that and everyone would be happy to transform her to a bitch.

An innocent and pure maiden? She can do that and everyone would be happy to corrupt her.

Expressing any kind of expressions and seemingly-real emotions? She can do that and stimulate the five even more.

However as this haven of lust and love was inside in its own world, Vilinielle was being attacked by three sides, one from the demons, one from the humans and the other from inside.


