Chapter 118 Yay! Breakfast

As six women constantly reached the heavens in a secluded place where time didn't matter, in another place of Intris there was only chaos and a plethora of bodies being constantly trampled upon reduced to dust, taken and sold or just eaten by animals.

The appearance of a group of divinities alerted the entire population of Intris. Most, heard the news by rumors, voices that echoed in the alleys and in the insides of inns and pubs until they became so loud that the authorities couldn't ignore those rumors and started to investigate.

At first rulers, nobles and soldiers were doubtful of such rumors as they neared the location. For Intris, gods haven't been seen for thousands of years nor left traces of their existence. Even if they weren't gods, an invisible balance between the races was being threatened with the appearance of such individuals if their strenght in the rumors showed to be true.

The rumors were already sneaking in the minds of the populace, more so towards the authorities. And then a certain Saintess was defeated and reported more or less what the rumors stated towards these unknown individuals.

-I heard that Saintess have been defeated.

-Yes yes, only gods can defeat such a powerful person.

-Really? Gods? Do they really exist?

-I heard that some of them have a halo in their heads or that they release a divine aura...I don't think that angels can do that...


The murmurs filled the streets and cities.

People constantly talked about this topic.

But that was it.

Rumors remained rumors and people would talk about it for a period of time and then go towards the next topic.

That's it until baseless rumors became true.

Adventures looking for fame, bards for materials for their songs or commoners unknowingly stepping too close in that location started to disappear or the few that returned told everyone that they were attacked by powerful individuals.

All shared a common thing, and that is that the beautiful ones would be taken and the ugly ones outright killed.

More and more small parties started to get interested and disappeared.


That is what most people would deduce, but could bandits even defeat the Saintess and her army?

The probability was low so people started to believe more and more.

It became a hot topic.

Investigations were requested, whether commoner or noble, everyone wanted to see if the rumors were true or not but most remained in their seats and talked and talked cowardly waiting for someone to step up, disappear and then they would continue to gossip.

-I heard that the nobles sent a small party of soldiers to investigate.

-That's already old! Only two returned, the ugliest ones and reported the same things most adventurers reported.

-Really? Then what are they doing? Shouldn't they send more troops?

People became spectators and waited for the show to continue.

Like in a book, the pace was then swifted.

The same Saintess attacked again and most surprising with the demons. A joint attack of humans and demons!

What was happening?

The Demon Queen and the Saintess cooperated together!

Despite such thing they didn't win but managed to remain in their feet and continue to relentlessly attack.

Everyone would have remained in their seats and eagerly wait for the news to arrive.

That was until people related to influential individuals disappeared.

The daughter of a noble dwarf.

The wife of an elven earl.

The lord of a land.

The brother of a queen.

Some influencial and powerful elves, angels, fairies and dwarves started to join with the two.

History was being made and that was just for the two to reclaim what they owned: A certain raven-haired woman.

"*yawn* I-I can't feel nothing..." Deva grumbled as she was unable to move.

Her body was restrained by her wives who were deeply sleeping and clutching her body.

Despite her body was aching, her mind remained clear as water and watched in the back of her mind the perspective of Lucia and Vilinielle.

Slowly but surely the forces of Vilinielle were being weakened by the constant onslaught of everyone.

Despite the heavy losses, the danger of Vilinielle's forces was too much for everyone and threatened their safety.

Core did everything in her place. Spreading rumors, making so that relatives of important characters would be related to Vilinielle and most importantly pushing Lucia and Arin to their craving towards Deva.

It was extremely easy towards both women as a drone would enter in their chambers and whisper in theirs ears every night influencing both their minds and dreams.

"The orc is...eating as usual..." Deva sighed as the others shifted and slowly woke up.

" aren't going anywhere anytime soon, right?" Edea asked.

"Mm? No since I can leave the matter of Vilinielle to everyone in Intris."

"Does that mean that we now can have you for ourselves without fearing that you might run off with some business?"

Ira tightened her grip on Deva, despite the five woke up they didn't let go of Deva a single moment.

"Mm!That's right!You have me for yourselves and can do anything you want!" She teased as she knew that no one of them wanted to indulge in their lust atleast for today.

"Then let's go visit mother and father! A lot of time passed since I didn't see them!" Theresa enthusiasthically said with her long ears moving up and down and her eyes sparkling.

"Oh! You want to visit your little brother, right?" Velena interjected.

"Umu! Courtney is pregnant and is soon to deliver the baby!" Theresa sighed in envy along with the others.

While they felt envious, they still didn't want children as they wanted to enjoy the entirely of their time with Deva and Deva felt the same.

"Soo...what's for breakfast?" Velena asked as she prepared herself to cook.

"Eggs!" Theresa raised her hand

"Rice and sausages!" Deva shouted

" Just some carrots should be fine." Edea

"You girls are so helpless..."

"Muu...My stomach has only eaten aphrodisiacs and liquids...I want food!"

"Fine enough. Wait for me!I'm helping!"

"Since we two are cooking for breakfast, you'll be cooking for lunch and dinner."


While everyone were enthusiasthically preparing and waiting for a 'healthy' and heavy breakfast, in the frontline against Vilinielle the soldiers' rations were quickly depleting and struggled to even sleep as blasts of magic occasionally resounded in the backround.


